Thursday, October 1, 2009

What a Mess!

      Good grief! Things are FUBAR. I still sit in disbelief every time I turn on the T.V.,  I just can't believe what I am seeing. Why allot of Americans cannot see the road we are going down is beyond me, They only need to look at the world around them. Our lil Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez has raped that beauitful country. Mad with power and dreams of being a world power, Hugo stormed the media outlets and shut em down, or in some cases burned em down. He has made backdoor deals with the Russians, who are back to their old soviet ways. Rich with oil money and mad with power and media coverage, Hugo has became one of the modern era's greatest dictators, which means hes one of the modern era's greatest thugs as well.
An alliance with Russia, Cuba and Iran can only be described as "UnHoly". The people of Venizula are in for a long siege of their freedoms.......I wish them luck and god speed.

   Yeppers, Venizula sounds like a real hellhole and Hugo is a murderer and tyrant, without a doubt someone we would all avoid right?  Well not if your President Obama, Sean Penn, Harry Bellefonte, Oliver Stone, Courtney Love, Rosie O'donell and the list goes on.  Leftist Americans can't wait to snuggle up to this piece of trash. Obama shook hands, had drinks and accepted gifts from ol' Hugo over the summer, Oliver Stone has made a movie depicting Hugo as a "Great Leader of the New World ", Courtney Love is now in a romantic entanglement with him, Well o.k., Hugo you can have Courtney, we dont want her anymore! In fact you can have all these D-List Celebs.  Seems there is no faster way to regain your forgotten acting career
than to snuggle up to a dictator, maybe they are all auditioning for Latin Soap Opera's? Rosie would play a great handy man or construction worker ;o). Anyway the point is, what would have happened if Joe Dimaggio or John Wayne would have shook hands with a Soviet Leader? What woulda happened if Harry Truman would have had sauki with Emperor Hirohito? They would have been boo'd, jeer'd and in some cases jailed for aiding the enemy, yet today these people are seen as hero's, speaking out for a cause, what a load of crap. We should have made an example of "Hanoi" Jane Fonda during Nam.....jail her for treason
and aiding the enemy....this crap would stop!

    The Freedom we have is soooooooooo taken for granted that it's makes me sick. As I watched the good people of Iran fight in the streets for a shred of the freedom we have,it made my heart ache knowing they would never win. I salute all of them for standing up and in some cases dying for a simple belief,  Liberty.
I know some of you are gonna question me for saying, " Good People of Iran" but, it's not the people as a whole in Iran that hate America. It's the radical islamic government. I have known three guys from Iran that immigrated here, and not a one has ever said one anti-American word that I know of. In fact two ofthem worked in a warehouse with me and our boss was of the Jewish faith, yet the three of us sat together on the patio at break, smoking, talking and joking, together as Americans. The people of Iran want to be free of mad men hell bent on starting world war III, they want to live in peace with their neighbors, raise familys and worship in their chosen fashion, and to this I say Fight On, America is behind you! I only wish we could arm the people so they had an even chance in the streets against the radical regime's secret police and elite gaurd.

    At the same time you gotta wonder why some people fight for freedom and we dont help them, all the while we continue to liberate countries from murderous tyrants and the people there turn on us? Makes no sense. I watch our brave men & women fight to free Iraq, Afghanistan only to see the people in these countries spit in their faces and it pisses me off.  Shades of Viet Nam all over again. Let me make this clear, I am not bad mouthing our troops or President Bush for going into either country, I question the motive of the people of these countries. Stop biting the hand that is feeding you the freedom to vote, walk the streets and protest. All these Iraqi's out protesting would have been shot 7 years ago, yet they fail to see that the great American soldiers are the ones who gave them that freedom. I guess secret prisons, living under constant sanctions and rape rooms are better than being free to some people.

     While we are on the subject of war.....when was it decided that every country in the world can fight to win except the U.S.A? I for one am tired of our troops being forced to fight clean and politized wars. We seem to be under constant scrutiny for every round that goes a stray, meanwhile not one person in the media
or any of the great people at U.N. ( hopefully you caught on to the sarcasm ) have come down on the enemy for use of I.E.D's, for using women, children and animals to deliver bombs, for hitting civilian targets or for using civliansfor shields. War is dirty, ugly and bloody, the object of war is to attack your enemy as violently as possible until he surrenders for good or is totally wiped out. Gen. George S. Patton said it best,
" The object of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his"
 God how bad do we need another Patton! I say cut the leash, the American troops do what they do best, kill the enemy! I will take 10 U.S. Marines overs 10,000 of any other soldiers in the world. Let em go and WIN THE WAR. Time to call out the B-52's and carpet bomb every living thing around the enemy, when the people see that the terrorist hiding among them are the reason for the bombing, they will give em up! Go big or go home.
Politicians and U.N. counsels and advisors.....stay out of it, let our generals and troops do their jobs, destroy our enemies and insure peace! Ask the Nazi's about how good Americans fight....wait there are no Nazi's to ask.....THEY ARE ALL DEAD!

   There is another war being fought, this one right here in's a war of words. All the flapping heads in the mainstream media are sniping, taking pot shots at the conservitives, sneaking in jabs on the news, in the papers and even in some TV shows. By the way boycott the show Law & Order! Yet when a conservitive speaks up we become Nazi's?  Joe Wilson is my hero! During Obama's speech to Congress
Joe Wilson yelled, " You Lie!". Ya he broke some rule the senate has...blah blah blah....they booed Bush for 15 minutes and yet no one called for apologies, Nancy Pelosi wasnt crying over that, was she?  When Joe the Plumber got sucked into a photo op with Obama, he turned the tables and became an American hero, then lost his job and was dragged thru the mud by the media whores. Sarah Palin, oh how I love this gal! tough as nails, smart as a whip and more guts than any politician I have ever seen. When she called Obama's
end of life counslers "A death panel" she was right! She had the balls to say it when no one else would. The media's response was to drag her daughters thru the mud and to call her a racist. When Americans began the Tea Party movement, once again we were called Nazi's and racist, again when the town halls got to be explosive and Americans spoke thier minds....Nazi was the word of choice....If you want to see who is the real Nazi....take a look at the Democratic party....lets compare...

                                      Nazi               Democrat                    
Gun Control                  Yes                      Yes                              
Anti Smoking                Yes                      Yes                               
Over Zealous                Yes                      Yes                            

Socialization                  Yes                      Yes                              
Govt run Media             Yes                      Yes                             
Secret Police                 Yes                      Yes                              
       The list goes on and on. I know smoking is a filthy habit, I know I should quit but, does that give the government the right to tax a segment of the population for choosing to smoke? To single out one group over another? NO. Next it is gonna be soda, they have already proposed a .13 cent tax per 12oz. can, also coming is "the big mac" tax, any food the govt. deems unhealthy will be outlawed or taxed so high you cant afford, since the govt will be running your healthcare, they figure they can run your life. Hitler did this too, he was a strict vegitarian, did not smoke and only drank water and iced tea. He pushed this on Germany's citizens, resricted access to meat and alcohol. Gun Control...well enough said, I give you a quote from Hitler himself,
" The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing." Sounds allot like today dont it? The govt. reports about Militia and Military Vets
being "terroist" is just a way to get the general public on board for the mass dis-arming of the populous.

  The enviorment, sure we need to take care of the planet, I wont argue with that. Where I disagree is when the govt. sticks its grubby claws into the mix. Cap & Trade bill is about the worst thing to come from the Obama administration to date. This crap bill is sooooooooo restrictive on companies that provide energy
and other services that we, the consumers will pay WAY HIGHER bills, your heating bill alone will increase %74 over the first five years of Cap & Trade. Thats %74 percent...For us who get the harsh winters here on the plains, in the NorthEast and in the Midwest this spells disaster for our wallets! Hitler too controled every resource Germany had to offer. Restricting private citizens from using land for their own purpose, all things belong to Germany, including the trees, rivers and plantson private land he said.

   Socialization...well duh...he was a socialist! Media...was all state ran propaganda machine. Just as ours has become. No other president has gotten the positive coverage that Obama has. No matter what foolish thing he says, no matter who he meets with, no matter how far he goes with implementing socialist policy, the media spins him into the messiah once again. Other than talk radio and internet sites, conservitive thought and reporting has been banished from the airwaves!

  I will close with the secret police comment. Everyone knows of the Schutzstaffel, which is German for Protective Echelon. More commonly known as the SS, Hitler used the SS to gaurd his reign. He spied on his citizens, officers and even his family. At the first hint of dissention he would have the SS arrest, detain and imprison anyone who opposed him. Well coming soon to a city near you is the Obama National Civilian Defense Force.  Not a catchy as Schutzstaffel, maybe he should get his staff to find a cutesy acronym.
To quote President Obama,

"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."

  Ok...well lets see, We have a military and a national gaurd already sworn to defend America from all enemies foreign and domestic. Who the hell will the CNSF fight? Thats right, ME, YOU, US. This is nothing more than the begining of the new SS. Tasked with dis-arming America, rounding up real Patriots, free thinkers and god fearing Americans who refuse to live in the socialist paradise of the brand new United Socialist States of Amerika.

  Take a look around, pay attention to the words, phrases and propaganda thrown at you every day...if anyone thinks Im wrong, really look at the news....the slant is obvious, you must only open your eyes to see the truth.

Good Day and God Bless America

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