Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Papers Please

Spring has sprung! Here in the central plains anyway, the signs are all around, flowers budding, birds sing in the morning, T-Storm watches already and March Madness has started( go Jayhawks! ), all great signs of spring. Another sign of spring is the line at the sports dept. counter, people wanting to get their fishing license and hit the lakes and rivers, maybe for the last time.

The DaliBama has declared war on fishing. Yeah fishing. One of the most relaxing and non extreme sports there is. Fathers and kids out of the lake, the old man alone on the bank with a line out and soft radio with a ball game on, the dedicated angler who stands waste deep in cold water looking for that trout.....all criminals in the anointed ones eyes.

A quote from the news, "The Obama administration has announced that it will accept no more public input for a new federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing some of the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters" yep, people all over the country will miss out on a most valued pastime in this great country, all with one stroke of the executive order pen. This is just another stab at controlling every aspect of our lives. This Socialist dictator has gone beyond liberal hijinks, he is now the supreme threat to liberty.

Remember back to the State of the Union Address. As Al-Messiah stood up at the podium verbally bashing the court for going against his party in a campaign
finance case, the Dems stood and cheer'd, they ( the Dems ) had all the justices surrounded, like a pack of rabid jackals, it was very symbolic, it was Barry's way of telling the justices that he now owns them, your surrounded and WILL level all decisions based on what I want, that was his message to the SCOTUS. Justice Roberts, while answering a question from a college kid spoke about this, he called it troubling, I call it intimidation, I guess Barry learned that from Andy Stern at SEIU boot camp.

Al-Messiah now controls the banks, the American auto industry, SCOTUS, the bunny lovin tree huggin leftist whacko's now run the dept. of Interior, SEIU and ACORN now control who gets how many votes....nothing left but to control US, we the people, fear not...Chucky has a plan.......

A quote, "Immigration reform legislation being pushed by Sen. Charles Schumer would require all American workers to have a biometric identification card as a step toward controlling illegal immigration. It is also a step toward a national ID card for everyone"

Papers please....Checkpoint Charlie...East/West Berlin....any of this sound familiar? With racist judge Sotomayor on the court now, it's only a matter of a few years before we are stripped of hunting rights...then of our right to bear arms, total ban on all private weapons in the U.S., that combined with Chucky's national bio-metric ID cards, The new Socialist regime of the American Socialist States will whole.

It's only a matter of time before our economy is in total collapse. This is the plan, it's obvious to anyone, otherwise why would an educated man such of Daddy O keep spending money on such wasteful and frivolous things? He knows he is putting America down the crapper and that's the point. Bottom us out, drop our currency. Barry is the guy who will buy a $5.60 pack of smokes, a $12 case of beer and say " put the rest on pump #2" then hand the cashier a $20. NO just got a whopping $2 in gas, did ya really need the smokes or beer? Do we really need Health care reform now? Do we need to blow $300 billion on bullshit porkulus projects right now? NO, America is low on gas, fill up the tank so we can get to work before you buy the smokes and beer! It's a reality we all face every the Libs must face it too.

I'm a simple person, I like my Marlboro's light, my Metal Heavy and my government working FOR me, not out to destroy's that simple.

One last lil tidbit of interest: Think back 12, 15, 20 years ago....remember what life was like? You flipped on AM radio and got talk, baseball, gardening shows or the how to fix it guys, flash forward to Amerika get the Chinese government broadcasting propaganda ON AMERICAN RADIO STATIONS ON AMERICAN SOIL! This crap would have never flew under Regan or Bush or even, forgive me for saying this, under Clinton.

GALVESTON, TEXAS — George Lee was stunned Saturday to hear a Chinese news agency broadcasting during the time his news and variety program usually aired on Galveston's only radio station

That's right, CRI, Chinese Radio International is slowly looking for American stations that have fell on hard times and spending huge amounts of cash to buy air um...sell the truth about the communist paradise, and to let us Americans know how lazy and evil we are....well F&CK China...keep your propaganda and your lies off our radio!

As April nears, so do the Tea Parties! go out and let Al-Messiah and his croanies know that the hard winter ( um Yeah Al...where is the warming? ) has not dulled the flame of your anger, send a message to Barry, Harry and big Sis, to Chucky and the rest of the liberal pukes...We are Americans, We are mad as hell and We WIL NOT TAKE ANYMORE!

Good Day and God Bless America!

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