If you stop and look around...no matter the point in time you live...you can say things look bad. I'm sure in booming eighties people thought the world was going to hell..but I think it's safe to assume we are at a major point in history. Too bad most Americans have no clue.
The middle east sits in ruins...normally I wouldn't care but, it does affect us. Gas, terrorism, travel...all things that we worry about are affected by the happenings in Egypt, Libya Iran and so on. Yet there are those among us who have no idea what's going on, hell I know people who don't where libya is. E! News, jersey shore, and fashion week are there nightly news. They, the uninformed are oblivious to the the fact that america has embarked on the same path as those in greece france and other countries, we are protesting, rioting and are on the verge of civil unrest, over government policies. States are broke, mass layoffs, pay cuts are all driving people to leave their homes and tvs behind and take to the streets and capitols....for the first time since the seventies people are up and angry, too little too late.
Only when their slice of the pie is threatened do they react, a lesson those E! watchers will learn soon enough. The mindless masses have no idea right now that their wallets will dry up soon, out of the blue they will realize things are bad and wonder why. Had they been awake from the start and paid some attention maybe they could have prepared. Five dollar gas, food shortages, riots and other dark times are about to set upon us, the zombies will take to the streets, the uninformed will seek the comfort of arming themselves only to find their gun rights gone..should have paid attention. While Obama golfed and partied on our dime, the uninformed cheered him on...while Al messiah trashed our rights, drove our economy into the ground, devided the country and unleashed his czars to rape the land, the uninformed sat....with plenty of bread and circus to appease them ...they were none the wiser.
Wake up america...your on the brink of being a citizen of the USSA...the new socialist states will be a new dictatorship ran by tyrants who rule with a mix islamic and socialist law ....you will be a work slave for the state and your daughters will be burka wearing third rate citizens....
All this happened while you watched american idol and the bachelor...
Good Day and God Bless America
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