Thursday, October 29, 2009

The "Nanny State"- part 2

As we went through in yesterday's post, the Obama government has busted it's collective butt to create the Nanny State. All the while building a shadow government right before our eyes. You have to see how desperate the Obama-ites are right now, trying to blast through every crap piece of legislation they can, 2012 is the end of days for this administration of Czars and a would be tyrant. Big Daddy O knows if he wants to keep his reign of socialist terror over the USA he must go beyond simple bills and legislation, soon he will have to use force, bare naked force is the only way to enslave the %85 of the U.S. that does not want Government Health Care, or big government at all, we call ourselves patriots, and like those before who fought off the British to establish this great nation, we now must face another tyrant.

It's a well known fact that Americans can only be pushed so far, we have seen the rallies and tea parties, the town halls and the marches, this is how it starts, Big O knows this and he also
knows that he must act fast to quell the growing discord of the people. So exactly how do you pull off enslavement of 300+million Americans?

  • Executive Order 11490----- Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, and the Federal Civil Defense Act

  • Violent Crime Control Act of 1991, provides additional powers to the President of the United States, allowing the suspension of the Constitution and Constitutional rights of Americans during a “drug crisis”. It provides for the construction of detention camps, seizure of property, and military control of populated areas

  • The power provided by these “laws” allows suspension of the Constitution and the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights during any civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes and allows the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of Martial Law

That's a few ways of going about it. Using little known Executive Orders, Laws passed before most people were even born and declarations of National Emergency are sure ways to whittle down the constitution and take your freedoms. The H1N1 is soooooooooo convenient to Obama right now.....yes it is deadly in some cases, yes it needs to be dealt with and treated but....why all the panic, why all the hub bub when regular influenza A kills thousands more a year? That's right, because the regular flu doesn't fit the criteria for words like "Pandemic" or "Global Health Hazard" these are the words you need to strike fear in people, once the populous is frightened enough, the nanny government can rush in to save us, but it's gonna cost! It is gonna cost you money and cost freedom.

In other post last week I went over CDC quarantine facilities and the like....but once the ol' Executive Order pen comes out, it won't be the CDC running camps, it will be FEMA, which means Homeland Security, Which means Obama's private army. First you lay the ground work, some was laid before him, like order 11490, Violence Control Acts you need a reason to make your move, this should do nicely:

  • Oct 25, 2009 ... President Barack Obama has declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency

Now you have all your ducks in a row, just gonna need some soldiers. Yeah he has the ATF, U.S. Marshalls and some others at his disposal but, for mass dis-arming, round-ups and patrols to hold onto cities and towns, gonna need ALOT of soldiers, he knows a big chunk of the U.S. Military will notgo for this, these people are their family and friends and fellow Americans, so you need others...:

  • State Defense Forces
    1956, Federal Law 32 U.S.C., Section 109, was passed by Congress. The law authorized, but did not mandate, each state to establish and maintain a State Defense Force to replace the National Guard.

Well geez, there we go. Twenty One states currently have these Defense Forces. Members of the State Defense Forces buy their own uniforms, own their own weapons. They do not receive pay, sounds like volunteerism to me, maybe membership in one of the state forces will count towards Obama's iPledge crap? Now if you read my post and saw the video of Obama a few weeks ago, you would know he has called for a National Civilian Defense Force...just to refresh your memory:

All the pieces starting to fit yet? Why would our new Nanny's tell us that guns are bad, they are a health hazard and they should be taken away, only to give them to a select few.....hmmm, that's a head scratcher. It's clear that the Obama secret police and brown shirt army are being formed if not already. It's also clear that now more than ever we are in actual danger of losing our freedoms. I have heard people my whole life tell me the same thing: "It will never happen here in the U.S.A.", Well it's happening now.

Once they have us dis-armed, paniced and afraid to leave our homes for fear of out of control crime in the streets, the brown shirts will come save us. Martial law will be put into place. Check points, curfews and energy rations, i.e no commercial power after 10 p.m. that kinda thing, keep everyone home and under control. No more Taco Bell at 1 a.m. if ya feel like it, no more McDonalds at 3 a.m. for the night shift workers. No more being able to just leave the house if you feel like it, at least without a permit ofsome sort. No the nanny's have decided that it's best to stay home and stay safe.

Want to see the nanny state is actual factual action? Go get some video of New Orleans during Katrina.....People were scared, shouting for the government to save them and them blamed the government for the whole mess and got out of control, that's when the armed soldiers and military contractors came in to lock it down as they call it. They took law biding citizens aside, illegally searched them and dis-armed them. They rounded em all up, stuck em in one hole at the Dome and "processed" them. It worked for the simple fact that the welfare state in New Orleans had created generations of people unable to help themselves, perfect fodder for a test run.

Heres a few more things to think about:

  • Many presidents have issued Executive Orders - which is not spelled out in the Constitution. These orders allow the transfer of whole populations, forced labor, take-over of the systems in the U.S. all on a perceived emergency - not necessarily a real one.

  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency has full control over the entire United States during a real or perceived crisis. It can move whole populations, take over banks, transportation, industry, ports, etc. And citizens will have no Constitutional rights

  • Social Security was created as a pension program and your SS card was not to be used for identification. Now it is used as your military service number and on every government and non-government form - illegally. Soon to be your re-location number

  • Wackenhut -A little known organization founded by former FBI agents is the largest private army in the United States, operating security in our jails, hospitals, firehouses, prisons and at nuclear facilities. Sounds like a private army is already trained and the way...their logo ontheir website...Securing Your World drips with irony.

  • Sec. 433.002. ISSUANCE OF DIRECTIVES. (a) After a state of emergency is proclaimed, the governor may issue reasonable directives calculated to control effectively and terminate the emergency and protect life and property. Before a directive takes effect, reasonable notice must be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected area, through television or radio serving the affected area, or by circulating notices or posting signs at conspicuous places in the affected area.
    (b) The directive may provide for:
    (1) control of public and private transportation in the affected area;
    (2) designation of specific zones in the affected area in which, if necessary, the use and occupancy of buildings and vehicles may be controlled;
    (3) control of the movement of persons;
    (4) control of places of amusement or assembly;
    (5) establishment of curfews;
    (6) control of the sale, transportation, and use of alcoholic beverages, weapons, and ammunition, except as provided by Section 433.0045; and
    (7) control of the storage, use, and transportation of explosives or flammable materials considered dangerous to public safety.

Pay strict attention to #'s 3,4,5,6 and 7....We are right now in a state of national emergency, this could go into affect anytime Obama wants it too. He can limit your movement,your right to assemble would be gone, tell you when you can leave the house, also restrict your access to firearms and ammunition and number 7 restricts the sale of flammible materials .....GASOLINE

See how easy it is, since some people got swine flu....the government can stop the sale of gas and weapons and place you under house arrest.

Before anyone calls me crazy or a conspiracy nut etc., these are all facts and this is happening right now....turn off American Idol or Dancing with the Stars...put down leftist Newspapers and turn off CNN, search for real truth....Don't be afraid of the truth, use the fear to spark your determination to help stop it. Get involved, vote....go to a rally or tea party....Let all those who challenge your liberty know you will not go gently into that good night, you, I, we, America will rage at the flickering flame.

Good Day and God Bless America

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The "Nanny State"- part 1

Thanx to all for reading, due to my work schedule I have not posted in a week, allot has happened since then so, this is gonna get long and deep. Here we go:

Moment of Clarity:

There is so much crap flying around us now that it is total clutter. All by design I might add. It's not happenstance when things get hot for Obama that something else happens to draw us between Dems...and now between GOP Old guard Republicans and real Conservatives....Balloon Boy scandal....etc etc etc...these are all things to draw attention away from the truth. We all need to disconnect for a while....look around at the real news, seldom heard lil tidbits mixed in with your entertainment and standard flapping head news of the day, if you look past the will see the choke chain being put around your throat right now.

For instance, the whole Rush Limbaugh NFL mess.....what a great way of distracting conservatives! A self hating Jew named George Soros, a multi-billionaire who pedals political influence in many countries around the world, and who at 15 was a capo for the Nazi's and sent his own people to the death camps, is allowed to be an owner in the NFL, but not Rush? Then Al Sharpton got his big f*cking mouth into the fight calling Rush a racist, when Sharpton incitied riots in the 80's and directly cause the death of a Jewish kid jogging through the park....these are the people's opinions that matter? See, gets the blood boiling and draws you away from the real events that need attention. Blow the cobwebs of deciet away from your eyes. There's an old saying," The best place to hide is in plain sight", well that's where Obama and his legion of Czars is hiding their plans to control your every move!

Scareface said it best:

First you get the money, then you get the power. OK so I'm paraphrasing but, he was right. Obama & his cronies have already gotten the money. Major banks are now under government control, G20 countries will soon decide how much we Americans make on our paychecks! That's right, a bunch of Eurotrash will tell you what your has already happened and will only spread! From the Washington Post:

  • The Federal Reserve joined the Treasury Department on Thursday in imposing new limits on executive pay, extending the government's control over compensation at taxpayer-owned companies to institutions that are merely government regulated.
  • The actions Thursday put the United States more in line with European governments.
  • "I've always believed that our system of free enterprise works best when it rewards hard work," Obama said at the White House on Thursday.

Ya right, WE work so HE can get the reward.....remind you of the USSR maybe, no wait, Germany circa 1936, no wait I'm wrong, I was thinking of China circa 1950...or was it North Korea circa 2009...anyway you see what I'm getting at. Obama has the banks, he also has the industry, which is another key point of control. Once you control the money you must limit peoples ability to move about freely...Hence the auto industry bailouts, AMTrak is already govt. owned, the airlines are next, we all know it. Electric cars are the next push!

With the trains, planes and now automobiles in his pocket, we are now prisoners in our cities. Unable to travel at will. The electric car will be the death of free movement. The SMART GRID project will see to that. The Obama proposed smart grid will basically give the federal government control of electric energy which means? Anyone...Anyone...that's right, the ability to limit the power needed to charge your car and limit the distance one could drive. So it's home for us all, at least the government can't tell us what to do in our homes right?

WRONG. yep, Obama is after you there too. It's no longer your castle, your abode, your sanctuary from the woes of the modern world, that's all gone, it is now your government run housing pod. Obama czars are proposing that all new heating and cooling units installed in homes be equipped with an FM transmitter that will allow control of the heat, air and thermostat. But who will control the transmitter? Why big Daddy Barry or if he's too busy golfing, one of his cronie czars will handle it. So when it's -10 outside, some yutz in D.C. will tell set your heat at 55...that's just enough to keep the slaves alive but not too comfortable.....stock up on blankets now!

Ok so it's cold in the house, can't drive anywhere warm, the T.V. has been shut down for 3 hours due to government regs saying I'm pulling a phnatom load of energy....We can still eat a tasty meal.....right? NOPE. Big Daddy O says that your favorite foods are no good for you, hence illegal. It is going on in the U.K. right now, soon to be here with Obama-care looming. In the U.K. the Health ministry is now rationing food by what's deemed healthy. They ( the Brits ) are going as far as to limit what a breast feeding mom can eat so as not to make the kid fat! That's right, Government control of your diet is in full swing in the U.K. and it will be here too once Big Daddy O and Mommy Nancy get control of your health care.

So now it's summer, 110 outside, 95 inside due to that damn FM transmitter shutting down the air from 2 p.m. till 11 p.m., might as well go outside and have a cool drink in the shade and maybe a smoke....Wrong again. Cigarettes, while maybe not the most healthy choice anyway are being taxed out of existence, you should have the right to smoke if ya want, Big Daddy O smokes Camel cigarettes but, he can also afford the impossible taxes on em. He can also afford the outrageous taxes being imposed on soda, juice and any sugar latin drinks. Yep, want a cold Dr. Pepper on a hot day, will cost ya just shy of double what it does right now. Only water and maybe unsweetened Tea....who else only drank water and iced tea....oh yeah, Hitler! It's a known fact that Hitler drank only Tea and was an ovo-vegetarian...what a model right? He may have murdered millions of Jews but, at least he was healthy and didn't burden the government health system!

I gonna speak my mind to.....

NO ONE! yeppers, your pissed off about losing control of your life, you feel like a slave, only working to better other's life and not your families right? Your ready to fire off an email or maybe email to the opinion page at the local paper or even call a talk show and voice your discord....Sit down Waldo! Your not gonna do any of that! You know why? Because of this:

  • "A newly proposed bill would give Uncle Sam the power to disconnect private sector computers from the Internet in the event of a 'cyber security emergency."

So my questions are: What actually counts as a 'Cyber-Security Emergency?' Does the president now have the option of disconnecting people when they disagree with his policies? How about disconnecting bloggers that criticize his health care reform? What counts as an emergency? Can political opponents be deemed a cyber-security emergency?" Thanks to FCC regs you won't be able to call Sean Hannity or Rush or Mark Levin, the air waves were cleansed of any conservative speech thanks to the Fairness Doctrine and Islamo-Fascist FCC Czars.

End Game

Whats left to do? No T.V., no Internet, too hot or too cold, lousy bland food, no beer or soda, no smokes...what a life right? Well on a cold night you can always "snuggle" with your honey no...well yeah you can but, if she gets pregnant...she will be force into an abortion, according to Obama Czar John Holdren who in 1977 wrote a book that says compulsory abortion is constitutional and should be mandatory to keep the population in check.

Wow, right about now your thinking that life is just not worth living. It sucks out loud being a government drone. Only living to help a tyrant keep his power. Why should I continue to oil a socialist machine with my blood? Your thinking there are only two options at this point....grab your gun and hit the streets for a good old fashion revolution or shoot yourself and get it over with.....well.......

“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Mao Tse-Tung

Ask Anita Dunn about this one, another little Obama-ite who thinks Mao was some great philosopher....he was another tyrant and a murderer this case he is right. This is why nations who seek to have power and control over their subjects have taken the first step of dis-arming the populous. Obama isn't a stupid man, he has undoubtedly learned from history and the actions of his role models, people like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, he knows that he must find a way to dis-arm the citizens but how? Guns are so apart of our heritage, Guns made this great nation a nation to begin with. Everyday citizens fed up with government control, unfair taxes and getting no return on their taxes....well that is the challenge, how to strip this God given right to bear arms and defend yourself and the country from tyrants and those abroad who seek to harm our beloved America.......well Health Care. That's right, Health Care.

Long has it been the dream of such parasites as Sara Brady, Diane Fienstein, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the socialist ilk, to rid the country of the private firearm, they great equalizer, now they have laid the foundation for the greatest gun ban in world history. Someone on the Obama staff deserves an extra food ration for dreaming up this one:

The National Institute of Health is doing a study ( funded by Big Daddy ) on the "health affects of gun ownership ", Wow I didn't gun ownership affected any ones health other than the criminal trying to rob you or bring harm to your family. I guess I was wrong. Anyway, another government agency has already done this study, the CDC, what was the findings?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study last week that states there is no evidence to prove gun-control laws are effective in preventing violence.

Hence you are no healthy if guns are why is the N.I.H doing the same study? I will tell you why, because Big Daddy is paying them too, and he will get the results he wants. The anointed one will not allow his beloved subjects to be at health risk of these pesky firearms, he loves us as an Messiah should, it's for our own good! So by making guns a high health risk, under O-care you wont be covered if you own one, better turn it in to the nearest Defence Force Citizen Recruitment Center or just grab a Defence Force Member as they patrol your block, they will take it off your hands and give you your health care card.

Big Daddy and Mommy Pelosi will take care of us....Big Government will watch over us. Tomorrow is part 2 of the Nanny State, Once you gain control you have to keep it....just how will he do it?

I leave you with the words of Roger Waters from Pink Floyd..a Brit, he knew all about socialism and he wrote the song "Mother" to describe it.

Good Day and God Bless whats left of America

Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry Momma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true Momma's gonna put all of her fears into you Momma's gonna keep you right here under her wing She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing Momma will keep Baby cozy and warm Oooo Babe Oooo Babe Ooo Babe, of course Momma's gonna help build the wall

Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry Momma's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you Momma won't let anyone dirty get through Momma's gonna wait up until you get in Momma will always find out where you've been Momma's gonna keep Baby healthy and clean Oooo Babe Oooo Babe Ooo Babe, you'll always be Baby to me

Monday, October 19, 2009

Government Control in full swing......

OK, due to my work schedule alternating over the next week or so I may not get to post allot so I'm gonna hit allot of stuff all at once. Here we go:

The liberal education sector of the government is at it again, first it was a cub scout sent to reform school for a spork, now this, a 17 yr. old Eagle Scout and future West Point student is suspended for 20 days of his senior year, for a 2 inch pocket knife stored in his survival kit in his car! This young man is a shining example of America, Eagle Scout is the highest scouting rank there is, and this kid lives up to the moto of being prepared! When the school somehow found out he had a 2 inch pocket knife, which was given to him by his grandfather, a police chief in another town I might add, the school searched his car and found the knife along with food, water and other essentials for immediate emergency survival. The police were called at which point the police officer informed the school no law had been broken. The knife was locked in the car's trunk, this young guy posed NO threat to anyone. Since this young man is an Eagle Scout, and a Soldier and on his way to becoming a Military leader, the school decided to ruin his perfect academic career by suspending him for 20 days. If this kid was a star athlete or his parents rich
or politically powerful in the town of Troy , NY, this would have never happened, this is clearly done to discourage others from being involved in such groups as Scouts or Military ROTC. Lansingburgh Senior High School has sent the message, young brilliant conservative people will be punished! West Point has already said this garbage suspension will not affect his application! Good for West Point!

In a related note, A student at the University of New Hampshire was forced to remove an American Flag that flew outside his dorm room window....for safety reasons university officials said....Also in Chester Penn. a firefighter suspended w/out pay for displaying a 4 inch x 2 inch sticker of an American Flag on his locker....both of these events just go to show I was right in previous post, Patriotism is being killed off one flag at a time.

In another post a few weeks back I made a comment about your daughters and mine having to wear Burka's to the Prom...well we are getting closer to that! How so you ask? Well lets take a look at who is advising Obama on such matters:

  • President Barack Obama's adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed
  • Mogahed was born in Egypt and moved to America at the age of five
  • first veiled Muslim woman to serve in the White House

This woman here approves of Sharia law, which states "Hadd offences", crimes with specific penalties set by the Koran and the sayings of the prophet Mohammed. These include death by stoning for adultery and homosexuality and the removal of a hand for theft. Yep, pretty serious stuff, other parts to the law is that women have no voice in the home or community, they follow behind the men at least 3 feet etc etc...basically your woman is property like a mule, not a partner in life.....mute baby machines for men's amusement. Sound like the future you want for your daughter? Well if Mogahed has her way it will be the future for all women around the world, including the U.S.A. Mogahed appeared on Islam TV, a channel based in London, her remarks are shocking to say the least. She is a proponent of enforcing Sharia law in the U.S. and says that the law is "misunderstood" here in the states. She sat in agreement with the host of the show for 45 minutes. Who was hosting? Well...

  • Ibtihal Bsis- member of Hizb ut Tahrir, a bunch of radicals that are dedicated too the non-violent destruction of Western democracy and the creation of an Islamic state under Sharia Law across the world.

Yep, Mogahed agreed with most of the anti-western crap that flowed out of the mouth of Bsis, who said things like America is a "lethal cocktail of liberty and capitalism". Bsis also said that women should not be "permitted to hold a position of leadership in government". Mogahed isn't she an advisor to the president, and a woman???? Yeah I know...makes no sens to me either. All I know is the first soldier or cop who tries to put a burka on my daughter is in for a fight!

While watch week gets underway today, let not your mind be swayed by the government's propaganda. All of your favorite sit coms and reality ( yeah right ) shows will be "inserting volunteerism into their scripts". Since we as a nation have caught onto the indoctrination of our children, the government has come up with this iPleadge crap to get in your head now. From government control over the scripts of your favorite shows to links on websites for TV shows, including links on sites that kids would visit, kid shows and cartoon websites have sites to health care legislation, planned parent hood and so's disgusting. Don't watch a movie, read a book, play cards or just sit in the dark, any of these are better choices then submitting to the government's will.

With all that is swirling around us, like Health Care bills, Fights to keep flags flying, terrorist threats, the squashing of our constitutional rights by the socialist thugs in power and their cronies at the ACLU....what is going on in the back round that we don't see and they don't want us to see? Well here's a few examples of what we are in for. Warning, this may scare you, may put some unpleasant images in your head but, it's the truth, and the truth is a scary thing.

Look into the crystal ball, here is a small taste of government run health care happening right now:

Florida, USA - plan for h1n1 outbreak-Florida health officials are drawing up guidelines that recommend barring patients with incurable cancer, end-stage multiple sclerosis and other conditions from being admitted to hospitals if the state is overwhelmed by flu cases. The plan, which would guide Florida hospitals on how to ration scarce medical care during a severe flu outbreak, also calls for doctors to remove patients with poor prognoses from ventilators to treat those who have better chances of surviving. That decision would be made by the hospital. Those whose chances of survival have significantly worsened would be taken off the machines or discharged from critical care to make way for others who may have a better chance of survival. If needed, they would be given palliative care to keep them comfortable.

So given Florida's high population of elderly, it's safe to say that in a large H1N1 outbreak, the aged of the state would become extinct. Is this how we treat those who came before us and served the country? It's a disgrace!

Massachusetts, USA- Mass. State officials OK bill for mass quarantine. Bill also OK's a $1000 / day fine for those who resist getting vaccinated. The state will be able to come into your home, snatch you or your kids, stick a needle in their arm and hide you in a government facility. Here's the link to the bill: the bill which clarifies the powers of public health authorities in times of medical crisis, is awaiting the Governors approval.

OK so isolated cases right?

Iowa, USA-- A Government form that appeared on the CDC's website, which is a piece in the puzzle of how to warehouse flu victims. This is an official document of the Iowa State government, which has also been endorsed by the Center for Disease Control. If it were a preliminary or internal draft, it would not have been published by the CDC. Look at this form..this is NOT a movie, this is Iowa....right now!


"The Department has determined that it is necessary to quarantine your movement to a specific facility to prevent further spread of this disease. The Department has determined that quarantine in your home and other less restrictive alternatives are not acceptable because [insert the reason home quarantine is not acceptable, the person violated a previously issued home quarantine order, the person does not have an appropriate home setting conducive to home quarantine, etc.] The Department is therefore ordering you to comply with the following provisions during the entire period of quarantine:

1. Terms of confinement. You are ordered to remain at the quarantine facility, _____________________ [insert name and address of facility], from ___________ to ____________ [insert dates of quarantine].
4. Legal authority. This order is issued pursuant to the legal authority contained at Iowa Code chapters 135, 139A and 641 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 1, a copy of which is labeled Attachment B and is attached to this order for your review. The Department shall comply with the principles for quarantine contained in subrule 1.9(3) of this attachment when issuing and implementing this order.

5. Ensuring compliance. In order to ensure that you strictly comply with this Quarantine Order the Department or persons authorized by the Department may regularly inspect the quarantine facility.

6. Violations of order. If you fail to comply with this Quarantine Order you may be ordered to be quarantined in a more restrictive facility. In addition, failure to comply with this order is a simple misdemeanor for which you may be arrested, fined, and imprisoned."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'s like one of those 28 days later movies.....still want more proof...OK

DHS memo leaked to CBS News "The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement. Under approval from HHS, the Surgeon General has the authority to issue quarantines." ....Pentagon is "to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.

"U.S. Customs and Coast Guard Officers assist in the enforcement of quarantine orders. Other DOJ law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Marshals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives may also enforce quarantines. Military personnel are not authorized to engage in enforcement."

That's right....they have it all planned out...and if the big H1N1 outbreak never comes...well they just happen to have a handy system in place to take others, like protesters...dissenters or anyone the government happens to see as trouble. Look here at this could show you your new home very soon:

this document is right of the CDC's website...each yellow dot is a "Quarantine Site"...i.e. detention facility or extermination site, 6 in 1, it all means the same thing. At least the other countries in the world don't hide their intent.....they come straight out with it!

Canada has received huge stockpiles of body bags and sent them to "distribution sites" across the nation.

In the U.K. things are going more forward. A Home Office document published earlier this year shows UK officials how to deal with rising body count from "Swine Flu" outbreak....

  • increasing mortuary capacity,
    chilled storage area,
    body hoists, deposit/exit the deceased
  • Preparation of Communal Burial Sites

Communal Burial Sites???? Try this phrase instead....MASS GRAVE. With the swine flu not even coming close to the numbers that die from Type A flu...why all the hype and preparation? I understand the government wanting to scare people and they use the H1N1 outbreak scenario to propagate that fear...but when you go through all the time and money to set all these plans into action, knowing the swine flu hasn't yet got close to the normal flu death has to make you wonder if they don't have other plans for these "quarantine facilities" and "communal burial sites".

I don't wanna sound like a member of the TinFoil Hat does make me wonder however. You decide for for me, personal PREP and an undying thirst for the truth are my way to go.

Good Day and God Bless America

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hug Your Children One Last time....

Because they are not yours anymore. Not if this whirlwind of indoctrination continues.Yesterday I wrote of an apartment complex manager who banned the American flag, well that short lived battle is over, and America was victorious. There was enough outcry over that the manager crumbled and now the flags are back. Good news right? but, the sad fact is we will lose more of these battles everyday because soon it will be our children fighting these battles, only problem is once they are old enough, they will have been brainwashed into believing what is wrong is actually right.

Before I dive into this, lets look at who is being praised. Mr. Obama, President of the mighty United States of America......who also chums up with terrorist and the socialist ilk of the world
a tyrant sitting in the oval office. A man who has now become the first foreign national to hold the office. The disputed birth certificate is still in question, though this copy has been made public:

Ok so a little joke at the expense of the president, maybe CNN will fact check this too! But what isn't a joke is this:

  • On January 21st, 2009, his very first day in office, Barack Obama implemented and signed into law Executive Order 13489. which states:

  • Sec.2
    Notice Of Intent To Disclose Presidential Records
    When the Archivist provides notice to the incumbent and former Presidents of his intent to disclose Presidential records pursuant to section 1270.46 of the NARA regulations, the Archivist, using any guidelines provided by the incumbent and former Presidents, shall identify any specific materials, the disclosure of which he believes may raise a substantial question of executive privilege.”

Obama will be the first president to choose which documents can be made public. Hmmmm, seems like that birth certificate will never see the light of day now, and if it does it will be a crime! This is a very shady guy, on his first day in office, with all that's wrong in America...this was his first action, to break out the Executive Order pen and hide information from his boss, the American people? This is who our nations school children are singing about? Good God!

Speaking of our nations school are you gonna like in when the govt. kicks in your door and takes your kids away for Government mandated service? Sounds like something you hear from the old Soviet Union or modern day North Korea right? Well plans are underway to conscript your children into the Obama army. What Army? Oh haven't you heard?

That's right, that army. But where will he get his soldiers, who would sign up to fight against their own country? Why would you need your own private army anyway, we have the greatest military on the planet.....oh wait, you need to control things like this:

Ya, city cops ain't cutting it....we need some soldiers to handle it. The Obamageddon has begun.

I'm sure Mr. Obama knew he would need loyal soldiers for this to now you have this:

  • H.R. 1388 Give Act, Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education

  • Expansion of AmeriCorp imposes a requirement for public service on some people

  • National Service Reserve Corps whose members have completed a "term of national service," has successfully completed training and complete not less than 10 hours of volunteering each year.

  • Restrictions on those in an "approved national service position" may not try to influence legislation, engage in protests or petitions, take positions on union organizing, engage in partisan political activities, or, among other issues, be "engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of proselytization

That's right, when these kids are duped into service, they think it's community service.No No No, it's training, and once in, you are not allowed to go to any church or temple or mosque? Holy cow, let's see, what other leaders in history have conscripted soldiers, forced service and restricted religious freedoms? Oh darn...who could they yea, Hitler, Stalin, Kim Ill and a host of other tyrants and murderers. So if your a big fan of Hitler youth style organizations....well your in for some big fun. It's no secret, they are after your kids, listen to what White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had to say;

"It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American. Under this plan, all Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service."

Yep, he said it. He spoke right into a 1000 TV Camera's and said it. This is the we see some of the preparations from a KC MO High School:

But its not just the big kids, oh no, if ya wanna really really brainwash em, gotta get em while they are young and still have a trust for authority figures such as teachers and principals and the like. Kids at the primary school age have not learned distrust yet. They are taught stranger danger and things to that effect but, they are also taught that teachers, principals, counselors, politicians and adults in general are always right, they know whats best. So when these kids are forced into singing the praises of a socialist tyrant, they have no clue it's wrong. These same kids could end up with M-16's in their hands being trained to shoot their own families and friends, anyone caught opposing the anointed one. Is this the future you want for your kids? Take a look at this video, it's been all over the news, School officials released a press statement saying that this is NOT indoctrination....then what the hell is it?????? *notice the nazi Sieg Heil salute at the end*

I didn't see any video's of kids signing for Bush, or Reagan or any other president, why this one? Why now? Ask yourself what is the appeal of this man. What drives otherwise educated and rational people to fall under his spell? The guy has done nothing but drive the U.S. into eternal debt, he is hijacking your freedoms everyday, taking control of your daily lives through Govt. Health care, taxes on certain foods and drinks which HE deems unhealthy for you, with cap & trade he will son control your thermostat and what car you drive....WHY THE HELL DO PEOPLE SUBMIT THEIR FREE WILL TO THIS MAN????

By joining the Obama army, you give up your first amendment rights, no free speech and no religious freedom, ya that sounds grand, let's all do that...then we can be just like Russia. Save me a place in the toilet paper line will ya?

One last video, it really drives home the point. YOU must educate your children on what being a patriot means, you must show them what America is all about, only you can bolster a new generation of free thinking, liberty loving conservative Americans. Don't leave it up to schools or flapping heads in the MSM to educate your child on what America is....we have seen what public education and the media' s vision for the future is, and it's this:

Good Day and God Bless America, and God Bless our children who need guidance now more than ever!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I can not tolerate Tolerance anymore

Tolerance, a good thing in small doses I guess but, the old saying is true,you can have too much of a good thing. I had planned on trashing the turncoat Olmpia Snowe and some others today until I saw this:

American flags banned from vehicles at Albany apartment:
Jim Clausen was "shocked" when the manager of the Oaks Apartments in Albany told him he could face eviction if he did not remove the American flags that fly from his Jeep and motorcycle when they are parked at the complex.Barb Holcomb, who manages the Oaks Apartments at 1440 Geary Circle S.E. for owner Stan Keller, said Clausen is correct.She is requiring that tenants take off any flag that flies from their vehicles, and that includes the Mexican flag and college team flags.Political and religious signs at a tenant's unit also are not permitted."I'm trying to avoid any conflict," Holcomb said. "I have a problem when tenants' rights to free speech come into contact with other tenants' rights of peaceful enjoyment. This policy is not a violation of any one's civil rights.

This is from Albany Oregon. I am sick and tired of this kind of 1st amendment trashing. This is not an isolated event either, it has been going for some time. It's all part of the plan to rid America of patriotism and individualism. We are being slowly transformed into drones, the biggest player in this mess is the ACLU who I will get to in a minute but first, more examples of the indoctrination of your children and the stripping of cleansing of American Patriotism:

  • 2007 NYFD orders Firefighters to clear lockers of all decorations including US Flags and supporting troops ribbons and items pertaining to 9/11 ( pics of friends etc )

  • Denver CO. 2006- Mexican-American ( theres that term again ) students protest over illegal immigration bill, Students no longer can wear shirts picturing an American flag, several suspended for wearing US Marine Corp shirts!

  • Lincoln Park High School, 9/11/06 several students suspended for wearing remember 9/11 T-shirts, violates dress code they said.

  • Santa Ynez Valley Union High School in Santa Barbara- Once again the Mex-Am. students, once again banned are the American flags.

  • Nov 2001- Berkeley CA. Berkeley University bans US Flags..( What a shock right? )

  • NCCI Holdings, Inc. in Boca Raton, Fla., Sept 21st, 2001, bans and confiscates all American flags in workers cubicles

  • May 2nd, 2002-A Myrtle Beach home owners assoc.. bans the flying of American flags..$25/day fine for all home owners that refuse to take down flags.

These all seem like small isolated incidents but, are they? This is just a few out of many hundreds of cases in this country where the flying of our national flag has been banned or even made criminal....WTF right? Well it's clearly the first few baby steps in stripping America down to nothing more that a piece of land in between Canada and Mexico. No longer are the Mighty Americans who liberated Europe from a madman, no longer are we the brave who tread where no man dare tread before. We are slowly being made weak. It starts with banning the flag here and there, soon it will be everywhere. Once your symbol of pride is gone, soon the love for the symbol will die. Out of sight, out of mind. It's like we are the bird in the cage and the socialist are leaving the blanket over the cage, lull us all to sleep so we cannot see the madness that abounds.

Want more proof of the destruction of the American culture....OK, the ACLU is now on a rampage banning crosses all over the country. First it was the ten commandments in front of courthouses, now it's crosses, not just on courthouses or no's also Soldiers tombstones that are shaped as crosses as well! Whether or not your religious, you must admit that a Soldier's tombstone is sacred, this is the worst thing I have seen the ACLU ever try! When the ACLU fought to lift a ban on gang members from a city park in San Fran...I thought OK, that's stupid....but this just makes me sick.

The ACLU wont stop there, they are also after war memorials.....yep, memorials to those who fought and died to keep this country free are under attack by the soulless demons at the ACLU.Look at the crap the ACLU is trying to pull:

  • Ban Easter Cross on a city owned tower in Penn.

  • Remove God from Pledge of Allegiance

  • Remove prayer from the US military all together...Navy Chaplin's can no longer use God in sermons because of the ACLU!!! WTF again right?

  • Mojave Cross- Mojave Desert CA.- The cross has stood for 75 yrs. honoring American war dead....ACLU is in court right now fighting to tear it down!

Please visit and try to help save the Mojave Cross! Also visit and join in the fight against the ACLU...oh yea by the way...your tax dollars fund the ACLU.....we should have a say!

This is all done in the name of tolerance. I call it the death of national pride. If this was twenty years ago or before and you made it criminal to fly an American would either be torn to shreds or put in and mental it's the popular thing to do. When your president refuses to cover his heart during the playing of the national anthem, you know you have a problem. A president that I remind you has gone around the world spitting on America and kneeling before Saudi Kings and having drinks with Hugo Chavez....see a pattern here?

Obama is a dyed in the wool socialist, he bought Olympia Snowe off, she traded her soul for a place at the tyrants table...I hope the wine is sweet left a bitter taste in our mouths by crossing over. Your no moderate or centrist.....your a friggin turncoat dem. If anyone reading this lives in Maine, vote her out when shes up again!

The socialist have won half the battle already, all this I have wrote about today and no public outcry, no outrage from the nation? Why the hell not? Are we not still Americans? Do we not swell up with pride in our country during the anthem? Do we not cry for every fallen soldier who gave it all to defend us from terrorist? Have we not yet lost the rights bestowed upon us by God and our founding fathers? I say we ARE still Americans and we still have our rights, STAND UP SPEAK OUT and let all know you are proud, let all know you are angry, let all know you vote, let all know you will not stand for the destruction of the American way of life, you let not the deaths of American soldiers be for nothing, you will fight to preserve the rights and traditions of this great country, you will fight to see sure that your children and their children grow up in a free America, devoid of socialist thugs, free of those who would challenge liberty!

The question is this, How many of you will step onto the battlefield? While true patriots fight in Middle East hellholes, it is up to us to fight here to assure them when they return that America is still worth fighting for. Who will step up and join in? Do whatever you can, donate if you have the means, join conservative groups, go to Tea Parties, send a care package to one of our troops, Fly your American Flags from your homes, cars wherever and whenever! Let not any man debar you of the rights granted to you. The time is now....this is the most important time in U.S. history, In fifty years what will be said of this time? That we stood and safeguarded the Constitution and our freedoms, or that we knelt to tyranny, forsaken all those who gave the ultimate to defend us? What do you want printed in your grand kids text books?

I leave you today with a quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero,one of the great philosophers in Rome, he said in 42 B.C.:

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."

Good Day and God Bless America

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Taking Stock

There comes a time for everyone to take stock, whether it be personal stock, what condition their lives are in, career stock, am I advancing fast enough thing like that. Well we as Americans should take stock and see what condition our country is in. Time to take inventory and clear out the junk and run lean and clean for awhile.

Here's a few items we can do without:

  • Dennis Moore ( D) 3rd Dist. Kansas calling a war vet "White Trash"
  • Monday Night Football on ESPN done half in Spanish with Spanish commercials
  • 30+ Czars all making $100,000+ to create a socialist utopia
  • President who has the hubris of a Roman emperor
  • Govt Seizure of the Health care industry
  • Govt Seizure of the Banking industry
  • Govt Seizure of the Auto Industry
  • Govt Seizure of your 1st, 2nd,4th, 10th well the whole constitution and bill of rights
  • union thugs "silencing" those who dare oppose Obama at Town Halls
  • Main Stream Media only reporting on what Obama wants reported ( re. Seizure of Media)
  • A President who apologizes for America...then sits with dictators and murderers

The list could go on and on but this is a good start. Dennis Moore calling the war vet white trash is pretty self explanatory, Moore is a career politician who votes and does whatever the Democratic leadership tells him to do, he's a puppet and a whore and must be voted out in 2010.

Monday Night Football on ESPN...As part of National Hispanic Heritage month commercials and parts of the game were done in Spanish. I will no longer watch ESPN or buy from any of their's this kind of garbage that is used to slowly strip Americans of their identity as a nation. We are a nation who was founded by English speaking people....the official language bill needs to be passed and English the law of the land!

Onto the land of the have 36 people making big money to basically follow thru on creating a socialist nation. Lets look at a few of em:

  • Border Czar --- Alan Bersin, who to quote him, " Is uninterested in arresting economic migrants" Shouldn't that be Illegal aliens??
  • California Water Czar --- David J. Hayes, who to save a tiny fish that you can barely see is drying up farms all over California...these farmers now stand in food lines because they have no money or water to grow's a travesty!
  • Climate Czar ---Todd Stern who is a big supporter of the Cap & Trade...which will raise heating and energy bills thru the roof for us middle class folks, all to combat global warming....ask the good folks in the Dakota's about global warming, with the foot+ of snow they got over the weekend!
  • Drug Czar --- Gil Kerlikowske, this guy commutes sentences for drug if they go thru rehab, he also opposes arresting people for personal marijuana use. Well doesn't personal use mean there is a smuggler and a dealer somewhere in the chain? Arresting them seems harsh is they are only supplying for personal use right? This is our Drug Czar? Good Grief!
  • Green Jobs Czar---Van Jones, well he was the green jobs Czar, and leader of the Marxist organization STORM....enough public outcry got him the boot! Score one for the good guys!
  • Regulatory Czar--- Cass R. Sunstein, this guy is a piece of work here. A known socialist who writes about using economic crisis as a chance to create socialist governments...hmm, sounds awful familiar don't it. Sunstein also had thoughts of making the Internet fair, wanting regulations forcing sites to provide links to opposing view points, i.e. I would have to have a link to the DNC on my site...NEVER! He would also like to see animals be able to sue...yep, with humans acting as reps. in court your dog could sue you. He is anti gun, anti hunting anti fishing, pretty much anti-American. To quote Obama, "Cass is not only a valued advisor, he is a dear friend" Nice to have low friends in high places eh?
  • Science Czar --- John Holdren , this guy calls for population control laws for humans. He thinks the U.S. Constitution would support compulsory, I'm sure that would violate the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness!
  • Stimulus Accountability Czar - Earl Devaney, this is just a joke....accountability? porkulus money is being spent on stupid crap, like guardrails for roads next to nonexistent lakes, tunnels for turtles and pedestrian bridges for Elk.....what a joke.

And that's just a few...Now we know why the Soviet Union failed, too many czars ruin the borscht eh comrade!

I take major offense to the Demigod attitude of Obama...and the hubris of the whole family. He is soooooooooooo out of touch with the common American citizen that it's pathetic. All his rambling about being around the kitchen table trying to pay bills, what a load of horse sh*t, this guy doesn't know the struggle of working a lousy job, no chance of advancement or gaining a higher pay scale. He has attended three elite universities, took a few years to "bum" around the Muslim world, His first house he bought right out of college cost 2.1 million. He dares to compare himself to the common American? The life blood of this nation? He has lived a very well to do life, he has abused his office by using it to take the trips to Paris for shopping, to Denmark for the Olympic bid, it's like the office of president is just a big vacation. Unlimited funds and destinations. Meanwhile real Americans can't afford to pay bills, let alone take our children on a nice family vacation. While he and Michelle sip wine by the Eiffel tower, real Americans have to tell their kids there will be no dinner tonight, no new clothes for school. While Obama made the world wait to see what kind of dog he was buying for the kids ( who are pretty much for decoration it seems ) real Americans had to look their children in the eyes and tell them that there was no money to keep the family pet, heart broken kids all over the country went to sleep with tears in their eyes due to losing scruffy or mittens, while Obama takes his kids out for ice cream to the tune of $800,000. That's right, $800,000 in cost for a trip to baskin robbins, with all the secret service etc...they drop damn near a million for an ice cream run while real Americans makes me sick the arrogance of such men.

Seizure of banking and other industry is easy to see, not so easy to see why people are not more concerned. In any dictatorship around the world, the first grabs are media and industry, Obama has got both. That's why the attack on our rights. We are being silenced, the 1st. amendment is pretty much gone, if you speak up and oppose your elected officials, either the secret service or union gangsters will silence you one way or another. They will come for our guns next, Armed people are citizens, unarmed people are slaves...Hitler knew it, The Iranians know it and Obama knows it. To really dig in and strip the constitution all together he will need to kill the 2nd so he can kill the 4th, 5th , 6th , 7th etc....The federal govt. is now using power it does not have. Health care is a states issue, why the hell is govt. being allowed to force anything on Americans?

Obama sits and drinks with thugs, terrorist, criminals and murderers, we have all seen the's true, plain and simple. Then has the nerve to apologize for Americans arrogance? It's sickening, and Media hacks like CNN ( the Crescent News Network ) and MSNBC ( No clever name for them, their a joke all by themselves) run the video 24/7 to drive home the point. The sheeple see this and think he's doing the right thing, people have forgotten that you must question authority once in a while.

The Tea Parties & Town Halls were good starts. It's a ray of hope in a cloudy country where the rules don't apply to some. For example, why is it that O'Keefe and Giles are gonna be put on trial for their undercover work in exposing the criminals at ACORN, yet police officials from NYC went out of state and undercover at gun shows, using private sells and altered video as proof that a gun show loophole does exist, where is the trial for these criminals? They have no power outside the City of New York...who the hell made them law of the land?

It comes down to this: Do what you told and there will be no trouble. As the Finance Cmmt. today votes on the Health care bill, which we all hate and which will be shoved down our collective throats, we should question why the government would want to control health care? If they control our ability to live and be well, they control us. Death Panels, rationed care, no choice of doctor, go where we say directives....and you know any choice of private care will be gone, the government does not like competition. Dissenters and opposition could be denied care and left to die, hell anyone the govt. See's as not worth keeping alive will be put aback and left for dead.

Question everything! Make noise, raise hell, however you want to say it, just say it! I leave you with this, a quote from Dr. Benjamin Rush, a founding father, signer of the Declaration of Independence, one of the black communities strongest allies in revolutionary America, he was a patriot and physician, Rush was against big government and had this to say when it came to medicine and government mixing;

"The Constitution of this Republic should make special provision for medical freedom. To restrict the art of healing to one class will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic. ... Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what the dictating outfit offers."

Says it all.... Good Day and God Bless America

Monday, October 12, 2009

Blind Faith

I apologize now, this is gonna be a jumpy ride. I know I have the tendency to jump around anyway but, look out today.

First off this garbage:

Write, call or email and eBay....let them know that this kind of trash is not welcome. When you alter the American flag in anyway, especially by putting a tyrants face on it, you spit in the face of every single American service person who has fought for the flag and the ideals it stands for. From the minutemen of the revolution to current service persons all over the world, it's spit in their face's and should not be tolerated.

OK moving on to another piece of trash...a human piece of trash, Kevin Jennings who wrote the foreward for the book: " Queering Elementary Education"- OK, already there are a few things wrong here right? Well it gets worse, Yep...this piece of crap also has counseled young boys to go meet with older men whom they met thru the Internet, at a bus station, for sex! A 15 yr old boy! Could it get any worse???? Yep! Jennings is a leading member of the Lavender Lobby, a radical gay rights organization. Jennings has no problem touring around the country to call for an all out end to the Religious Right. Yep, his hatred for Protestants and Catholics is deep rooted, take a look at this quote from a speech he gave in 2000,
"We have to quit being afraid of the religious right. We also have to quit — I'm trying to find a way to say this. I'm trying not to say, 'F--- 'em!' which is what I want to say, because I don't care what they think! Drop dead!"
Why should you care about this perverted piece of garbage who wants to queer up your elementary schools? well...
Kevin Jennings was appointed by Pres. Obama as "Safe Schools Czar"
Good God! The president feels this is the best choice to over see the safety of our children in public schools? At this point I'm sure some are in dis-belief, no way this is true, right wing lies all of it! Well Google the Name Kevin Jennings....
I just don't get it. So many people voted for Obama on blind faith, because of his "star power" because it was time to make history, very few voted for him on his beliefs. This is a problem that has to be addressed. Voting someone into office based on their race, charm or looks is just insane. You must read, listen and learn, find out the character and what is behind the motivation for a candidate to want the job in the first place. So much was uncovered about Obama during the election, his ties to ACORN, Bill Ayers and other criminals. His country of birth is still a question mark and his ties to Rev. Wright, a man who preaches nothing but hate against White America and against America itself. For twenty years Obama sat in Wright's church listening to sermons about how white America has poisoned the black communities, how white America broke the dams in New Orleans, Rev. Wright was the one who said, "God Bless America? No I say God Damn America." These are the teachings that Obama learned in the years before becoming president, this is his ideology. From voter fraud to his hob nobbery with dictators the world over, was it the right time to make history?
I know several, far too many people who voted for this tyrant based purely on his face time in the media, his status of Messiah put on him by the MSM....Obama himself bought into the anointed one bit and began to believe his own hype. He has now became Nero, who played the fiddle while Rome burned, Obama plays basketball and takes the wife shopping in Paris, all the while his empire burns around him. So many of the people around me who voted for the anointed one based on his star power, are now admitting to it and regretting it. So much was the messiah BS played up that if you didn't vote for him, you felt as though you would miss out, not be apart of the history unfolding, well now you are all apart of history, unemployment, defense cuts in a time when every nut seems to be days away from having a nuke, job declines, higher taxes on energy, taxes on soda and juice, creation of a national defense force, snitch on your neighbor programs, unjust taxing of radio stations who have radio host that oppose the Messiah's policies....the list goes on, you made history...congrats!
Now I know there are people out there who listened to the debates, heard what both sides had to say and thought Obama was the best choice. I understand and respect that. If you voted by the issues and by your heart and big O was your man, then once again I respect that. You have to wonder though, take away the fraudulent votes that ACORN put into play, Mickey Mouse, the Dallas Cowboys and the thousands upon thousands of other votes that we know were fake, toss in a few hundred thousand that were probably fake, then take away the "history maker" votes, does he win? If the MSM hadn't made McCain out to be some white, old, decrepit devil, who the anointed one be in? If ill informed young voters had seen equal face time of both candidates, would it have been closer? Just gotta wonder why someone would vote based on a face and media hype.
The people I felt most for throughout the whole election was the Black American voter. Obama was the savior of the black community is what they were told. He will rule this country and put "whitey" in his place, no longer will you be slave to the massa, you will run the house. This was the message that was out there, and black voters bought into it. I heard this time and time again from some of the black custodians I work with, they told me the years of Republicans "holding them down" and killing the black man's chance at a better future were over. I sat slack jawed that anyone could really buy into this crap but, they did. I was also informed that a vote for McCain was a vote for the Klan, anyone who didn't vote for Obama was a racist and hated blacks etc etc etc. I heard it all, then I tried to show them the light, tried to tell them just who had actually held the black man down in America, and they didn't like the answer.
The Democrats have used the black voted from day one. The pandering to the black community makes me want to vomit. Every few years when election time comes up, whether it's for a local race or senate or president, the Democrats pledge to the black voter is the same, a vote for us is a vote for a better future for you. We ( Dems ) will pull you out of the ghetto, punish your white oppressors and give you all that you deserve. And every time the same thing happens.....NOTHING. If the Dem wins, he may throw a bone the way of the black community, a little extra in government assistance here, a little community rehab there and poof, he's off like the prom queens dress. He has faded away into the halls of power to reap his reward for suckering his black voters. This has been the story since blacks were given the right to vote, in fact I believe that democrats use the equal rights bill as a marker, every election they call in the debt owed to them by black voters for giving them their rights. don't get me wrong, the equal rights bill was long over due, I am not trashing the bill, I believe black Americans should have gotten the right to vote the day the civil war ended, they fought for the union, they helped save this nation, it's a crime that so many years past before something so simple and human could be passed, All men are created was a long time coming and deserved but, it came at a price as does everything when dealing with democrats.
As for the term black voters, well it should be American voters, race should never enter into an election but this time the media and the Messiah's campaign people not only played the race card, they stacked the entire deck with them. the race baiting started immediately after the primaries, once it was clear Hillary was out, it was open season on such racist as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Michael Savage, not to mention every conservative in America. First off the media downplayed the fact that Barry is only half black, his mother was white, his Dad a Kenyan national. Second the MSM never mentioned to " the black voters" about how B. Hussein Obama was raided in Hawaii, in a mostly white community and went by the name Barry Obama, to better fit in with his white friends. Then after his 6 or 7 yrs bumming around the middle east and the Muslim world, he reappeared in America, with a new name and a new found hatred for America and capitalism. This is where we meet the real Barry O, the one who wont cover his heart or sing the national anthem but will salute the marine station next to Marine One, the one who's wife was disgusted and not proud of her country until she had a shot at first lady, then she was proud. This is the guy who the MSM sold to the black community as the messiah? Yep and they did a great job.
With all the stuff we know, with the flooding of his administration with wacko's and molesters,
with the throwing away of trillions of our tax dollars, with our great great grandchildren already in debt, decades before their births, how could anyone sell this guy to a voter? It seems pretty easy, He's Black, Your Black, C'mon....yep that's about what it takes.
As thousands of black Americans stood in line in Detroit to receive Obama Money, $15,000,000 was stolen from American Taxpayers to be handed out to the welfare drones
in Detroit. Chants of "We love you Obama" could be heard while the people filed applications for one of the 3,500 slots to receive Obama Money. For anyone who pays taxes should be insulted and outraged over this, black Americans who work and pay taxes should be double pissed off. His holiness the Barrak claimed to make things better, CHANGE was the flavor of the day....well like I said in the above paragraphs, He is a true Democrat, dolling out taxpayer money as payback for votes, then only to sweep you away again until the next election.
What would truly be better, getting your one time kickback from big O, or having a president that was fiscally responsible and created jobs, so you could get off welfare and earn a living and have pride? This messiah, this anointed one has done nothing and will do nothing for you the black voters, or for Americans in general. He is beset with ignorant voters, you are nothing more than dice haning from his mirror. He has cuddled up to every low life dictator in the world, if he was to lose the next election, he may use his national defense force, re-enforced by foreign troops supplied by his buddy Chavez to keep power. Socialist dictators don't like foregoing their power to others, you need only look at Cuba and Venezuela to see that.
Black voters have been duped by Democrats for many years but, this time it maybe the final insult. Black voters often refer to the slavery issue, which has been non existent since the late 1860's yet we still hear of it, people like President Bush and other conservatives like Hannity
and Beck are compared to slave masters. Well meet your new slave master, Barrack Obama. He will make slaves of us all. White Black Brown, it wont matter, we will all toil for the good of the state. We will all live in horrid conditions, work till we drop dead all while the Master sits in the big house, the White House growing fat on the fruits of our labor.
You wanted Change....You Got It!
Good Day and God Bless America

Friday, October 9, 2009

War of Words

Political Correctness....oh how I hate that term. Something that started out as a way of equalizing people, as far as gender, race and "lifestyle" has grown in to an all out ban on what you are allowed to say. Back in the 1980's it was cutsie little nagging things like:

  • Manhole Cover is now a Person Hole or Utility Hole
  • Black became African American
  • Policeman is now Police Officer
  • Race became Ethnicity
  • Handicapped is now Special Needs
  • Gifted Child is now Advanced Learner
  • Oriental became Asian
  • Black Sheep is now Outcast
  • Bitchy man hater is now a Feminist

It was here when we lost control. We let the liberals (re. neo-hippie ) start to take control of our words. Which is only a step away from controlling your thoughts. NO this is not a tin foil hat conspiracy, it is truth. Once you are conditioned to say certain words or phrases in place of what you would naturally say, they ( liberals ) have gained control of you. You will repeat this pabulum out of fear of being seen as racist or socially unaware. Terms like Hillbilly or Redneck were used commonly and to allot of people were tags of honor, they took pride in their rustic country roots, now a days you have to say Sons of the Soil. What a load of crap this. In correcting our words, they correct our thoughts and ideology.

There are some of the PC phrases that I just can't get in line with. Well I don't get in line with most of them but, a few really gnaw at me:

  • African American (and other hyphenated countries )

Unless you immigrated here from a country in Africa and are now a U.S. citizen, you are NOT African American. That's just the way it is. You are an AMERICAN who is black. I do not go around filling out forms calling myself Irish American, or German American, no I am American, plain and simple. I'm white, I'm not "Of European Decent" or "Caucasian"....Just an American who is white. The same goes for Mexican-American etc. etc. If you have dual citizenship then fine...other than that YOU ARE AMERICAN.

Before people start calling me racist, or a racialist, which is the new term of the day, let me state that I am not. Certain words and phrases that were socially acceptable in the past are not correct and should not be used. Racial slurs against ones "ethnicity" or gender or "lifestyle choice" ( see what I mean...) should be done away with. People are people, we should be treated with a basic dignity and respect, it's just that simple. Whether or not you disagree with some ones lifestyle or whether or not you like someone of color, derogatory terms do nothing but strip that person of their dignity, you have the right to disagree or even hate someone for their choices or their color but, you MUST respect their rights as a person, their right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Now in the USSA the whole racial PC thing has gotten out of hand. Racialist is the new term of the day for the media to use. No true definition in Websters but, going by the context of how it is used, I would define it as this:

  • Racialist; n. - One who disagrees with President Obama but can't be proved a racist...yet

Yea that sounds good. For months leading up to the election and in the time since, if you are against anything the anointed one does, you hate black people. It has been that cut and dry with the media and even the White House. Everyone from Sean Hannity to Rush Limbaugh and Tea Party members have all been called racist. This is nothing new however, in the past few years when Americans called for the tightening of the U.S.'s southern border, then president Fox of Mexico called us a "nation of racist". When the Minuteman project came to be, Americans volunteering to live on the border and do what the government refuses to do, guard us from invasion by illegal aliens and terrorists, they too were dragged through the mud in media, Racist, Redneck, Bigots with guns they were called, all for simply disagreeing. I guess we should add a few more to the list of PC terms:

  • Patriot is now Domestic Terrorist
  • Conservative is now Racist
  • American Citizen is now Future Slave of Socialist Tyrants

Now when your out in public...make sure to use the correct terms!

Other terms that just nag me are the gender tags. Hyphenating 4 last names, Woman spelled with a Y ( womyn ), because as any femenazi will tell ya, "I'm not just a man with a wo before it". What a load.... These are the nice ladies who brought you the fight to change any word that was "Gender Specific" word in the English language. Manhole, Firemen,Policeman, Cowboy Clergyman and so on. Now I have zero problem with a women, wait...womyn being empowered. I have no problem with women ...womyn getting equal pay and doing equal work. If a woman..womyn wants to go into combat....fine, the Israeli commando's have had women in their units for decades, they train and fight just as hard as the men and are a credit to their countries defense. I love strong, smart women. My wife is very smart, opinionated and reliant, that's why I love her, you can see I am not a masculinist. In fact some of the best and brightest minds in the conservative movement are women, Sarah Palin, S.E. Cupp and Michelle Malkin to name a few. So to the femenazi I say this.....let it go. Your a woman, we get it, I can see the future now, Restrooms will no longer be Men and Women or Gentlemen and Ladies, they will be "Breasted American" for the Womyn and "Estrogenically challenged" For the Men....only a matter of time.

There are some of these PC terms that are just absurd, I've heard things like dog is now "Canine American"....ya that's just stupid, its a load of it's a load of Bovine American Fecal Matter. Ya it's ridiculous some of the garbage that is considered PC but, there are some attacks on our society that should be taken seriously.

The War on Christmas

This is what took me over the edge with all the PC nonsense. When Americans were expected to change to traditions to placate others. This country was founded on Christian principals, it's a fact that people have to get used to. Even for the non-Christians in this country, you have to accept that fact that this is a christian country, therefore there are allot of holidays and traditions that will be centered around Christianity. Not so long ago you could walk the streets and here, " Merry Christmas" from a bell ringer dressed liked Santa Clause, now that is rare. Christmas is under attack by the "secular progressives", which is now the PC term for ultra liberal scumbags. No longer is Merry Christmas allowed in schools and stores or in commercials, it is now Happy Holidays. This is so we don't offend the atheist, Muslims and any other tiny minority in this country. No longer will you go to see your kid in the schools Christmas pageant, nope now it is a Holiday Play. This is not just to appease those who don't believe in Christ, it is done more to strip us of our American traditions, to build on "new ways" and to get us used to the new order. Americans are proud, therefore they hold on tightly to heritage, tradition and what they consider a piece of their nations customs, this is what the secular are out to destroy. If you kill Christmas, Easter, Halloween and Thanksgiving, you kill a big piece of America, think of a year without holidays, without time off work to spend with the family, about never again seeing kids sit on Santa's lap or opening gifts, it's a drab existence, devoid of love, hope and faith, this would be the socialist paradise, lil worker bee's with nothing to look forward too, nothing to work for but the state. Destruction of the American family is the overall goal of the secular, no family unit means no family values means no conservative thought, it's that simple and this PC thuggery is the tip of spear.

Halloween is now a Harvest Festival in most schools IF they even allow it at all. Next it will be New Years. The Chinese, The Jews and Muslims all have their own new years and go by different calendars, give the secular time and there will be no New Years. No making resolutions to only break them a week later, no kisses at midnight and no celebration. Thanksgiving has been called "A celebration of slave traders and genocidal whites", I call it the one time of year when the whole family gathers, food and football and most of all catching up and enjoying our families. George Washington declared a day of public giving thanks and prayer in 1789, oh yea, how about this tidbit that is not taught in schools history books:

  • Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamation establishing the holiday in 1863: “ … to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens“.

The PC terminology thrown at us on a daily basis is nothing more than verbal Marxism. It is the opening shots in a war on tradition, a war on the very foundation of America. It's a war on your family values. When the liberal lefties change the way you speak, they have took control of part of your mind, they are training you to accept what they want America to become, a socialist venue in which you work only to spread your earnings to those who don't work, government run gulag.

I say to you Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, each one of these terms is verbal return fire on the secular and socialist who dare to destroy the fabric of America, which is the Conservative American family, without it we are nothing. The Conservative family's in the U.S. are the last bastion of Patriotism, or National Pride and of American values, Now that the seculars have invaded our schools, our government and our lexicon, the Family is the only place left for our children to learn the truth!

Good Day and God Bless America