Friday, October 9, 2009

War of Words

Political Correctness....oh how I hate that term. Something that started out as a way of equalizing people, as far as gender, race and "lifestyle" has grown in to an all out ban on what you are allowed to say. Back in the 1980's it was cutsie little nagging things like:

  • Manhole Cover is now a Person Hole or Utility Hole
  • Black became African American
  • Policeman is now Police Officer
  • Race became Ethnicity
  • Handicapped is now Special Needs
  • Gifted Child is now Advanced Learner
  • Oriental became Asian
  • Black Sheep is now Outcast
  • Bitchy man hater is now a Feminist

It was here when we lost control. We let the liberals (re. neo-hippie ) start to take control of our words. Which is only a step away from controlling your thoughts. NO this is not a tin foil hat conspiracy, it is truth. Once you are conditioned to say certain words or phrases in place of what you would naturally say, they ( liberals ) have gained control of you. You will repeat this pabulum out of fear of being seen as racist or socially unaware. Terms like Hillbilly or Redneck were used commonly and to allot of people were tags of honor, they took pride in their rustic country roots, now a days you have to say Sons of the Soil. What a load of crap this. In correcting our words, they correct our thoughts and ideology.

There are some of the PC phrases that I just can't get in line with. Well I don't get in line with most of them but, a few really gnaw at me:

  • African American (and other hyphenated countries )

Unless you immigrated here from a country in Africa and are now a U.S. citizen, you are NOT African American. That's just the way it is. You are an AMERICAN who is black. I do not go around filling out forms calling myself Irish American, or German American, no I am American, plain and simple. I'm white, I'm not "Of European Decent" or "Caucasian"....Just an American who is white. The same goes for Mexican-American etc. etc. If you have dual citizenship then fine...other than that YOU ARE AMERICAN.

Before people start calling me racist, or a racialist, which is the new term of the day, let me state that I am not. Certain words and phrases that were socially acceptable in the past are not correct and should not be used. Racial slurs against ones "ethnicity" or gender or "lifestyle choice" ( see what I mean...) should be done away with. People are people, we should be treated with a basic dignity and respect, it's just that simple. Whether or not you disagree with some ones lifestyle or whether or not you like someone of color, derogatory terms do nothing but strip that person of their dignity, you have the right to disagree or even hate someone for their choices or their color but, you MUST respect their rights as a person, their right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Now in the USSA the whole racial PC thing has gotten out of hand. Racialist is the new term of the day for the media to use. No true definition in Websters but, going by the context of how it is used, I would define it as this:

  • Racialist; n. - One who disagrees with President Obama but can't be proved a racist...yet

Yea that sounds good. For months leading up to the election and in the time since, if you are against anything the anointed one does, you hate black people. It has been that cut and dry with the media and even the White House. Everyone from Sean Hannity to Rush Limbaugh and Tea Party members have all been called racist. This is nothing new however, in the past few years when Americans called for the tightening of the U.S.'s southern border, then president Fox of Mexico called us a "nation of racist". When the Minuteman project came to be, Americans volunteering to live on the border and do what the government refuses to do, guard us from invasion by illegal aliens and terrorists, they too were dragged through the mud in media, Racist, Redneck, Bigots with guns they were called, all for simply disagreeing. I guess we should add a few more to the list of PC terms:

  • Patriot is now Domestic Terrorist
  • Conservative is now Racist
  • American Citizen is now Future Slave of Socialist Tyrants

Now when your out in public...make sure to use the correct terms!

Other terms that just nag me are the gender tags. Hyphenating 4 last names, Woman spelled with a Y ( womyn ), because as any femenazi will tell ya, "I'm not just a man with a wo before it". What a load.... These are the nice ladies who brought you the fight to change any word that was "Gender Specific" word in the English language. Manhole, Firemen,Policeman, Cowboy Clergyman and so on. Now I have zero problem with a women, wait...womyn being empowered. I have no problem with women ...womyn getting equal pay and doing equal work. If a woman..womyn wants to go into combat....fine, the Israeli commando's have had women in their units for decades, they train and fight just as hard as the men and are a credit to their countries defense. I love strong, smart women. My wife is very smart, opinionated and reliant, that's why I love her, you can see I am not a masculinist. In fact some of the best and brightest minds in the conservative movement are women, Sarah Palin, S.E. Cupp and Michelle Malkin to name a few. So to the femenazi I say this.....let it go. Your a woman, we get it, I can see the future now, Restrooms will no longer be Men and Women or Gentlemen and Ladies, they will be "Breasted American" for the Womyn and "Estrogenically challenged" For the Men....only a matter of time.

There are some of these PC terms that are just absurd, I've heard things like dog is now "Canine American"....ya that's just stupid, its a load of it's a load of Bovine American Fecal Matter. Ya it's ridiculous some of the garbage that is considered PC but, there are some attacks on our society that should be taken seriously.

The War on Christmas

This is what took me over the edge with all the PC nonsense. When Americans were expected to change to traditions to placate others. This country was founded on Christian principals, it's a fact that people have to get used to. Even for the non-Christians in this country, you have to accept that fact that this is a christian country, therefore there are allot of holidays and traditions that will be centered around Christianity. Not so long ago you could walk the streets and here, " Merry Christmas" from a bell ringer dressed liked Santa Clause, now that is rare. Christmas is under attack by the "secular progressives", which is now the PC term for ultra liberal scumbags. No longer is Merry Christmas allowed in schools and stores or in commercials, it is now Happy Holidays. This is so we don't offend the atheist, Muslims and any other tiny minority in this country. No longer will you go to see your kid in the schools Christmas pageant, nope now it is a Holiday Play. This is not just to appease those who don't believe in Christ, it is done more to strip us of our American traditions, to build on "new ways" and to get us used to the new order. Americans are proud, therefore they hold on tightly to heritage, tradition and what they consider a piece of their nations customs, this is what the secular are out to destroy. If you kill Christmas, Easter, Halloween and Thanksgiving, you kill a big piece of America, think of a year without holidays, without time off work to spend with the family, about never again seeing kids sit on Santa's lap or opening gifts, it's a drab existence, devoid of love, hope and faith, this would be the socialist paradise, lil worker bee's with nothing to look forward too, nothing to work for but the state. Destruction of the American family is the overall goal of the secular, no family unit means no family values means no conservative thought, it's that simple and this PC thuggery is the tip of spear.

Halloween is now a Harvest Festival in most schools IF they even allow it at all. Next it will be New Years. The Chinese, The Jews and Muslims all have their own new years and go by different calendars, give the secular time and there will be no New Years. No making resolutions to only break them a week later, no kisses at midnight and no celebration. Thanksgiving has been called "A celebration of slave traders and genocidal whites", I call it the one time of year when the whole family gathers, food and football and most of all catching up and enjoying our families. George Washington declared a day of public giving thanks and prayer in 1789, oh yea, how about this tidbit that is not taught in schools history books:

  • Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamation establishing the holiday in 1863: “ … to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens“.

The PC terminology thrown at us on a daily basis is nothing more than verbal Marxism. It is the opening shots in a war on tradition, a war on the very foundation of America. It's a war on your family values. When the liberal lefties change the way you speak, they have took control of part of your mind, they are training you to accept what they want America to become, a socialist venue in which you work only to spread your earnings to those who don't work, government run gulag.

I say to you Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, each one of these terms is verbal return fire on the secular and socialist who dare to destroy the fabric of America, which is the Conservative American family, without it we are nothing. The Conservative family's in the U.S. are the last bastion of Patriotism, or National Pride and of American values, Now that the seculars have invaded our schools, our government and our lexicon, the Family is the only place left for our children to learn the truth!

Good Day and God Bless America

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