Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Pot and the Kettle

If you recall, there was a HUGE outrage after Gabby Giffords was shot by a complete nutcase. All the libs were screaming that it was hate speech by the conservitives...a Dem was shot because of hate speech by the likes of Hannity, Rush, Levin and Glenn Beck...literally minutes after the shooting it was all over CNN and MSNBC that the shooter was a "right wing extremist pushed in too assassination by right wing talk radio. Well the truth came out, shooter was registered Dem and a friggin nut. The following weeks brought speeches about civil discourse from Al Messiah, who turned a memorial for hero's and a 9 yr. old girl into a rally....disgusting wasn't it? All we heard from the left was to keep speech civil, no apologizing for false statements against the Tea Party, Conservitives...just "let's keep it civil guys".

Flash foreward- February 2011- termoil in the middle east rages, governments all over the world are crumbling, here at home budget shortfalls have left states in shambles, federal budget is short and could stop America from having a functioning government by week ending March 3rd....The Obama's are partying down at the WH with a bunch of lefty music acts.....things are a mess...union thugs have seized state capitols in protest of collective bargining rights, with all the seems the dem's forgot their own bullsh*t about civil discourse. Take a look...

Very close attention to the signage you see in the back round of news reports, I've seen signs calling the GOP the KKK, Neo Nazi's...comparing the Tea Party to harsh dictators of the world....civality is out the window...but it's ok, as long as its the Dems saying it.

That's my point. The Dems control the MSM so they can say and claim whatever the hell they want and get away with it. Claims such as the GOP = KKK...well guess what...the KKK was in fact started by the DEMCORATIC PARTY...that's fast they forget their history.

  • 1860 Presidential election..Stephan Douglas (d) was defeated by Lincoln..Douglas ran on a platform of allowing southern slave owners to keep owning and transport slaves to new territories where slavery had been outlawed
  • 1920's Republican platforms ran on anti-lynching laws..Democratic platforms ran aginst such laws
  • 1964 Everett Dirksen (R) pushes thru the civil rights bill against 20 no votes from Democrats, including Gore sr...and Robert Byrd

It's widely known that after the south lost the civil war the southern dems. used the KKK as a terrorist arm of the democratic party..Lincoln freed the slaves, he was republican, Martin Luther King jr. fought for the civil rights of black Americans...he too was a republican.

Tea Partiers are neo-nazi's? Neo Nazi's...who pride themselves on carrying on Hitlers teachings fact..socialist...which party closley identifies themselves with european socilism and wants a euro style government in place in America? Oh yeah, the Democratic Party. Socialization of healthcare and most government programs is the goal of Al Messiah..or should I say Adolph Obama....conservitives want fiscal strength, America back to leading the world, sound defense of our nation..while the socialist want to spend us into debt so far that we become what true socialist are..poor, beaten down and standing in line for shoes and bread.

Everytime one of these union thugs, or MSM flapping heads uses speech against the tea party of GOP in's the pot calling the kettle black. Dems have used black Americans for decades just for their votes and returned nothing.

Obama is all over the TV kissing rings and bowing to Muslim leaders and dictators of the world...the very people he compares us conservitives too...pot & kettle! The hypocracy of tyrants runs sooooo deep.

Good Day & God Bless America

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