I wasn't planning on even posting today but this just pisses me off. I wrote yesterday of the Air Soft club is St. Joe, MO. The feds are all over them calling them militia and inquiring about combat readiness numbers of their troops...this is all in the name of defending America from domestic terrorist according to Big Sis...Janet Napolitano...head of..um
The report says that Tea Party attendees are just domestic radical terrorist who have not yet begun the planning stages for attacks...anyone who is Conservative, owns guns and believes in the 2nd Amendment, disagrees with waste full government spending, votes against democrats...well we are all domestic terrorist and a threat to homeland security..... Ok, you should now add radical leftist Doctors of neurobiology!
This Dr. Amy Bishop has a long history of violence. We now know that she killed her brother with a shotgun when she was 19, the cover up is blown, her mom worked for the police dept., two rounds fired from a pump shotgun is NOT an accidental shooting. She later sent a pipe bomb to a co-worker and now has killed three people, all because she was denied tenure. She has also raised four radical leftist kids...the worst of which is a third grade boy, who is soooo obsessed with Obama that he is, " Off Putting" according to news accounts.
Lets look at the score board shall we?
Violence Committed by: Left wing nut jobs Tea Party Attendees
2 0
Bishop is one, don't forget the Ft. Hood shooter, major left wing Islamic nut job.
Lets not forget all the eco leftist nuts who have bombed, shot and burned people, all in the name of the enviorment, maybe we should look at Al Gore a little closer?
Yet all these armed conservatives fed up with government attending rallies numbering in the millions, not one act of violence....Hey Big Sis...maybe you should look to your left a little more, and not so much to your right??
The other thing that pissed me off today was a news report about the porkulous money. It's a dark time in America. Good people are losing their homes, kids are hungry and without proper coats in a harsher than normal winter, and yet Obama and his flunkies have spent OUR money how?:
Federal agencies are spending stimulus money at the rate of $196 million an hour. And they will do so every hour for the next eight months until a September 30, 2010, deadline.
- $233,000 to the University of California at San Diego to study why Africans vote. Jobs created: 12, but seven of those are Africans in Africa
- In Nevada, $2 million in stimulus money built a new fire station, but because of budget cuts, the county can't afford to hire firefighters to work there
- Penn State University got $1.5 million to study plant fossils in Argentina. Of 5 jobs created, 2 belong to Argentines
- Researchers the State University of New York at Buffalo got $389,000 to pay 100 Buffalonians $45 each to record how much malt liquor they drink -- and how much pot smoke each day. Consumption is then reported via an automated phone hot line. Cost per job: almost $200,000
- $5 billion to weatherize homes. But one Texas county spent $4 million to weatherize just 47 homes. That's $78,000 per house. Each retrofit is supposed to save homeowners $500 a year in energy costs. That means taxpayers will recoup their investment in 156 years, long after the home is probably torn down.
- Two Arizona universities got almost $1 million dollars so 3 grad students can study how ants work. That's more than $300,000 per job.
- Companies that raise tropical fish, shellfish, catfish, alligators and even turtles qualify for $50 million in tax money to buy fish food
- North Carolina public schools received $4.4 million to hire math and literacy coaches, not for students, but teachers. That's 64 people paid $70,000 each to teach teachers how to teach reading and math
- Napa Valley Wine Train. The county received $54 million to build a railroad bridge, relocate a half-mile of track and build a flood wall to protect a wine train passenger station. The no-bid contract went to a minority-owned business operated by an Eskimo tribe outside Anchorage
- $6 million in stimulus money to a California contractor under federal investigation for overcharging San Diego for cleanup after the 2007 wildfires
- A Denver developer received $13 million in tax credits to help build a senior housing complex despite being sued as a slumlord for running decrepit, rodent-infested apartment buildings in San Francisco
- Kentucky gave $24 million to a contractor on trial on for bribery
- An aerospace company received $15 million to monitor water quality in a Ventura County creek it was already fined for polluting.
source:Fox News
That's just the tip of the iceberg too...Hundreds of thousands for the turtle tunnel in FL..Moose in Montana getting a million for a highway bridge they wont use....$300,000 to study the sex lives of female college freshman....
Hey Kids...wanna be president someday? Here's the things you must do:
- Be born in another country
- Falsify your birth records
- pass executive order to cover it up and hide birth records
- exploit labor thugs and radical left wing groups for muscle
- lie cheat and steal to get elected
- once in pass bogus stimulus package to pay back those who got you in
Ah it's that simple....no more hard work...gone are the days of serving the public....just cozy up to terrorist, criminals, thugs and dictators...watch the votes roll in.
Good Day and God Bless America