Wednesday, September 30, 2009

E Pluribus Bang ( In Guns We Trust )

Ah a subject very near & dear to me. I love guns, I love the history, the great men associated with firearms design, Iconic names like Gatling, Maxim, Colt, Stoner, Thompson and saving the best for last Browning. John Moses Browning designed some of the greatest guns ever made, The .50 Browning Machine gun a.k.a the Ma Deuce, The Browning Automatic Rifle which was loved by US Troops in WWII and gangsters in the years before the war. And the best handgun EVER made, the 1911 .45 cal. pistol. Now a hundred yrs old and still the same basic design, a few more bells & whistles but the 1911 I carry is no different than the one Browning designed in 1906. Everything about firearms has fascinated me since my youth. Now a days kids cant even play with a cap gun unless it's bright pink, shoots rainbows and has a picture of a fuzzy bunny or some crap on it. This is a big part of the wimpifacation ( yes its a word because I say it is ) of the USA.

Gun Culture
You may ask how this could possibly be on the subject of the 2nd Revolution in which we are currently fighting, well it's simple, Guns are a HUGE part of this nations heritage, it's a part the leftist are out to steal from you. How many of you grew up watching movies where the hero
gunned down the bad guy and saved the day? All of us did. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Lee Marvin, Jimmy Stewart made some of the greatest westerns ever made. They chose to fight when it was the only option, they carried guns for defense of themselves and the general populous, defenders of the faith. The Lone Ranger, Brett Maverick, Roy Rogers all on TV every weekend, righting the wrongs and punishing evil, all with their trusty revolvers. One of the best westerns ever made is Quigley Down Under starring Tom Seleck, who by the way is a great friend of the 2nd admendment. There have been other action stars, Bruce Willis, Arnie, Mel Gibson in recent years, but most were just in it for the money, their policital views usually go against the characters they play, on screen they are rough & tough cops, shooting up the town and saving the day , while off screen they speak out against your 2A rights. All about the money.

Media Propaganda
In these topsy turvy times we are in now the gun has been vilified by the mainstream media. The gun, a simple object devoid of life, it has no soul or conscious, it is only a tool. The true evil is in the heart of the user. Yet every news report you here is about the gun. the MSM also plays the nomenclature game. A few years back there was a shooting at a high school basketball game here in K.C., the weapons used were very small caliber handguns, one a .32 acp pistol. These weapons are deadly for sure but, they are small, very limited range and very limited power, yet the news report on TV called these "Assault Weapons" which instantly puts the image of AK47's or M16's into the minds of the viewers. This is done clearly to demonize these weapons, then when congress or a president drags out some bill banning "assault weapons", the public jumps on board. As a whole the general public is ignorant to firearms. Terms like machine gun, assault rifle
automatic pistol are used by the media to play on this ignorance and scare people. I'm not saying the public is stupid, ignorant means they have not been properly instructed on firearms, the use of, the terminology etc.. This is a huge problem that did not exist in the past, the "Gun Culture" as the MSM calls it WAS the culture of a nation not so long ago, and it needs to be again.

How things change
In the colonial days, before America was America, puritan men were required to bring their
firearms with them everywhere...even church, twice a week. These laws stayed in affect in some places into the post civil war era. If a man was found to not have his musket, sufficient powder, ball or wad....a fine was imposed. In the earliest days of America, all households were required to keep a firearm, and to respond to an invasion and defend the homeland. Now a days the govt.
wants the citizens to be completely unarmed. Sure things are different now, we have a standing army, we have police forces and national guard......are any of these defense forces in your home every night? Are they in the car with you every minute of the day? Are they in the mall at every turn to defend you from harm? NO NO NO NO NO! This is why we as Americans cling to the 2nd Amendment. It was a right the forefathers knew was important no matter how the country changed. Every American has the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, well there are bad people in the world who wish to take my life and liberty....they way to stop them is with the privately owned firearm.

Those who fail to learn from History...Are Doomed to Repeat It
Never have truer words been spoken. An Armed man is a Unarmed man is a subject. Our forefathers knew this, and our govt. knows it now. Lets take a look at gun control thru history:
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were
rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

These are just a few examples of what happens when the Govt. strips a god given right of self defense from the people. When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. You need only look at the present, Australia and the U.K, crime is off the chart after those countries put into place outright bans on citizens owning any firearms. The British police now carry guns, for the first time since the early 1800's. Citizens basically cocoon in their homes at night, afraid to even peer out the door. A glimpse of your neighborhood in just a few short years.

Of Sheepdogs, Sheeple and Wolves
I was asked once why I carry a gun, which I do every day...legally of course thanks to the Kansas Family Protection Act, I responded to the question with the answer, " Because a cop is too heavy". The police, god bless em', are spread too thin due to budget cuts and rising call rates, they just cant be everywhere but, my sidearm can. Hundreds of thousands, maybe even up to millions of Americans now legally open or conceal carry a firearm every day. They choose to take their own safety, and the safety of those around them into their own hands. They are sheepdogs in a sea of wolves. In my county alone there are 5000+ who carry on legal permits, That's 1 in 12 people have a gun on em in public, allot of people get uneasy with that thought, I get a slightly
safer sense. These are honest, law abiding citizens with the training the law requires, they know the rules of if and when they should draw or fire their weapons. There are mad men walking the streets of your town right now, they maybe terrorist, they maybe thugs, they maybe rapist or pedophiles looking to nab your kid, no matter what they are, they ARE out there and they are banking on the fact that you are unarmed and unable to stop them.

Armed society is polite society
That's what they....and it's true! In the old west, and the 1800's in general, citizens walked freely with sidearm and rifle in plain view, everyone knew ya had a gun and that ya probably knew how to use it. Only a fool would attempt to rob ya or try to harm your family. Were there still fools that tried, sure...and most paid dearly. The gunfights at noon in the street are myths
dreamed up by movie producers and early authors. It makes for great reading but, it never happened. there are only 2 known actual gunfights of historical fact where the two sides squared
off against each other, one is the famous OK Coral, the other happening in New Mexico. When the legal carrying of guns crept back into America in the late 1980's, the public pissed their pants, loud arguments about high noon show downs and people carrying machine guns into football games were heard from coast to coast. Well to date....only 1 crime has been committed by someone holding a carry permit, and this was a case where the sheriff had given a permit to a man with a history of mental illness and should have never gotten the permit. That's hundreds of thousands of legal guns on the hips of citizens every day...yet no show downs, no crimes, yet the media refuses to report on the thousands of crimes STOPPED by citizens who carry every year. Go to Youtube and search for yourself....there are hundreds of stories that do get reported, and for every one that does get reported, there are another hundred that don't. In the
early 1990's car jacking of tourist in Florida was a national story....everyday some poor family was getting jacked, some people were killed. Florida instituted a CCW law and even allowed tourist to carry while in the state, the jacking stop almost instantly. The thugs knew they stood a good chance of taking a bullet, and as most criminals are cowards who pick their targets based on probability of victory, they stopped jacking and went back to their pathetic lives of shoplifting
and chain snatching. Florida is proof that armed society is polite society.

The Time is Now
We are at a pivotal point. Our gun rights have came under fire before, with the failed Clinton
Assault Weps Ban. This ban did not reduce crime or shootings at all, ATF and FBI stats. say the the ban reduced crime by a whopping %.08. Wow...was it worth the millions of dollars in govt. legal fee's from the court cases? Was it worth putting small gun shops out of business? Nope, in fact it wasn't even a real ban, it was all about the cosmetics of the rifle. You could still own an AK47, just not one with a pistol grip and flash hider...oh you could you have one or the other but not both. the ban did NOTHING to change the function or availability of the rifles. Clinton was an idiot. Bush let the ban sunset during his presidency and things got better with our 2A rights, The Heller case finally got a straight answer out of the supreme court, SCOTUS ruled that the 2A IS an Individual Right. Now with Obama in the White House, and his new appointee to the SCOTUS, our rights are more in danger than ever. With a commie and true socialist Czars running the administration, it's only a matter of time before an all out ban on firearms is coming.

In Closing
If you own a gun, great, buy another! If ya don't own a gun, buy one! If you shoot, take a friend or loved one who doesn't, teach em, teach em the history, teach em the why of the gun.
Teach em to defend themselves. Since the election results came in and the days since the inauguration...gun sales are thru the roof. Even people who swore they would NEVER own firearms are now buying them in droves. Allot of bad things loom on the horizon, terror threats,
loss of basic services, riots, civil unrest, natural disaster are just a few of the reasons to be prepared. Water food medical supplies blankets batteries tools etc etc etc.....all great things to store....they mean nothing with no way to defend them.

Good Day and God Bless America

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Press "1" for English

Hello, I forgot ¡hola!, هتاف للترحيب, 你好!, bonjour, ahoj!, הָלוֹ , Xin chào.

That's better, now it looks just like a government form. I'm sure I left off about 160 other languages but it's close enough. This is a problem that really pisses me off to no end, we as a nation have gotten to the point of giving up our nationality to please others and it must stop.

You pull up to the ATM for some cash, your greeted by at least English & Spanish, and some who have the voice that speaks greets you in up to 7 languages, 7! It has gotten out of hand over the past years and now no matter where you go, EVERYTHING is in English & Spanish. Home Depot, 7-11, every Govt. office, public schools, QuikTrip ( for those of you in the Midwest )
and banks, all cater too and therefore send the message that it is o.k. to not assimilate to living in the USA. It's time for congress to put an end to this menace by making ENGLISH the OFFICIAL language of the U.S.A!

Right about now your sitting their calling me a xenophobe or a bigot.....not true. I am a descendant of immigrants. Irish, Dutch, German, All who came to America to live the dream, all who came wanting to BE Americans. They learned the language, they came in the legal way and lived by American laws, adopted ( and help create ) American customs. They came here to the states looking for a better life and found one, and when called upon they defended her with their blood and their lives. This is the way the melting pot worked, not so any more.

Now peoples from all over the world take advantage of our open borders by entering the US illegally. Not only do these peoples come here thru illegal means but, once here they refuse to
learn even a basic amount of English to function in society, instead once here they begin to drain our economy, commit crimes and abuse the public systems. All the while they do not pay taxes
and thus drain the Govt. even further. Somehow they receive Govt. benefits, welfare, wic, even
disability and social security, all while not paying a dime in income taxes.......W.T.F??????

I can understand immigrants wanting to retain their heritage, I really do. If ya want to practice customs from your homeland in your home that's fine, as long as it is not illegal you have that freedom here. Religion, not a problem, the founders of the original colonies came here from Europe for many reasons, Religious freedom was one, so not a problem. Even to the point of cities celebrating Chinese New Year, St. Patrick Day parades and yes, even Kwanzaa, which isn't a real holiday or tradition, it's made up bullshit by some college professor, These have become part of America because America was born and built by immigrants from all over the world. With all that said there is a line and far too many cross it.

Because America is open to the world and many come here for the better life, we do bend a little in customs/traditions dept. But as with all things, people take advantage and get greedy.
We have gotten to the point in this country where the American flag cannot fly over certain school districts in California, unless they also fly the flag of Mexico, Honduras, Ecuador, Burma, China, UAE, Viet Nam, Laos, etc etc etc etc etc. So the district decided NO flag is better than all.
Well I call bullshit. My, your, OUR fathers, grandfathers and forefathers did NOT fight and die
for that flag just to have it taken down because it offends some damn border jumper, or because someone immigrated from a Muslim country and hates the sight of the stars and bars. No they fought and died so that the flag would ALWAYS fly freely. In Florida, firefighters cannot fly the flag from their Fire engines, once again it was a immigrant from Muslim country that complained to the city. Now you even have a Czar put in place by Obama who thinks that Sharia law should be allowed in cities with high Muslim populations. Again, W.T.F??????

So, if this comes to pass and Sharia Law was allowed, the followers of this can command their women to stay behind them, can beat them and yes kill them, all while being within the law? And you know it wont stop there, they will find it offensive that American women are wearing shorts, or jeans or a bikini, so they will call and cry and threaten to sue the city, before ya know it, this will be the question you ask your 16 yr. old daughter some day:

"Honey, what color of prom berka do you wanna wear? How about something light to show off your pretty blue eyes!"

When we as a nation sit by and allow these people to function in our society by printing signs in every language known to man, by calling a school Christmas play a "holiday festival", by keeping the stars and stripes from flying over schools and in the classrooms, we are surrendering America. We are telling every country in the world to come take a piece, piss all over our values, traditions and morals. Come to America and raise your kids to disrespect the same country that has given them a better education than they would have ever gotten in whatever third world hellhole you left. Don't teach em English, no need, we will bend over backwards to placate you. Whats that sir? you need a drivers license test with Egyptian hieroglyphic writing? No Problem I got one in the back. Yet again, W.T.F?????

It comes down to this, we need to seal our borders air tight! For our security both from terrorist and illegal immigrants. Both come here to do nothing but harm America. Neither
has good intentions and neither should be allowed to step one foot across our border. Anyone caught breaching our borders should be arrested, detained in a camp and ID'd. Photo's, finger prints and DNA sample. Anyone caught re-offending should be jailed and put into a prison chain gang.....we don't need to pay some govt. worker $20/hour to trim weeds and pick up trash on interstates, we would have enough workers from the border to keep America beautiful for a long time! We need to Militarize our borders, squash anything that comes across, drug smugglers, terrorist anything!

Write your congressman, demand that English be made the OFFICIAL language of the USA, let them know you will vote their ass's out in 2010 in they don't start working for YOU, the American tax payer, a.k.a THEIR BOSS. Write letters to stores and let them know the dual language signs have to go. Write the schools and let them know that Christmas is back and happy holidays are gone! It is time for all this Political Correct crap to go! Our kids deserve to grow up in America, not the bastardized, watered down, wimpified version we have now.
It's up to you...If you want don't your son asking out girls in Swahili, or if ya don't want your daughter wearing a berka to prom, then sound off now!

Fly a flag over your house! Put up a sign that says Merry CHRISTMAS, write to the stores that refuse to use the word Christmas...If you wanna live in America, then be an American, if any of these American traditions or customs or laws or even our language offends you........then GET THE HELL OUT!

Good Day and God Bless America!

Monday, September 28, 2009

First Post

First Post
Well hello. I'm Rick. I am an American. I love to say that because it means something to me. Pride, a sense of brotherhood and security in knowing I have the best military in the world protecting me and my family while we enjoy the freedoms afforded us, that's what being American means. Sounds corny right? Well maybe it is, maybe the apple pie and mom has gone out of America or is lost on the newer generations but, to me it's what I was raised on and what I want for my kids.

I am 36, married to a wonderful woman, have two of the most gorgeous kids you will ever see, daughter is 5 and son is 3. I'm a simple man, a school custodian. Not the best job in the world but, not the worst. In my youth I was a working musician, sign to a dinky record label and had dreams of the big time. Never happened but was allot of fun. Traveling around, playing thrash metal, allot of drinking and joking with friends, good times in my 20's! Now a days I sit and play the ol' acoustic on the porch, play the kids songs they like, they like the Beatles and Stevie Ray Vaughn mostly. Not a bad life even if we ain't rich, and don't live in a Malibu mansion, we have each other and a roof over our heads, everything else is secondary if ya ask me.

So what does all this have to do with America and the second revolution as the title suggest?Well, everything. Americans are fed up with our freedoms and our way of life being pissed on by a bunch of liberal nut jobs hell bent on destroying what America was, the greatest nation on the planet. I used to update my Face book once a day or so and would put a small rant on my wall about America, the people on my friends list would laugh, or make comments like, " You should have your own blog" and " I'm sure the goverment wouldn't like what your saying". That in a nutshell is the problem. Fear of our own Govt.? Why should any of us fear what we control? The govt. is run by us, " We the People ". I don't fear any govt. reprisal for anything I say, I have the RIGHT to say it. The 1st. Amendment says I have the right. I don't like Obama, I didn't vote for the bastard and I hate everything he has to say.....Are the storm troopers coming through the door for me saying that? No. You don't have to be afraid to speak your mind.

Revolutions are not always firefights in the streets. Many a revolution has been fought with only words, nothing more than out spoken people who want to right the wrongs of a dictator or tyrant. Simple words are more powerful than any bullet or missile ever could be. Words ended the communist reign in the Soviet Union, Reagan said, " Tear Down that Wall ", without a shot fire the cold war ended. A united Germany was realized with only 4 words. Three words have kept this nation free, kept us strong for well over 200 years, WE THE PEOPLE.

The second revolution has begun, take a look around, the town halls are explosive, the 9/12 project was a HUGE success with almost 2 million, that's MILLION Americans who traveled to D.C. to say, " We have had enough!". Spending is out of control, unemployment is rising daily, we are in debt up to our asses and only getting deeper. My, our great great grandchildren will be paying off these debt's if we don't stop it now. The Porkulous, Cap & Trade, Tire tariffs etc etc etc it goes on and on how we are sinking. Stand up and say we have had enough! Don't be afraid, speak your mind, your congress people work FOR you. Let them know that come 2010 you will speak your mind at the polls and the gravy train will run right off the tracks if they don't start working for the people and stop lining their pockets with your blood & sweat.

As I close my first post, think about what America is to you. Think about what you want for your kids, grand kids and future generations. Do you want Freedom & Liberty to be out dated concepts taught in a history class, or do you want Freedom & Liberty to be something for the future generations to experience and love as we have? It's up to all of us to decide and act.

Go out and love America, If your at an event and the National Anthem is played, sing your ass off! Find a military vet or current service person and tell them thank you for guarding our sweet liberty!

Good Day and God Bless America