Hello, wait....um I forgot ¡hola!, هتاف للترحيب, 你好!, bonjour, ahoj!, הָלוֹ , Xin chào.
That's better, now it looks just like a government form. I'm sure I left off about 160 other languages but it's close enough. This is a problem that really pisses me off to no end, we as a nation have gotten to the point of giving up our nationality to please others and it must stop.
You pull up to the ATM for some cash, your greeted by at least English & Spanish, and some who have the voice that speaks greets you in up to 7 languages, 7! It has gotten out of hand over the past years and now no matter where you go, EVERYTHING is in English & Spanish. Home Depot, 7-11, every Govt. office, public schools, QuikTrip ( for those of you in the Midwest )
and banks, all cater too and therefore send the message that it is o.k. to not assimilate to living in the USA. It's time for congress to put an end to this menace by making ENGLISH the OFFICIAL language of the U.S.A!
Right about now your sitting their calling me a xenophobe or a bigot.....not true. I am a descendant of immigrants. Irish, Dutch, German, All who came to America to live the dream, all who came wanting to BE Americans. They learned the language, they came in the legal way and lived by American laws, adopted ( and help create ) American customs. They came here to the states looking for a better life and found one, and when called upon they defended her with their blood and their lives. This is the way the melting pot worked, not so any more.
Now peoples from all over the world take advantage of our open borders by entering the US illegally. Not only do these peoples come here thru illegal means but, once here they refuse to
learn even a basic amount of English to function in society, instead once here they begin to drain our economy, commit crimes and abuse the public systems. All the while they do not pay taxes
and thus drain the Govt. even further. Somehow they receive Govt. benefits, welfare, wic, even
disability and social security, all while not paying a dime in income taxes.......W.T.F??????
I can understand immigrants wanting to retain their heritage, I really do. If ya want to practice customs from your homeland in your home that's fine, as long as it is not illegal you have that freedom here. Religion, not a problem, the founders of the original colonies came here from Europe for many reasons, Religious freedom was one, so not a problem. Even to the point of cities celebrating Chinese New Year, St. Patrick Day parades and yes, even Kwanzaa, which isn't a real holiday or tradition, it's made up bullshit by some college professor, These have become part of America because America was born and built by immigrants from all over the world. With all that said there is a line and far too many cross it.
Because America is open to the world and many come here for the better life, we do bend a little in customs/traditions dept. But as with all things, people take advantage and get greedy.
We have gotten to the point in this country where the American flag cannot fly over certain school districts in California, unless they also fly the flag of Mexico, Honduras, Ecuador, Burma, China, UAE, Viet Nam, Laos, etc etc etc etc etc. So the district decided NO flag is better than all.
Well I call bullshit. My, your, OUR fathers, grandfathers and forefathers did NOT fight and die
for that flag just to have it taken down because it offends some damn border jumper, or because someone immigrated from a Muslim country and hates the sight of the stars and bars. No they fought and died so that the flag would ALWAYS fly freely. In Florida, firefighters cannot fly the flag from their Fire engines, once again it was a immigrant from Muslim country that complained to the city. Now you even have a Czar put in place by Obama who thinks that Sharia law should be allowed in cities with high Muslim populations. Again, W.T.F??????
So, if this comes to pass and Sharia Law was allowed, the followers of this can command their women to stay behind them, can beat them and yes kill them, all while being within the law? And you know it wont stop there, they will find it offensive that American women are wearing shorts, or jeans or a bikini, so they will call and cry and threaten to sue the city, before ya know it, this will be the question you ask your 16 yr. old daughter some day:
"Honey, what color of prom berka do you wanna wear? How about something light to show off your pretty blue eyes!"
When we as a nation sit by and allow these people to function in our society by printing signs in every language known to man, by calling a school Christmas play a "holiday festival", by keeping the stars and stripes from flying over schools and in the classrooms, we are surrendering America. We are telling every country in the world to come take a piece, piss all over our values, traditions and morals. Come to America and raise your kids to disrespect the same country that has given them a better education than they would have ever gotten in whatever third world hellhole you left. Don't teach em English, no need, we will bend over backwards to placate you. Whats that sir? you need a drivers license test with Egyptian hieroglyphic writing? No Problem I got one in the back. Yet again, W.T.F?????
It comes down to this, we need to seal our borders air tight! For our security both from terrorist and illegal immigrants. Both come here to do nothing but harm America. Neither
has good intentions and neither should be allowed to step one foot across our border. Anyone caught breaching our borders should be arrested, detained in a camp and ID'd. Photo's, finger prints and DNA sample. Anyone caught re-offending should be jailed and put into a prison chain gang.....we don't need to pay some govt. worker $20/hour to trim weeds and pick up trash on interstates, we would have enough workers from the border to keep America beautiful for a long time! We need to Militarize our borders, squash anything that comes across, drug smugglers, terrorist anything!
Write your congressman, demand that English be made the OFFICIAL language of the USA, let them know you will vote their ass's out in 2010 in they don't start working for YOU, the American tax payer, a.k.a THEIR BOSS. Write letters to stores and let them know the dual language signs have to go. Write the schools and let them know that Christmas is back and happy holidays are gone! It is time for all this Political Correct crap to go! Our kids deserve to grow up in America, not the bastardized, watered down, wimpified version we have now.
It's up to you...If you want don't your son asking out girls in Swahili, or if ya don't want your daughter wearing a berka to prom, then sound off now!
Fly a flag over your house! Put up a sign that says Merry CHRISTMAS, write to the stores that refuse to use the word Christmas...If you wanna live in America, then be an American, if any of these American traditions or customs or laws or even our language offends you........then GET THE HELL OUT!
Good Day and God Bless America!
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