Friday, November 6, 2009

Islam- Religion of Peace??

*I present allot of facts in this post, it is also full of my opinion*
** I call for no violence against Muslims **

I hadn't planned on posting anything today, I like to let my post sit a few days so new comers can kinda catch up on things but, after the massacre at Ft. Hood Texas, I couldn't be silent on the issue. What happened at Ft. Hood is another in the long list of terrorist attacks on Americans, by Americans....American Muslims. Too
long have has this "Religion of Peace" been shoved down our throats. Since 9/11 we as Americans have been told that Islam is not our enemy, it's just a few radical sects of Islam, or just a few guys who take Islam too far....well I ask you, is it?

More and more of these terrorist attacks are being perpetrated by Muslims who are American born, they infiltrate our Military and political halls, do they wish to educate Americans? Show us
ignorant Christians and Jews what a religion of peace is? Do they wish to help better this country by defending it? By supporting it? My opinion....NO. Lets look at some facts:

Nidal Hasan- U.S. army officer- Shoots and Kills 13-Wounds 36 more

  • Yells Allahu Akbar, an Islamic exclamation called the Takbir in Arabic which
    means "Allah is the Greatest" right before he opens fire
  • he was giving away his possessions the morning of the shooting and PASSING
  • Wrote favorable post about Suicide Bombers being honorable deaths-- A quote from Hasan's writing..."If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they
    were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory. Their
    intention is not to die because of some despair. The same can be said for
    the Kamikazees in Japan. They died (via crashing their planes into ships)
    to kill the enemies for the homeland. You can call them crazy i you want
    but their act was not one of suicide that is despised by Islam. So the
    scholars main point is that "IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOUR INTENTION IS THE
    MAIN ISSUE" and Allah knows best. "
  • Link to whole posting by Hasan-

This was an attack for Allah, plain and simple...only problem is he didn't die! Now he must face a military prison....ooops.

This is not an isolated's not just the guys in the Middle East in their little camps that are the no no, it's all around us right here in America...

  • December 2001, Richard Reid: British citizen attempted to ignite shoe
    bomb on flight from Paris to Miami
  • May 2002, Jose Padilla: American citizen accused of seeking
    radioactive-laced "dirty bomb" to use in an attack against America
  • September 2002, Lackawanna Six: American citizens of Yemeni origin
    convicted of supporting Al Qaeda after attending jihadist camp in
    Pakistan. Five of six were from Lackawanna, N.Y.
  • May 2003, Iyman Faris: American citizen charged with plotting to use
    blowtorches to collapse the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • June 2003, Virginia Jihad Network: Eleven men from Alexandria, Va.,
    trained for jihad against American soldiers, convicted of violating the
    Neutrality Act
  • August 2004, James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj: Sought to plant
    bomb at New York's Penn Station during the Republican National
  • August 2004, Yassin Aref and Mohammed Hossain: Plotted to assassinate a
    Pakistani diplomat on American soil.
  • June 2005, Father and son Umer Hayat and Hamid Hayat: Son convicted of
    attending terrorist training camp in Pakistan; father convicted of
    customs violation
  • August 2005, Kevin James, Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon
    Patterson and Hammad Riaz Samana: Los Angeles homegrown terrorists who
    plotted to attack National Guard, LAX, two synagogues and Israeli
  • December 2005, Michael Reynolds: Plotted to blow up natural gas
    refinery in Wyoming, the Transcontinental Pipeline, and a refinery in New
  • February 2006, Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi and Zand
    Wassim Mazloum: Accused of providing material support to terrorists,
    making bombs for use in Iraq
  • • April 2006, Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee: Cased and
    videotaped the Capitol and World Bank for a terrorist organization.
  • June 2006, Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor,
    Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild
    Augstine: Accused of plotting to blow up the Sears Tower
  • July 2006, Assem Hammoud: Accused of plotting to bomb New York City
    train tunnels.
  • August 2006, Liquid Explosives Plot: Thwarted plot to explode ten
    airliners over the United States.
  • March 2007, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Mastermind of Sept. 11 and author
    of numerous plots confessed in court in March 2007 to planning to destroy
    skyscrapers in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. Mohammed also plotted to
    assassinate Pope John Paul II and former President Bill Clinton
  • May 2007, Fort Dix Plot: Six men accused of plotting to attack Fort Dix
    Army base in New Jersey. The plan included attacking and killing soldiers
    using assault rifles and grenades
  • June 2007, JFK Plot: Four men are accused of plotting to blow up fuel
    arteries that run through residential neighborhoods at JFK Airport in New
  • September 2007, German authorities disrupt a terrorist cell that was
    planning attacks on military installations and facilities used by
    Americans in Germany. The Germans arrested three suspected members of the
    Islamic Jihad Union, a group that has links to Al Qaeda and supports Al
    Qaeda's global jihadist agenda.
  • Sgt. Asan Akbar of the 101st Airborne Division's 326Th Engineer Battalion kills a fellow serviceman by throwing grenades into tents at a military
    command center in Kuwait
  • Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, the 23-year-old accused of killing a U.S.
    soldier and injuring another in the attack Monday in Little Rock, was
    born in Tennessee as Carlos Leon Bledsoe. He reportedly converted to
    Islam as a teenager, and court records show he changed his name in March
  • March. 21, 2009A Jordanian national living in Chicago was taken into custody by the FBI
    Friday and was charged with mailing a threatening letter to the Ida Crown
    Jewish Academy, according to the FBI's Chicago office.
  • 2009.11.03 (Jazan, Saudi Arabia) - Islamic rebels gun down a security
    officer "with the support and assistance of Allah." 2009.11.03 (Abu Ghraib, Iraq) - Mujahid bombers wipe out a family of
    three, including a girl.
  • 2009.11.03 (Helmand, Afghanistan) - A Taliban gunmen disguised as a
    policeman suddenly opens fire at a police base, killing five British
    soldiers in cold blood.
  • 2009.11.04 (Bajaur, Pakistan) - Two female schoolteachers are brutally
    shot to death by Taliban extremists
  • 2009.11.05 (Zamboanga, Philippines) - Two people are killed when
    suspected Islamists fire into a commuter bus

That's only about half the list I have of these kind of acts. All by Muslims or Muslim converts. Religion of peace? WTF right! Why is this tolerated? Because of groups like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations )- The ACLU and others who, like the terrorist they defend, want to gut America and bring an Islamic regime to our soil. Look what the Muslims have done to Europe...taken over by breeding at outragous levels, law suits under the guise of religous freedom, gaining goverment party offices then imposing little bits of Sharia at a time to ease the transition to all out Muslim rule. Look at Belgium, France, England....all falling to the Jihadist now because of tolerence. **Please watch this short movie showing the100 year plan for birth rates, this is how you take over the world with no shots fired ( or very few )**

Why is it that in our own countries, countries that are not Muslim, do we tolerate this kind of crap? Take a look at just a few of the things we forfiet to placate less than %2 of the population:

  • CAIR as a civil rights organization like the NAACP or the American Civil
    Liberties Union (ACLU) to support the international jihad against the
  • local Muslim association won a legal battle forcing the council to pay
    for and sponsor the building of three more mosques after a court ruled
    that having 'too many' Churches was offensive to Muslims and a breach of
    their human rights which allows a person to follow their religion with
    equal footing to others. From the U.K.
  • A Muslim girl today won her battle to wear traditional "head-to-toe"
    dress in the classroom after the Court of Appeal ruled her school had
    acted unlawfully in barring her.Shabina Begum, 15, accused the head teachers and governors of Denbigh
    High School, Luton, Beds, of denying her the "right to education and to
    manifest --- Britain 2 March 2005
  • A suspected terrorist who scored a legal victory against the Government
    this week is a senior al-Qaeda operative living openly in London

It's this kind of giving in that just fuels their fire, for instance:

Chris Doyle, director of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British
Understanding, said Tuesday the red cross was an insensitive reminder of
the Crusades.
“A lot of Muslims and Arabs view the Crusades as a bloody
episode in our
history,” he told CNN. “They see those campaigns as
Christendom launching
a brutal holy war against Islam.
“Muslim or
prisoners could take umbrage if staff wore a red cross
badge. It’s
also got
associations with the far-right. Prison officers
should be seen
to be
Doyle added that it was now time for England to find a
new flag and
a patron saint who is “not associated with our bloody past and
one we can
all identify with.

Yep, the Union Jack will be no more, soon it will be the American Stars & Stripes. Michelle Obama has already called for the National Anthem to be changed, the Brits are about to lose their flag. This isn't just an off-the-wall suggestion. MP's were already debating a
symbol for the American Red Cross - maybe a diamond-shape - to remove the
disturbing vision of what might be considered a Christian Cross - which
might conjure visions of the - The Crusades., then there is this:

  • Actually no Muslim stated that there was any offense in listening to the
    Pledge of Allegiance; they didn't have to. Oregon's southwest Portland
    elementary school officials, without a single Muslim complaint, in order
    to prevent the smidgin of likelihood, a sliver of chance, a particle of
    possibility that some Muslim might perhaps potentially be slightly
    offended decided to exclude the Pledge of Allegiance from an elementary
    school's ceremony. "The Pledge contains the words, 'under God' and we
    have many Muslim families here. So out of respect for the diversity of
    religious faiths practiced by our school community (parents and families)
    we decided that this year the students would memorize and sing the
    Preamble to the Constitution. At the rehearsal on Friday they did it from
    memory and to a wonderful song. It was very joyful and unique. I think
    you, and other parents, will really appreciate the creative and new way
    to open the program." KATU news Portland OR.

Yep, that's how scared we are now, we don't even wait for the damn muslims to complain, we fear them so we placate them with out being asked. Once again...WTF happened here?

I ask you this question, answer honestley.....Can a Devout Muslim be a Loyal US Citizen? Theanswer is NO, and here is why:

  • Theologically, no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of
  • Scripturally, no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam
    and the Quran.
  • Geographically, no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns
    in prayer 5 times a day.
  • Socially, no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends
    with Christians or Jews.

With that said, is every Muslim in the U.S.A. a potetial murderer, a bomber? No, of course not. But the strictly devout Muslims are. It's that plain, when your religion calls for the death of every non muslim, well don't leave much room for tolerence does it? What happened at Ft. Hood is a hate crime! Muslims should be held accountable and charged with hate crimes just as everyone else is. All the hate crime crap that was put into the defense bill, why not one for hate crimes against christian and jew by muslim?

There is a HUGE list of things that offend Muslims in America and other Western countries, way to long to Reprint here but, you should go read it....just about everything used, eaten, read or done by Americans in daily life offends these people, so they should just leave and go back to whatever goat ranch they came from in the Mid East.

* Worth Reading*

As I close....I urge you to watch both of the videos below....showing just how the muslims are invading our country right under our noses....Think your safe here at home, ask those at FT. Hood, or those in NYC, The Pentagon and Flight 93...Or ask the residents of the several towns in the video where Islamic terrorist training camps are...right here in think these people come here for a better life? Yeah, a better life for their people, not for us, it's death or submission for us.

Good Day and God ( not Allah ) Bless America

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