Thursday, October 8, 2009

My,Your, OUR America

I have been told that I'm down on America, every day I pick apart this country and spew forth about the ills of society, well ya OK, It would seem so but, I write about the ills because
I love America so much. I have never been down on America, I'm down about the state we are in. After I was told I'm down on America, I started thinking about all the things that get meso high on America, what is it about this land that makes us, the conservative movement, the honest patriots, the dyed in the wool god fearing Americans love this country? What is so great about America that young men and women would sign up to fight for it? I was asked once by a liberal freak at work, why I join groups, why I do my little part to further the conservative cause, " Whats in it for you?" he asked, Well, America is in it for me! What says America? What do we stand to lose if the socialist get their false utopia in place? ALOT!

So any how, I'm not going to rant about the wrongs, I am going to look at whats right, I did allot of thinking about this, what is in it for me, for you, for my kids? This is what I came too:

Yesterday I saw a video of five little girls singing the national anthem, I had tears in my eyes, never have I heard the anthem sang so well, it was posted by our good friend Darla J. ( 980 am weeknights 6-9pm and on, this video IS America...only in a conserative America will you hear this anthem sang so proudly! Michelle Obama wants the anthem changed, too war like she says...well I say NEVER! Watch the video now, best you ever heard!

I told ya it was worth watching! Bless those little girls!

Speaking of our national anthem, I attended a high school football game last friday night, my daughter who is 5, took part in a lil leaders cheerleading camp and got to cheer at the game. What a sight! She did great, did the cheers, danced with her pom pom's, cutest thing ever! Now what could be more American than Friday night at a High School football stadium? The Autum chill in the air, the marching band playing the Star Spangeled Banner, everyone on their feet, hands on hearts singing along, cheer leaders cheering, young athelets out there playing hard for the love of the game, no money, no contracts, purely for love of the sport and school honor, great sportmenship by both teams...that's America! Was a great game, our team won 19-16! We fight the fight to keep these traditions alive, let not the high school fields become Nat'l Defence Force youth training grounds!

While on the subject of sports, Chicago lost the Olympics...good, no payback for the Chicago cronies! All the talk in the news of theolympic bid reminded me on 1980, Lake Placid Ny, DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES! Team USA Hockey, a team of unknown college kids defeated

the mighty Russian red army team, then goes on to win gold! what a moment time, chants of U - S - A fill the arena.....gotta love it! 1996: Kerri Strug sticks her vault on an injured ankle!

What says America more than this little girl going on when she was in so much pain, not only to walk but, run, jump and land on a broken ankle, and to stick it and win!!! That's America! We are fighters, no matter the odds, no matter how grim it appears, we fight on, this little girl fought on for national pride, fought on to prove that she, an American, could not be defeated no matter what! Nothing better than watch our athelets stand on the top of the podium, gold around their necks, the National anthem played while the stars & stripes fly above the rest, gives me chills every time. Just this summer, an American team won the little league world series! What a great sight that was, great sportsmenship, fought hard, fought clean and came away the victors. Just goes to show there is promise for the future!

Those are all great moments but, what else can inspire Americans? What is it that gets your blood flowing, what makes the tears well up in your eyes? For me it's many things. It's 4th of July, brass bands play in town squares, flags line every street, banners read, " Happy Birthday America". Sounds like something out of a Rockwell painting? Well ya but it's still alive, Ottawa Kansas, july 4th 2009 was the scene just described. Small town America is the heartbeat of the country, Where Vetrans day parades are front page news, where the whole town turns out to honor those fallen in past and present wars. Where you know all your neighbors, sit on the porch with a beer while the kids ride bikes up and down the sidewalks...That's America, it's still here, just have to leave the big cities to find it!

Even the simplest of images can bring up pride. Talk our national bird, the great Bald there any better symbol for America? Dignified, Smart looking, a gentle creature at rest, then when it must, it uses it's superior skills and it's razor sharp talons to destroy that which threatens it or its young. It's a fighter, a hunter and a proud and noble bird which fears nothing.

Originally it was proposed by Ben Franklin the the North American Wild Turkey be used as the Nat'l bird....Ben Franklin was a brilliant man, great inventor but, let's face it Ben...ya missed on that one :o) The Eagle in all it's glory IS America, every time I see one, pictures or real, I feel pride in being American!

So many sights, sounds and words that make being American great. Lee Greenwood singing "Proud to be American", Ray Charles singing " America the Beautiful ", 1.7 million complete strangers coming together on 9/12 in D.C. to speak out, Neighbors helping neighbors after a flood or tornado, combines harvesting wheat on the plains or real cowboys that still ride and rope cattle for a living, that is America. Images of George Washington riding high in the saddle, commanding his troops with honor basically giving the middle finger to King George, that's how
America was born, and that spirit lives on. The libery Bell, thoughts of great men like Washington, Jefferson and Patrick Henery sitting in what is now Independence Hall working to make this country what it was, and what it can be again. Those men who fought the Revolution

were the true spirit of America, the minuteman who rushed out the door with musket in hand to defend his new homeland, to keep it free, these great men were not professional soldiers, they were farmers, blacksmiths, tailors and clergy, all who thought enough of Freedom, thought enough of Liberty for all to die for it. That is the sense of pride that rushes through every U.S. service person today, the spirit to fight and die for what they believe in, and I thank God everyday we still have such people in this country, for without our mighty military we are lost!

God Bless them all and gaurd them in their darkest hours!

American pride went dormaint for awhile, after the hippie's come to be and Viet Nam, Americans seemd shamed, no more was it all about mom and apple pie. We had lost of sense

of national pride, we were letting world opinion seep into our souls. I for one could care less what anyone in the world thinks of Americans. I see us for what we are, the greatest nation on earth, a free society where you have infinite choices, infinite chances. No cast systems, no class by birth, any man or woman can achieve anything if they are willing to work for it, any dream realized if they only believe enough in themselves to do it. After that tragic September day, the worst day I will ever see in my life, a day none of can or will forget, American pride not only re-emerged but, it overflowed. Not since Pearl Harbor has this nation came together in one voice and demanded blood for blood. Unprovoked attacks on this nation will not be tolerated! American Resolve is stronger than any steele said Pres. Bush, how right he was. Flags adorned every house, car, street lamp and lawn in the country. We wanted blood, we wanted vnegence and we demanded that those responsible pay, and pay they have, and pay they will! Every time one of our soldiers shoots a bastard terroist, every predator strike on a terrorist hideout, every capture of terrorist plotters is another payment, payment in blood for the loss of 3000 Americans, we wont stop until we have payment in full! Everywhere you turned in the days, weeks and months after 9/11 there was patriotic posters, artwork and music. The national anthem at ball games was now sung louder and prouder than ever before, fans brought in Flags and waved them throught out the games, chants of go team were replaced with chants of USA. These fans were now going to the games as a sign of national pride more than to watch the contest itself, they were saying in one loud voice, " We are not scared of you...we will not hide in our we are, out in our free homeland waving our flags and there isnt a damn thing you terrorist sons a bitches can do about it!" Once the fight was brought to our shores, it was sure to be a fight to the end, Americans do not stand for being sucker punched...thats what being American is, standing toe to toe and slugging it out!

These were images now floating around in emails in the months after 9/11, for a long time the daily joke emails were replaced by images of a nation wanting revenge, wanting to right the wrong, wanting the world to know that America was coming for the bad guys, and we were damn sure gonna get them! Even the most ice hearted liberals were on board, it was one voice, one country united for the first time since WWII. A great stent of patriotism, only to fade away again.

Which brings me to this question for you: Why? Why did the flags stop flying, why did the artist around the country stop making these works of art, and they are works of art! Where did that sense of pride go? I know it's still there, just lying in wait. Today it's not popular to be high on America, when the President runs around the world bashing us but, we dont listen to him and we don't care, we, the true Americans, know who we are and we know what America is.

America is still here, ya just gotta look hard to see it. Under all the filth of the liberal media, all the garbage flowing thru the airwaves, all the hype of a failing administration, America is there!

It's in the guy who worked for days the landscape his yard as to acomodate a flagpole ( me ) so he could fly the colors everyday. It's my little boy playing tee ball in his granparents back yard while his great grandmother, grandparents and parents looked on and gave batting tips. It's in the lil 5 yr old girl cheering her butt off in the cold at a high school football game, it's all those lil cheer leaders putting thier hands over their hearts while the marching band plays the national anthem. It's the kid fresh out of high school who signs up for the Marine Corp. . It's the guy in traffic ahead of me with the "Live Free or Die" artwork on the back window of his SUV. It's two young film makers exposing a criminal organization.

Yes America is all around us, the soil that grows the worlds grain is American soil. The steel used to build warships and hospitals and kid's bicycles is American steel mined by American miners. Hamburgers on the grill on Labor day are beef raised by American ranchers, every round of ammunition pumped into a terrorist was made in America, fired from an American M-4
by an American soldier. America is so much....Mt. Rushmore, The Redwoods, NYC on a Saturday night, country fairs and rodeos. It's airshows, it's gunshows. It's Arts& Crafts fairs, it's lil kids
playing on the swings in the back yard. America gets going when the going gets tough. America
plays hard, fights hard and loves hard.

And lastly, Mr. Obama......America makes NO apologies for who she is! She is a proud land with proud citizens, no matter what the socialist thugs in power think they can achieve, they cannot and will not kill the American Spirit. I love this country and the people in it. Take the time to look around you today....What is here in America that you love? What's worth fighting for?

Thoughts and comments welcome, lemme know what you love about America!

Good Day and God Bless America

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