Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Papers Please

Spring has sprung! Here in the central plains anyway, the signs are all around, flowers budding, birds sing in the morning, T-Storm watches already and March Madness has started( go Jayhawks! ), all great signs of spring. Another sign of spring is the line at the sports dept. counter, people wanting to get their fishing license and hit the lakes and rivers, maybe for the last time.

The DaliBama has declared war on fishing. Yeah fishing. One of the most relaxing and non extreme sports there is. Fathers and kids out of the lake, the old man alone on the bank with a line out and soft radio with a ball game on, the dedicated angler who stands waste deep in cold water looking for that trout.....all criminals in the anointed ones eyes.

A quote from the news, "The Obama administration has announced that it will accept no more public input for a new federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing some of the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters" yep, people all over the country will miss out on a most valued pastime in this great country, all with one stroke of the executive order pen. This is just another stab at controlling every aspect of our lives. This Socialist dictator has gone beyond liberal hijinks, he is now the supreme threat to liberty.

Remember back to the State of the Union Address. As Al-Messiah stood up at the podium verbally bashing the court for going against his party in a campaign
finance case, the Dems stood and cheer'd, they ( the Dems ) had all the justices surrounded, like a pack of rabid jackals, it was very symbolic, it was Barry's way of telling the justices that he now owns them, your surrounded and WILL level all decisions based on what I want, that was his message to the SCOTUS. Justice Roberts, while answering a question from a college kid spoke about this, he called it troubling, I call it intimidation, I guess Barry learned that from Andy Stern at SEIU boot camp.

Al-Messiah now controls the banks, the American auto industry, SCOTUS, the bunny lovin tree huggin leftist whacko's now run the dept. of Interior, SEIU and ACORN now control who gets how many votes....nothing left but to control US, we the people, fear not...Chucky has a plan.......

A quote, "Immigration reform legislation being pushed by Sen. Charles Schumer would require all American workers to have a biometric identification card as a step toward controlling illegal immigration. It is also a step toward a national ID card for everyone"

Papers please....Checkpoint Charlie...East/West Berlin....any of this sound familiar? With racist judge Sotomayor on the court now, it's only a matter of a few years before we are stripped of hunting rights...then of our right to bear arms, total ban on all private weapons in the U.S., that combined with Chucky's national bio-metric ID cards, The new Socialist regime of the American Socialist States will whole.

It's only a matter of time before our economy is in total collapse. This is the plan, it's obvious to anyone, otherwise why would an educated man such of Daddy O keep spending money on such wasteful and frivolous things? He knows he is putting America down the crapper and that's the point. Bottom us out, drop our currency. Barry is the guy who will buy a $5.60 pack of smokes, a $12 case of beer and say " put the rest on pump #2" then hand the cashier a $20. NO just got a whopping $2 in gas, did ya really need the smokes or beer? Do we really need Health care reform now? Do we need to blow $300 billion on bullshit porkulus projects right now? NO, America is low on gas, fill up the tank so we can get to work before you buy the smokes and beer! It's a reality we all face every the Libs must face it too.

I'm a simple person, I like my Marlboro's light, my Metal Heavy and my government working FOR me, not out to destroy's that simple.

One last lil tidbit of interest: Think back 12, 15, 20 years ago....remember what life was like? You flipped on AM radio and got talk, baseball, gardening shows or the how to fix it guys, flash forward to Amerika get the Chinese government broadcasting propaganda ON AMERICAN RADIO STATIONS ON AMERICAN SOIL! This crap would have never flew under Regan or Bush or even, forgive me for saying this, under Clinton.

GALVESTON, TEXAS — George Lee was stunned Saturday to hear a Chinese news agency broadcasting during the time his news and variety program usually aired on Galveston's only radio station

That's right, CRI, Chinese Radio International is slowly looking for American stations that have fell on hard times and spending huge amounts of cash to buy air um...sell the truth about the communist paradise, and to let us Americans know how lazy and evil we are....well F&CK China...keep your propaganda and your lies off our radio!

As April nears, so do the Tea Parties! go out and let Al-Messiah and his croanies know that the hard winter ( um Yeah Al...where is the warming? ) has not dulled the flame of your anger, send a message to Barry, Harry and big Sis, to Chucky and the rest of the liberal pukes...We are Americans, We are mad as hell and We WIL NOT TAKE ANYMORE!

Good Day and God Bless America!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Of Big Brother and Big Sis

I wasn't planning on even posting today but this just pisses me off. I wrote yesterday of the Air Soft club is St. Joe, MO. The feds are all over them calling them militia and inquiring about combat readiness numbers of their troops...this is all in the name of defending America from domestic terrorist according to Big Sis...Janet Napolitano...head Homeland Defense. The report that this bug eyed sack of dog vomit put remember...Right wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment

The report says that Tea Party attendees are just domestic radical terrorist who have not yet begun the planning stages for attacks...anyone who is Conservative, owns guns and believes in the 2nd Amendment, disagrees with waste full government spending, votes against democrats...well we are all domestic terrorist and a threat to homeland security..... Ok, you should now add radical leftist Doctors of neurobiology!

This Dr. Amy Bishop has a long history of violence. We now know that she killed her brother with a shotgun when she was 19, the cover up is blown, her mom worked for the police dept., two rounds fired from a pump shotgun is NOT an accidental shooting. She later sent a pipe bomb to a co-worker and now has killed three people, all because she was denied tenure. She has also raised four radical leftist kids...the worst of which is a third grade boy, who is soooo obsessed with Obama that he is, " Off Putting" according to news accounts.

Lets look at the score board shall we?

Violence Committed by: Left wing nut jobs Tea Party Attendees
2 0

Bishop is one, don't forget the Ft. Hood shooter, major left wing Islamic nut job.
Lets not forget all the eco leftist nuts who have bombed, shot and burned people, all in the name of the enviorment, maybe we should look at Al Gore a little closer?
Yet all these armed conservatives fed up with government attending rallies numbering in the millions, not one act of violence....Hey Big Sis...maybe you should look to your left a little more, and not so much to your right??

The other thing that pissed me off today was a news report about the porkulous money. It's a dark time in America. Good people are losing their homes, kids are hungry and without proper coats in a harsher than normal winter, and yet Obama and his flunkies have spent OUR money how?:

Federal agencies are spending stimulus money at the rate of $196 million an hour. And they will do so every hour for the next eight months until a September 30, 2010, deadline.

  1. $233,000 to the University of California at San Diego to study why Africans vote. Jobs created: 12, but seven of those are Africans in Africa
  2. In Nevada, $2 million in stimulus money built a new fire station, but because of budget cuts, the county can't afford to hire firefighters to work there
  3. Penn State University got $1.5 million to study plant fossils in Argentina. Of 5 jobs created, 2 belong to Argentines
  4. Researchers the State University of New York at Buffalo got $389,000 to pay 100 Buffalonians $45 each to record how much malt liquor they drink -- and how much pot smoke each day. Consumption is then reported via an automated phone hot line. Cost per job: almost $200,000
  5. $5 billion to weatherize homes. But one Texas county spent $4 million to weatherize just 47 homes. That's $78,000 per house. Each retrofit is supposed to save homeowners $500 a year in energy costs. That means taxpayers will recoup their investment in 156 years, long after the home is probably torn down.
  6. Two Arizona universities got almost $1 million dollars so 3 grad students can study how ants work. That's more than $300,000 per job.
  7. Companies that raise tropical fish, shellfish, catfish, alligators and even turtles qualify for $50 million in tax money to buy fish food
  8. North Carolina public schools received $4.4 million to hire math and literacy coaches, not for students, but teachers. That's 64 people paid $70,000 each to teach teachers how to teach reading and math
  9. Napa Valley Wine Train. The county received $54 million to build a railroad bridge, relocate a half-mile of track and build a flood wall to protect a wine train passenger station. The no-bid contract went to a minority-owned business operated by an Eskimo tribe outside Anchorage
  10. $6 million in stimulus money to a California contractor under federal investigation for overcharging San Diego for cleanup after the 2007 wildfires
  11. A Denver developer received $13 million in tax credits to help build a senior housing complex despite being sued as a slumlord for running decrepit, rodent-infested apartment buildings in San Francisco
  12. Kentucky gave $24 million to a contractor on trial on for bribery
  13. An aerospace company received $15 million to monitor water quality in a Ventura County creek it was already fined for polluting.

source:Fox News

That's just the tip of the iceberg too...Hundreds of thousands for the turtle tunnel in FL..Moose in Montana getting a million for a highway bridge they wont use....$300,000 to study the sex lives of female college freshman....

Hey Kids...wanna be president someday? Here's the things you must do:

  • Be born in another country
  • Falsify your birth records
  • pass executive order to cover it up and hide birth records
  • exploit labor thugs and radical left wing groups for muscle
  • lie cheat and steal to get elected
  • once in pass bogus stimulus package to pay back those who got you in

Ah it's that more hard work...gone are the days of serving the public....just cozy up to terrorist, criminals, thugs and the votes roll in.

Good Day and God Bless America

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010- year of the people

I'm back! Computer problems fixed....should be posting at least once a week now.

A lot has happened since November, my last post. An independent Conservative wins in Mass! Health care reform is now on life support...maybe Al Messiah's death panel should vote to pull the plug! Christmas day bomber, KSM trial, more idiot liberals opening their mouths....lots going on.

National Pride on Display

Ah the winter Olympics are back. Canada is a great country, they put on a great opening ceremony. It's nice to have our athletes competing in the safety of an allied country. I, like most Americans, am a sucker for the Olympics. Great

sportsmanship, thrilling contest, and watching people compete for nothing more than pride in their nation. What a great spectacle to behold. No matter the which country wins, the look on the face of the gold medalist while their national anthem is played is great. The tears in the eyes, the softly singing under their breath of the words to the anthem, it's a joy to watch. For me, being an American, there is nothing finer than to see an American win a gold, to hear the Star Spangled Banner, the stars & stripes raised above all others, breath taking! I also like the fact that to the ears of the Chi-Coms and Iranians, our anthem is blood curdling! Go Team USA!

Flapping Heads

Yeppers, Liberal media still at it. Well all except for Air America....bankrupt...what a shock ( sarcasm for those of you who couldn't tell). AA had like 5 people listening at their peak. If Americans want to hear America bashing, lie spewing, brainwashed idiots speak, they can simply tune into CNN or MSNBC. Idiots like Keith Olbermann, who now has like 10 viewers.

Olbermann is on the racist rant again. Anyone who attends a tea party is now a racist. Wow...really? According to Olbermann the whole Tea Party movement is built on racism. Olbermann says that at these rallies you never see blacks, Asians, Hispanics or gays. Ok first do you spot the gay people in the crowd? Secondly, if you recall the hub bub about the man attending a rally in Arizona while carrying a pistol and an AR-15 rifle? HE WAS BLACK!

Oh yeah Keith....if all us Conservatives are so damn racist.....then why is Michael Steele the RNC chairman???? ( for those of you who don't know who Michael Steele's a pic)

This whole diversity kick that some people are on because our president is black, it has to stop. Diversity training, teaching, classes, lessons etc. do nothing but divide people more than it brings them together. Growing up in the late 70's and early 80's...I went to school with the same group of kids from K-12...I didn't see them as black or Hispanic...they were my friends and we were all Americans. My wife grew up a military brat...once again...many races of kids in the schools on one saw black white or brown, they all saw green. Mom & Dad were all soldiers which gave these kids, especially when on posts over seas, gave them a since of unity, no race, just American kids. This diversity crap needs to go. I don't care what color you are, as long as your American, and you stand for making this country great again, then you are my brothers and sisters, PERIOD.

What's Next

Who knows what's going to happen in the coming year. One thing is certain, change will sweep the nation, and not the crap change Al Messiah Hussein Obama promised, no no no, real change. We need to have a revolution at the ballot box! Vote em out...all of em. Start now, look at your congress people's voting record, see where they stand on important issues, if you feel they are not working in America's best em out.

Right now democrats are bailing left and right. Scott Brown's win sent a message to D.C., it's all over for the socialist liberal movement in America. As short lived as it was, alot of damage was done. Our rights are still under attack and will continue to dwindle unless we get leadership in place that values Freedom as much as we do. We can't oust the Anointed One and his Czars until 2012 but, we can install a congress that can keep them in check until then.


Craziness Abounds

Okay...I understand we only have one planet....we need to take care of it...I get it. Do we really need to start making criminals of people for using a plastic bag? San Fransisco ( what a shock ) has banned plastic bags. It's now paper or jail? Do these idiots realize that to force paper on everyone will cause more tree's to be cut? Also it takes more energy to produce paper bags, and the whole thing is to cut semi-truck use of shipping plastic bags....well paper bags ride on trucks too! Morons. All we can hope for is all out war between the eco-nuts and the tree huggers. Sit back and watch em wipe each other out.

More craziness is the fact that Terrorist now have the same rights we do. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to mirandize a terrorist? Okay let's look at the facts: Criminals are scum but, they are scum with rights because they are American criminals. Now if you ask me criminals have too many rights in this country but that's for another post. Terrorist are murderers who ARE NOT AMERICANS.....ergo they DO NOT HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS WE DO. They chose to come to this land as a foreign national and commit acts of war....they should consider the cost if captured.....DEATH. The Crotch bomber, KSM, Gitmo detainees and the big man for the Taliban who we caught today....they should all be held as war criminals...they should all be tried by military courts and then hung...PERIOD.

At the same time we are giving terrorist all the luxury's we can....we treat Americans like war criminals. There is a club in St. Joe Missouri, an Air Soft club. Air Soft is a game where you shoot at other people with guns that look real, function as real automatic weapons do, yet they do no damage, kinda like a BB gun with less power. These guys & gals are fans of the game and gun enthusiast...All this is why is the FBI and ATF showing up to interrogate these people? These citizens were engaged in a legal activity, on private land and yet they were questioned about their "Militia", the Feds wanting to know troop strength of the militia, wanting to know about the training they receive and how many are combat ready! What a load of B.S., the crotch bomber gets a lawyer at the expense of us..the tax payers, and the tax payers get harassed by those who should be looking for more crotch bombers.


It almost seems that Al Messiah is wanting another attack....the administration seems to just not care about the real threat. I don't get it. I just know it's time for em all to go!

More next time! Look for the fan page of Americas 2ND Revolution on Facebook!

As always...Good Day and God Bless America!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sorry For the Delay

My blog will return soon. Computer problems have sidelined me for a while I will be back at it very soon. Untill then enjoy the archives and fight the good fight!