The media has bent over backwards to defend this asshole. No mention of his radical Islamic writings, his many emails to members of Al Queda....which the some in the media were quick to point out.." It's not illegal to simply email someone, even if this friend is in Al Queda." WTF???? This is how Politically Correct we have become. Can you imagine an American soldier sitting on Utah beach writing a post card to Hitler??? Yet now a days it would be acceptable. I have other post about being PC....but now it has hit the limit. Terrorist, Murderer, Islama Radical....Let's call a duck a duck...a spade a spade and a terrorist a terrorist.
Hasan, this piece of crap...look at what his PowerPoint presentation to a group of army doctors at Walter Reed was:

He goes on in a 55 slide PP Presentation to show how Muslims in the American Military, who number any where from 4000 to 30,000, depending on who's numbers you believe, are in a struggle with the current wars in the Middle East. The Muslims, who are all volunteers, feel they should not go fight against other muslims. Well the enemy is Muslim....either pull the trigger or get out of the Military! Why the hell would a muslim join the military if they disagree with American policy, or the War on Terror??? Sleeper agents maybe? A devout Muslim believes that only those who submit to Islam are worthy of living, so by the rationale, they see ALL non Muslims as the enemy, convert by the word or sword etc etc. In a country that is %80 Christian and less than %1 Muslim, why would they join the Army?? I don't get it. I think ALL self proclaimed Muslims in the Military should be profiled, An enemy within is more dangerous than the enemy who let's you know up front he wants to kill you.
If you want to view all 55 slides of Hasans Powerpoint go here:
While we are on the topic calling things by their true name: MUSLIM
Don't Believe me, let Barry Tell ya himself:
Yep...This jerk off gave "Shout outs" to his cronies like a common street thug before talking about the Ft. Hood shootings...what a scumbag. Then the anointed one has the nerve to give a eulogy for these fallen soldiers, victims of a terrorist attack....makes me wanna puke! How can the same guy who did this:

How can he lay a wreath at the tomb of the it meant nothing to him other than to get his mug on the news....CNN ( The Crescent News Network ) eats up anything Al Messiah does but, real Americans know the truth. I'm glad Lou Dobbs left CNN is officially nothing! Kinda makes ya wonder if there is a prayer rug in the oval office....
Nothing will be done about Hasan...we all know it. With a Kenyan born Muslim as Commander in Chief, the sleeper agents already embedded in the US Military will be left alone out of fear of law suits and damaged careers. No officer will now dare to turn in a soldier he suspects of plotting another massacre...not a chance.
Oh and by the way...Al Messiah thinks our Constitution is trash:
- According to Obama the Constitution "didn’t break free from the essential
constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution,
at least as its been interpreted and [the] Warren Court interpreted in
the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative
liberties." The document, he argued, "Says what the states can’t do to
you, says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say
what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf."
He doesn't get it!!! The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to LIMIT GOVERNMENT....Not as a document of how to limit freedom, but how to limit
government from interfering with freedom!
- "… the Constitution allows for many things, but what it does not allow is
the most revealing. The so-called Founders did not allow for economic
freedom. While political freedom is supposedly a cornerstone of the
document, the distribution of wealth is not even mentioned. While many
believed that the new Constitution gave them liberty, it instead fitted
them with the shackles of hypocrisy."-- Passage from "Aristocracy Reborn" Barack Obama's Thesis at Columbia University
Idiot...the new document made men free to succeed or fail...redistributing wealth is not a basis of freedom, freedom to keep what you earn is freedom.... Well Socialism..let's give it a try, I mean just because it has failed every time in every country that has tried, don't mean it will fail now that Al Messiah is running it right?
Is it enough for Barry to strip down our Constitution? Is it enough to ruin this country and make slaves of us all? Nope....not only will he be the assassain of Freedom but, he will, next month, December 2009, hand over American sovereignty to the U.N. Yes American soil and citizens will be at the mercy of a "Global Government" set up to protect the enviorment. All this green crap is a guise to sell us out. Global warming is a falsehood.....Al Gore is a friggin liar and now the Copenhagen treaty will end 233 years of American Independence.....suck huh.
- The "scheme for the new institutional arrangement under the Convention"
that starts on page 18 contains the provision for a "government." The aim
is to give a new as yet unnamed U.N. body the power to directly intervene
in the financial, economic, tax and environmental affairs of all the
nations that sign the Copenhagen treaty.
About says it all. As I close, watch this 4 minute video of Lord Christopher Monckton, he served under Thatcher and is a brilliant brilliant man.....this video has had millions upon millions of hits....truth is a scary thing....
Good Day and God Bless America
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