That's the oath every president takes, It's a pledge really, a pledge to defend America, her people, her shores and her most important document, the Constitution. So why, with in his first year in office is Barry tearing the constitution apart? There is a reason the winning lottery numbers were 666 in the Illinois pick three the day after the election....The anointed one is a devil in Messiah clothing! Let's take a look at what is going down.
- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
That's our 1st. Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. It's our most important amendment as well, it is what the founding fathers fought and died for, Freedom of Speech, Religion and's our founding they are under attack..being stripped away and for our youngest of children and future generations....they will only be a dream.
I believe Big Daddy O has already broke his oath of office, by attacking and dismantling the constitution, he should be impeached and booted out! Just how is the anointed one pulling this off? first enslave the people, you must build a following and silence the truth...this is done by doing these types things:
- Steve Watson,Columnist New York Times who compared Obama campaign to Hitler’s Nuremberg rallies is Fired
- Ben Stein Expelled from New York Times for anti-Obama comments
- First Phase of "Regulating" the Internet is under way thanks to Czar Sunstein
- HR 985- Free Flow of Info Act...A.k. The Sealing of Obama's birth Certificate Act
- Sunstein’s belief that the government should impose a “fairness doctrine” on the internet
- Flickr and Yahoo delete content opposed to Obama
By destroying the 1ST Amendment you enslave the have seen the indoctrination videos in my other post and around the net, now you have to get the adults, this is a two fold process. By censoring media and bullying people out of their right to assemble, you have killed free speech. We saw this at the Heatlh Care town halls, Conservatives showed up to protest Obama-Care and were beaten, shoved and denied access by union thugs and cops. Next comes silencing the Internet....that last bastion of free speech left. Sunstein will use every dirty trick he has to silence and discord for the anointed one. Take for instances this from the White House website
- There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to
A "snitch on your neighbor" program reminisant of the old Soviet Union. Why censor the press though? What do they have to hide...all the dirt is out there right? We all know about Obama-Ayers connection, Ayers wrote the Obama Auto-biography....what else could they want to hide? Well there is this:
“Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations."
Kenyan born??? Even with Hawaii's stupid law that allows a birth certificate to be issued on the statement of only one relative...he still can't prove he's an American citizen. HR985 insures that the birth certificate will never be made public, it allows federal restrictions be put on the free flow of information. If Obama cannot show documents which prove he is born in the USA; the mere fact that he has claimed to be born overseas and in the U.S.A.; first at one hospital in Hawaii and then at another; means that nothing he says in court, and no document presented by his campaign could be taken as prima facie evidence of anything. With that said, it doesn't help when Newspapers from the African continent run stories like this:

Everyone knows he is now the first Foriegn National to hold the office of President of the United States of America, congrats Barry! You are now the biggest liar in US history.
One last thing about the Birth issue...someone knew the truth..and look what happened:
Washington Post-Key Witness In Passport Fraud Case Fatally Shot
A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church, the Metropolitan Police Department said yesterday.
City police said they do not know whether his death was a direct result of his cooperation with federal investigators
Now that you have censored the press, hidden the truth, now the second fold is to use your new media to spread the lies. Now the public will take anything on TV orin print as the golden truth because if it made it past the censors, it must be true, things like this crap:
Because some folks had the courage to "march across a bridge" in Selma, Alabama, his mother, a white woman from Kansas, and his father, a black Muslim from Africa, took heart. It gave them the courage to get married and have a child.
took heart. It gave them the courage to get married and have a child. The problem with that characterization is that Barack Obama, Jr. was born on August 4, 1961, while the first of three marches across that bridge in Selma didn't occur until March 7, 1965, at least five years after Obama's parents met.
When Joe Wilson said, " YOU LIE", he had no idea how right he was. It is my opinion that Barry has violated his oath, is notonly failing to preserve the constitution...he is the one destroying it and he should be impeached and arrested.
As I have said before, once you enslave the mind, you must then enslave the body. The founding fathers knew this, so they drafted the 2ND Amendment.
- A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
This the key part to the socialization of America. As I have shown in other post ( available in the archive ) the leftist will use everything they can to ban firearms. It is their primary goal. Shall not be infringed means nothing to these criminals, look at the D.C. handgun ban, Chicago and Federal bans on many types of guns. They will use every biased report, media lies and even health care reform to get an out right you have this:
- CIFTA, the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms
- On its face, the treaty sounds reasonable because it would “prevent, combat, and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials”
- Signed by Clinton but never ratified by congress
- Signed by Obama this past summer on a trip to Mexico
- U.N. drafted treaty
The truth is most of these weapons are being smuggled from Central American countries or by sea, eluding U.S. and Mexican monitors, it is a very very small percentage that are American in origin. The stat thrown around is that %16 of weapons seized in Mexico are American...but only %8 of weapons seized even have serial numbers or other means of tracing them, %16 of that %8 are American in origin. Actual toal percentage of American weapons seized in Mexico, does this tiny percentage seem like a good reason to strip you of your rights to self and family defense? I thought not. But Barry is gonna try, take a look:
- “I have not backed off at all from my belief that the assault weapons ban makes sense,” Obama said, adding that he is not “under any illusions that reinstating that ban would be easy.”
- ABC news Feb 26, 09 - The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.
- “As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons,” Holder told reporters
- Chicago Congressman Bobby Rush H.R. 45 would require a federal license for all handguns and semiautomatics, including those you currently possess; and
* It would require handgun and semi-auto owners to be thumbprinted at the police station and to sign a certificate that, effectively, the firearm will not be kept in a place where it would be available for the defense of the gun owner’s family
How will he get his Stasi in place? Take a look:
- DoD issued a Defense Directive 1404.10 that establishes a “DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce” and rescinds a prior Clinton era directive dealing with the emergency use of civilian personnel. The Obama administration describes the Civilian Expeditionary Workforce as follows:
Members of the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce shall be organized, trained, cleared, equipped, and ready to deploy in support of combat operations by the military; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; restoration of order; drug interdiction; and stability operations of the Department of Defense in accordance with DoDD 3000.05 Go here and read it for yourself
- GIVE ACT Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act domestic draft bill that legislates mandatory national service and creates an “army” of at least 7 million civilian enforcers
7 million members of this civilian “army” equates to about one member for every 50 Americans, a similar figure to the number of East Germans who collaborated with the Stasi and informed on their own citizens during the cold war.
After you strip the 2nd are free to pass every crazy ass piece of legislation you want, impose any tax you want, you have total control, that's the goal. Hell Barry may not have to give up the office, there may not even be an election down the road.....Take a look at Cap & Trade...the people hate this bill but, with no way to stop it, and your stasi in place, Cap & Trade will subject you to this:
- The bill states every home owner will receive an energy audit. What is a home energy audit? It is an intrusive visit made by the bureaucrats at the Home Energy Team or a similar group. They will examine and report the way you live your life directly to RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network) . Light fixtures, socket types, spas, hot tubs, windows, appliances, walls and roofs will all be under review. Energy tests will be conducted throughout your house. At the end of the visit you will receive a report and a rating. The report will focus on the changes you need to make and the rating is called a HERS rating (Home Energy Rating System).
You want Government cronies tearing through your home, every corner of it? Then taxing you and imposing fines for not making "recomended" fixes? The Eco-nut Czars in place will get off on this!
Where is our elected reps? Why is no one stopping this? this is why:
Yep, when our elected officials sit and play games on their laptops during get this:
Good Day and God Bless America
rick u must reveal that the numbers 666 were drawn at obama's election time
ReplyDeleteit's urgent this is the only way to get rid of this antichrist
what can i do to help ? tell me i'll do it
I've not found one single person to say this truth
I've browsed 50 pages of Google to find you the first one that I can write to
with all the others, the posts don't go through
i'll do whatever u find best to srpead this like lightning
we must gather people
even just two or three people can work wonders
i have a lot of friends on U Tube but none are ready to admit the numbers of the Illinois Lottery designate the antichrist
obama is too strong for that
You're the first I've seen saying that that I can reach
I have seen about a dozen people say it on blogs though
We must find these people and gather them
You can find these people by googling "Illinois newspapers Obama victory 666"
I scrolled down 50 pages of that to find a dozen people saying the same as you about the Lottery draw of 666
please get back to me quickly
i've been waiting to get rid of obama for a whole year and half now and i'm sooo fed up
Thanx for the comments....While it is true that the lotto numbers were 666, people only need to check snopes or search the net for the results.....Im not sure if Al Messiah Obama is tha anti-christ....yet to be seen but, we do know he is dangerous...he is the thief in the night, his only want to is rob us of our liberty