Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served and are serving now! You brave men & women are the very souls responsible for the liberty we enjoy every day. From our forefathers
who fought British tyranny to the modern day soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen who defend us from Islamo-radicals, you all share the same pride in country, the same spirit and same honor
in defending the very last bastion of freedom on this earth. Today we salute you, today is our day to say thank you for all your dedication and sacrifice, thank you for keeping us free from all enemies foreign and domestic and thank you for defending that which is most precious, Freedom.
There is a saying that I like, " If you can read this, Thank a teacher, if you are reading it in English, thank a Soldier." That is so true. The ultimate irony here on this Veterans Day, 2009 is that our brave armed services are fighting to defend freedom, while those they swore their oath too are the very ones trying to take it away. It makes no sense to me. I told myself before starting this post that I would not let it go political so, I will leave it at that.
My grandfather served in WWII, US Army 177th as a medic. He was on Omaha Beach, He was in North Africa, he was wounded twice in his service. Two Uncles and a Father In Law who were Nam Vets, A cousin who was a vet of the Gulf War, another cousin who is a vet of the War on Terror, A Great Grandfather who was a vet of WWI. I got a lot of family who are vets, I have friends who are vets or are currently serving. There are hundreds of thousands of men and women serving now and who have served that I do not know....I love them all the same!
I matters not in what capacity you served, from rangers and seals to cooks and administration. From Generals to PFC's, you are all important to us, the free citizens of the United States of America. If you the soldier working in a supply depot, were not there, the rangers would not have ammo to kill the enemy. If you, the cook at a Marine camp were not there to feed the men, they would not have the energy and health to kill the enemy. If you, the purple shirts [grapes] were not there to fuel the planes on deck, the pilots could not fly their missions and kill the enemy. All important, everyone of you, Don't ever forget it.
Something else I would like to say on this Veterans Day, forget not the families of service people who gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend liberty. These families miss loved ones every Christmas, every birthday, every Thanksgiving because their loved ones chose to fight for us, say a prayer for those families!
Now we come to the most important part of this: How to do your part! For those of us who didn't serve, for whatever reason, medical or otherwise, there are ways to help these brave warriors, do what ya can, I know times are rough for everyone money wise, look at these links, donate money, time, phones whatever you can please, give our defenders of freedom a taste of home, a few minutes of phone time to call thier families, something to read or listen too...give what ya can!
Donate to the USO ( United Service Organization ) https://www.uso.org/donate/
Any Soldier- many ways to help if you dont know how http://www.anysoldier.com/
Soldiers Angels- Adopt a Soldier or donate to items for care packages http://www.soldiersangels.org/
Support our troops: Many simple ways to help! http://www.hereinreality.com/supportourtroops.html
HelpASoldier has a list of items to donate http://www.helpasoldier.org/
Operation Band Aid- many ways to help out http://www.noanie.com/
Cell Phones for Soldiers- a Great Idea! http://www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com/
Operation Gratitude- Send a care package! http://www.opgratitude.com/
Treat Any Soldier- A great organization! http://www.treatanysoldier.com/
Ready Made care packages of different types, Snacks, books etc.. http://www.giddygiftbox.com/military.html
Give 2 Troops....One of the best for sending some love over seas!!! http://www.give2thetroops.org/
Equipped.com gives a great list and suggestions for sending your own hand made packages
Operation Shoe Box...great site to help out! http://www.operationshoebox.com/
Book for Soldiers-- One of my fav ways to help....everyone has $10 to send a magazine subscription, gives these guys new stuff to read, a reminder of what they are fighting for! Heres a few ways to send reading material, movies and games:
http://www.booksforsoldiers.com/ or on FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Books-for-Soldiers/112392051635
Allan Walls is currently serving over seas, read his blog ( it's great ) and email him to get a list of books for his fellow soldiers in his unit
Books for Soldiers http://booksforsoldiers.info/info/index.php?title=Military%2C_Start_Here
(diff from one above but as good )
Operation Paperback...donate gentley used books of yours, very simple and inexpensive!
These are just a few ways to help.....the War on Terror is NOT a spectator sport here people...just as our parents and Grand parents did in WWII...everyone needs to do their part!
God Bless each and every Veteran, every service person wearing a U.S. Flag on their shoulder all around the world. With out you all, we would not be free, we would not enjoy the liberties that so many can only dream of and most importanly, we probably wouldn't be Americans. God Bless you all and I pray for your safe return! Even in times when it seems as though no one is on your side, know that media bullshit means nothing, America and all her patriots ARE behind you! \
Go forth today and hug a vet, shake their hand, say thank you!
Good Day & God Bless America and God Bless all of her brave warriors! We love you all!
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