Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010- year of the people

I'm back! Computer problems fixed....should be posting at least once a week now.

A lot has happened since November, my last post. An independent Conservative wins in Mass! Health care reform is now on life support...maybe Al Messiah's death panel should vote to pull the plug! Christmas day bomber, KSM trial, more idiot liberals opening their mouths....lots going on.

National Pride on Display

Ah the winter Olympics are back. Canada is a great country, they put on a great opening ceremony. It's nice to have our athletes competing in the safety of an allied country. I, like most Americans, am a sucker for the Olympics. Great

sportsmanship, thrilling contest, and watching people compete for nothing more than pride in their nation. What a great spectacle to behold. No matter the which country wins, the look on the face of the gold medalist while their national anthem is played is great. The tears in the eyes, the softly singing under their breath of the words to the anthem, it's a joy to watch. For me, being an American, there is nothing finer than to see an American win a gold, to hear the Star Spangled Banner, the stars & stripes raised above all others, breath taking! I also like the fact that to the ears of the Chi-Coms and Iranians, our anthem is blood curdling! Go Team USA!

Flapping Heads

Yeppers, Liberal media still at it. Well all except for Air America....bankrupt...what a shock ( sarcasm for those of you who couldn't tell). AA had like 5 people listening at their peak. If Americans want to hear America bashing, lie spewing, brainwashed idiots speak, they can simply tune into CNN or MSNBC. Idiots like Keith Olbermann, who now has like 10 viewers.

Olbermann is on the racist rant again. Anyone who attends a tea party is now a racist. Wow...really? According to Olbermann the whole Tea Party movement is built on racism. Olbermann says that at these rallies you never see blacks, Asians, Hispanics or gays. Ok first off....Keith....how do you spot the gay people in the crowd? Secondly, if you recall the hub bub about the man attending a rally in Arizona while carrying a pistol and an AR-15 rifle? HE WAS BLACK!

Oh yeah Keith....if all us Conservatives are so damn racist.....then why is Michael Steele the RNC chairman???? ( for those of you who don't know who Michael Steele is...here's a pic)

This whole diversity kick that some people are on because our president is black, it has to stop. Diversity training, teaching, classes, lessons etc. do nothing but divide people more than it brings them together. Growing up in the late 70's and early 80's...I went to school with the same group of kids from K-12...I didn't see them as black or Hispanic...they were my friends and we were all Americans. My wife grew up a military brat...once again...many races of kids in the schools on post....no one saw black white or brown, they all saw green. Mom & Dad were all soldiers which gave these kids, especially when on posts over seas, gave them a since of unity, no race, just American kids. This diversity crap needs to go. I don't care what color you are, as long as your American, and you stand for making this country great again, then you are my brothers and sisters, PERIOD.

What's Next

Who knows what's going to happen in the coming year. One thing is certain, change will sweep the nation, and not the crap change Al Messiah Hussein Obama promised, no no no, real change. We need to have a revolution at the ballot box! Vote em out...all of em. Start now, look at your congress people's voting record, see where they stand on important issues, if you feel they are not working in America's best interest...vote em out.

Right now democrats are bailing left and right. Scott Brown's win sent a message to D.C., it's all over for the socialist liberal movement in America. As short lived as it was, alot of damage was done. Our rights are still under attack and will continue to dwindle unless we get leadership in place that values Freedom as much as we do. We can't oust the Anointed One and his Czars until 2012 but, we can install a congress that can keep them in check until then.


Craziness Abounds

Okay...I understand we only have one planet....we need to take care of it...I get it. Do we really need to start making criminals of people for using a plastic bag? San Fransisco ( what a shock ) has banned plastic bags. It's now paper or jail? Do these idiots realize that to force paper on everyone will cause more tree's to be cut? Also it takes more energy to produce paper bags, and the whole thing is to cut semi-truck use of shipping plastic bags....well paper bags ride on trucks too! Morons. All we can hope for is all out war between the eco-nuts and the tree huggers. Sit back and watch em wipe each other out.

More craziness is the fact that Terrorist now have the same rights we do. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to mirandize a terrorist? Okay let's look at the facts: Criminals are scum but, they are scum with rights because they are American criminals. Now if you ask me criminals have too many rights in this country but that's for another post. Terrorist are murderers who ARE NOT AMERICANS.....ergo they DO NOT HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS WE DO. They chose to come to this land as a foreign national and commit acts of war....they should consider the cost if captured.....DEATH. The Crotch bomber, KSM, Gitmo detainees and the big man for the Taliban who we caught today....they should all be held as war criminals...they should all be tried by military courts and then hung...PERIOD.

At the same time we are giving terrorist all the luxury's we can....we treat Americans like war criminals. There is a club in St. Joe Missouri, an Air Soft club. Air Soft is a game where you shoot at other people with guns that look real, function as real automatic weapons do, yet they do no damage, kinda like a BB gun with less power. These guys & gals are fans of the game and gun enthusiast...All this is legal....so why is the FBI and ATF showing up to interrogate these people? These citizens were engaged in a legal activity, on private land and yet they were questioned about their "Militia", the Feds wanting to know troop strength of the militia, wanting to know about the training they receive and how many are combat ready! What a load of B.S., the crotch bomber gets a lawyer at the expense of us..the tax payers, and the tax payers get harassed by those who should be looking for more crotch bombers.


It almost seems that Al Messiah is wanting another attack....the administration seems to just not care about the real threat. I don't get it. I just know it's time for em all to go!

More next time! Look for the fan page of Americas 2ND Revolution on Facebook!

As always...Good Day and God Bless America!

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