Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Ties That Bind......

In nature, all things tie together in one way or another. Certain creatures work in unity to achieve their own goals. Well it seems to work that way with scum as well. In the days since my last post, we have seen Al Messiah Hussein Obama do this:

Veterans Day 2009....No hand over heart....hmmm what a bastard....lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns, salutes the guard next to Marine 1, still refuses to cover his heart and show some love and loyalty to the country he commands....well it's not his country, he's Kenyan and a Muslim so why cover his heart right? But then he does this:

The media in Japan has gone ape poopy over this. Japan does not want to see this. First off the bow is low, showing weakness in the eyes of the Japanese, second you do not shake and bow at the same time.....jeez, if your gonna submit to someone learn the right way! Worst thing he could do was look weak and insult one of our best allies....oh yea, he did get a few right...

Sheik Al Messiah Hussein Obama sure knew how to kneel and kiss the ring didn't he? All that time in Islamic schools as a boy paid off. Jeez. Greeting say alot about someone...he treats our troops like crap, refuse to show loyalty to America but, will bow, kneel and hug every criminal, dictator and murderer he can....wow....someone needs a better class of friends eh?

Let me fill you in on what the conversation was here:

Obama-" Hugo, how about some beers out back before I have to go back to that stink hole of freedom?"

Chavez-" Sorry my friend, my schedule is crazy today, must burn down all media outlets that oppose dictatorships, hang a few people using the Internet to smear my name, strike an oil for weapons deal with Russia...I've got a full day."

Obama- "Maybe next time Hugo, lemme know how the whole tyranny thing is working for ya"

Or words to that effect. Well the ties that bind Al Messiah to these criminals is nothing, just people he admires and wishes to pattern his own life after....the ties we should all be worried about are to people like Andy Stern, President of the SEIU, you know them, the Service Employees International Union...the purple shirt guys who like to beat up on elderly conservatives at town hall meetings.

Andy Stern has visited the White House 22 times since January of 2009....more than anyone else. That's alot. Why is Andy and the anointed one so chummy? Well, go find one of those art house type movie theaters and look for the film "Labor Day- when winning is the only option" A film put out by the SEIU in which it shows how the SEIU got Obama elected. All the dirty little tricks used, pressuring it's own members to vote or suffer etc. Andy Stern said, " If the power of persuasion didn't work, then we used the persuasion of power." Sounds like a mafia crime boss right? Andy Stern is after a criminal....he skirted the " No Lobbyist" rule and just plain didn't register. There are probes underway but you know nothing will happen.

Obama-Care is pay off to the unions for getting him in, just as Federal funding was to Acorn for all the fraudulent votes they got him, Acorn got caught and lost their kickback...now they are suing the federal government for their kickback money! Only in a liberal mucked up regime could that happen! Well now Al Messiah must payback the AARP...I wonder how?

Why would the American Association of Retired People be fore a government run health care plan that would most surly damage the care that people of retired age get?..Hmmmm...that's a thinker......oh wait.....MEDI-GAP. that's right, when Obama-Care creates a gap in coverage for certain treatments most commonly found in retired people...AARP steps in and sell their members Medi-Gap.....All about the $$$$$...so there is AARP's kickback.

Barry sure learned alot in Chicago....ties to Unions, using Union muscle, bribes, kickbacks, think he learned how to use his influence and power to profit financially? Let's see!

  • Less than two months after ascending to the United States Senate, Barack Obama bought more than $50,000 worth of stock in two speculative companies whose major investors included some of his biggest political donors. One company was Baxter International

  • One of the companies was a bio tech concern that was starting to develop a drug to treat avian flu. In March 2005, two weeks after buying about $5,000 of its shares, Mr. Obama took the lead in a legislative push for more federal spending to battle the disease.

  • His first step came on March 4, 2005, when the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved his request for $25 million to help contain the disease in Asia; the full Senate later approved that measure. And in April 2005, he introduced a bill calling for more research on avian flu drugs and urging the government to increase its stockpiles of antiviral medicines.

  • Mr. Obama repeated this call in a letter that Aug. 9 to Michael O. Levitt, the health and human services secretary. And in September 2005, Mr. Obama and Senator Tom Harkin, Democrat of Iowa, succeeded in amending another bill to provide $3.8 billion for battling the flu.

  • Senator Obama introduces the AVIAN Act (S. 969). Senator Obama introduces the first comprehensive bill to address the threat of an avian influenza pandemic.”

  • June 6, 2005
    “Grounding a Pandemic
    “It is essential for the international community, led by the United States, to take decisive action to prevent a pandemic.”
    “So what should we do? Recently, the World Health Organization called for more money and attention to be devoted to effective preventive action, appealing for $100 million.”
    “Accelerating research into avian flu vaccines and antiviral drugs.”

For a flu that never really hit America...Barry sure was in a hurry to fund research for a vaccine. Oh wait that's right...I forgot that Robert L. Parkinson is Pres of Baxter, he used to be Dean of Loyola...who happen to give HUGE amounts to the Messiah's campaign. Ah the ties that bind....getting tighter eh? Let's not forget this:“Indonesia, which has had more human cases of avian flu than any other country, has stopped sending samples of the virus to the World Health Organization, apparently because it is negotiating a contract to sell the samples to an American vaccine company, a W.H.O. official said yesterday.” The very next day you could read this on the very back page of Chicago newspapers: “Indonesia signed a memorandum of agreement with Baxter today.” Let's not forget where Barry grew up and went to school....that's right, INDONESIA..tighter and tighter.

As with any ties, some become loose or knotted up, one big knot in the Obama Baxter tie was this headline: Baxter International being investigated for killing people with contaminated Heparin from a Chinese supplier and sending flu viruses to labs in Europe.

All this leads to a curious loose end. The case of Professor Joseph Moshe. This is a very brilliant man who is ( was ) a dual citizen of the U.S. and Israel. A Mossad trained microbiologist, his field of expertise? Viruses! Anyway you may recall back in August, there was a blip about him, he was claimed to have threatened the White House with a bomb, the FBI SWAT guys got him while in his car, on the phone with a radio host....they used a tank, pepper spray, tear gas and an EMP device to stop him from reaching the Israeli consultant. Lucky they had an EMP device to disable not only his little VW Beetle but also everything else with an electric circuit, like a cell phone and laptop etc...what luck!

Well truth is, Moshe never threatened the White House. If he had, why wasn't he arrested? He was not even handcuffed, instead, after the FBI stopped his car and gassed him, he was "sent to Israel"....And has not been seen since...Can anyone say CEMENT SHOES? Another Chicago favorite. For Proff. Moshe and his family I pray he is safe but...you gotta wonder.

I know your all thinking this is tinfoil hat material, for the conspiracy guys right? Well hold up..why would the FBI kidnap someone? because he knew too much.... take a look at what he "blabbed " about:

  • Baxter Pharmaceutical has been caught, red-handed, in spreading a live, genetically engineered H5N1 Bird flu vaccine as a lethal biological weapon all over the world, destined to be used for human vaccinations.
  • Baxter International Inc. had mixed live, genetically engineered avian flue viruses in vaccine material shipped to 18 countries. Only by sheer luck, a Czech laboratory decided to test the vaccine on a dozen ferrets, which all died in days. The World Health Organization was notified and catastrophe was averted. This was clearly a deliberate act on Baxter’s part, because they adhere to BS3, bio-safety level three. Baxter admitted a “mistake”. Such monumental screw ups are totally impossible at that level. Many safety systems would have needed to be sabotaged, many key personnel would have needed to be bribed. It simply can’t be done without direction from the inside. They did not send out the wrong vial – they produced dozens of gallons of biological-weapon agent (genetically engineered live H5N1 / Bird flu virus), then sent it out as a “vaccine”.
  • Baxter knew full well that their vaccine was lethal, because the year before they had tested it on a few hundred homeless Polish people – dozens died as a result.

Moshe knew all this and knew about other plans. It was his belief that Baxter was using vaccine as a bio weapon to create an emergency by which the government in America could put troops to the streets, create bank holidays and revamp the American structure. I am incline to agree, the huge push , the rush to get the H1N1 vaccine into the arm or nose of every American seems odd to me, Flu A kills way more, always has, why not the push? No fear that's why. All we have to fear is fear itself, remember?

  • “The Pentagon has approached Congress to grant the Secretary of Defense the authority to post almost 400,000 military personnel throughout the United States in times of emergency or a major disaster.
  • This request has already occasioned a dispute with the nation’s governors. And it raises the prospect of U.S. military personnel patrolling the streets of the United States, in conflict with the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.
  • In June, the U.S. Northern Command distributed a “Congressional Fact Sheet” entitled “Legislative Proposal for Activation of Federal Reserve Forces for Disasters.” That proposal would amend current law, thereby “authorizing the Secretary of Defense to order any unit or member of the Army Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Navy Reserve, and the Marine Corps Reserve, to active duty for a major disaster or emergency.
  • Taken together, these reserve units would amount to “more than 379,000 military personnel in thousands of communities across the United States
  • NorthCom’s Congressional fact sheet refers not just to a “major disaster” but also to “emergencies.” And it says, “Those terms are defined in section 5122 of title 42, U.S. Code
  • That section gives the President the sole discretion to designate an event as an “emergency” or a “major disaster.” Both are “in the determination of the President” alone.”

I know most of you will disagree with all this....the whole U.N. take over of the world thing will..."Never Happen".....think long about that.....it all lines up just right....Copenhagen treaty due to be signed in December of this year sets it all in motion with UN Governing Body controlling all industry in signed countries... All ya need is the right emergency to get control of the people...wait, I have heard that before... oh yeah:

  • Rockefeller said this at a 1994 U.N. dinner: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

Moshe knew all of this and tried to warn us...he came up two miles short...let's hope he is still alive. Below is the news report about his "Arrest"....

You decide what you believe. Good Day and God Bless America

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Lets get down to it, I am tired of hearing morons like Dr. Phil, you know, the 300 lb. Oprah puppet you see on T.V....defend this major Nidal malik Hasan as a victim, PRE traumatic Stress, PRE what the hell is PRE stress? I do not doubt any soldier with PTSD...war is hell and I feel for them all....but Hasan is nothing more than well.... A TERRORIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The media has bent over backwards to defend this asshole. No mention of his radical Islamic writings, his many emails to members of Al Queda....which the some in the media were quick to point out.." It's not illegal to simply email someone, even if this friend is in Al Queda." WTF???? This is how Politically Correct we have become. Can you imagine an American soldier sitting on Utah beach writing a post card to Hitler??? Yet now a days it would be acceptable. I have other post about being PC....but now it has hit the limit. Terrorist, Murderer, Islama Radical....Let's call a duck a duck...a spade a spade and a terrorist a terrorist.

Hasan, this piece of crap...look at what his PowerPoint presentation to a group of army doctors at Walter Reed was:

He goes on in a 55 slide PP Presentation to show how Muslims in the American Military, who number any where from 4000 to 30,000, depending on who's numbers you believe, are in a struggle with the current wars in the Middle East. The Muslims, who are all volunteers, feel they should not go fight against other muslims. Well the enemy is Muslim....either pull the trigger or get out of the Military! Why the hell would a muslim join the military if they disagree with American policy, or the War on Terror??? Sleeper agents maybe? A devout Muslim believes that only those who submit to Islam are worthy of living, so by the rationale, they see ALL non Muslims as the enemy, convert by the word or sword etc etc. In a country that is %80 Christian and less than %1 Muslim, why would they join the Army?? I don't get it. I think ALL self proclaimed Muslims in the Military should be profiled, An enemy within is more dangerous than the enemy who let's you know up front he wants to kill you.

If you want to view all 55 slides of Hasans Powerpoint go here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/gallery/2009/11/10/GA2009111000920.html

While we are on the topic calling things by their true name: MUSLIM

Don't Believe me, let Barry Tell ya himself:

Yep...This jerk off gave "Shout outs" to his cronies like a common street thug before talking about the Ft. Hood shootings...what a scumbag. Then the anointed one has the nerve to give a eulogy for these fallen soldiers, victims of a terrorist attack....makes me wanna puke! How can the same guy who did this:

How can he lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns....you it meant nothing to him other than to get his mug on the news....CNN ( The Crescent News Network ) eats up anything Al Messiah does but, real Americans know the truth. I'm glad Lou Dobbs left CNN....now CNN is officially nothing! Kinda makes ya wonder if there is a prayer rug in the oval office....

Nothing will be done about Hasan...we all know it. With a Kenyan born Muslim as Commander in Chief, the sleeper agents already embedded in the US Military will be left alone out of fear of law suits and damaged careers. No officer will now dare to turn in a soldier he suspects of plotting another massacre...not a chance.

Oh and by the way...Al Messiah thinks our Constitution is trash:

  • According to Obama the Constitution "didn’t break free from the essential
    constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution,
    at least as its been interpreted and [the] Warren Court interpreted in
    the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative
    liberties." The document, he argued, "Says what the states can’t do to
    you, says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say
    what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf."

He doesn't get it!!! The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to LIMIT GOVERNMENT....Not as a document of how to limit freedom, but how to limit
government from interfering with freedom!

  • "… the Constitution allows for many things, but what it does not allow is
    the most revealing. The so-called Founders did not allow for economic
    freedom. While political freedom is supposedly a cornerstone of the
    document, the distribution of wealth is not even mentioned. While many
    believed that the new Constitution gave them liberty, it instead fitted
    them with the shackles of hypocrisy."-- Passage from "Aristocracy Reborn" Barack Obama's Thesis at Columbia University

Idiot...the new document made men free to succeed or fail...redistributing wealth is not a basis of freedom, freedom to keep what you earn is freedom.... Well Socialism..let's give it a try, I mean just because it has failed every time in every country that has tried, don't mean it will fail now that Al Messiah is running it right?

Is it enough for Barry to strip down our Constitution? Is it enough to ruin this country and make slaves of us all? Nope....not only will he be the assassain of Freedom but, he will, next month, December 2009, hand over American sovereignty to the U.N. Yes American soil and citizens will be at the mercy of a "Global Government" set up to protect the enviorment. All this green crap is a guise to sell us out. Global warming is a falsehood.....Al Gore is a friggin liar and now the Copenhagen treaty will end 233 years of American Independence.....suck huh.

  • The "scheme for the new institutional arrangement under the Convention"
    that starts on page 18 contains the provision for a "government." The aim
    is to give a new as yet unnamed U.N. body the power to directly intervene
    in the financial, economic, tax and environmental affairs of all the
    nations that sign the Copenhagen treaty.

About says it all. As I close, watch this 4 minute video of Lord Christopher Monckton, he served under Thatcher and is a brilliant brilliant man.....this video has had millions upon millions of hits....truth is a scary thing....

Good Day and God Bless America

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

All Hail our beloved Vetrans

Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served and are serving now! You brave men & women are the very souls responsible for the liberty we enjoy every day. From our forefathers

who fought British tyranny to the modern day soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen who defend us from Islamo-radicals, you all share the same pride in country, the same spirit and same honor

in defending the very last bastion of freedom on this earth. Today we salute you, today is our day to say thank you for all your dedication and sacrifice, thank you for keeping us free from all enemies foreign and domestic and thank you for defending that which is most precious, Freedom.

There is a saying that I like, " If you can read this, Thank a teacher, if you are reading it in English, thank a Soldier." That is so true. The ultimate irony here on this Veterans Day, 2009 is that our brave armed services are fighting to defend freedom, while those they swore their oath too are the very ones trying to take it away. It makes no sense to me. I told myself before starting this post that I would not let it go political so, I will leave it at that.

My grandfather served in WWII, US Army 177th as a medic. He was on Omaha Beach, He was in North Africa, he was wounded twice in his service. Two Uncles and a Father In Law who were Nam Vets, A cousin who was a vet of the Gulf War, another cousin who is a vet of the War on Terror, A Great Grandfather who was a vet of WWI. I got a lot of family who are vets, I have friends who are vets or are currently serving. There are hundreds of thousands of men and women serving now and who have served that I do not know....I love them all the same!

I matters not in what capacity you served, from rangers and seals to cooks and administration. From Generals to PFC's, you are all important to us, the free citizens of the United States of America. If you the soldier working in a supply depot, were not there, the rangers would not have ammo to kill the enemy. If you, the cook at a Marine camp were not there to feed the men, they would not have the energy and health to kill the enemy. If you, the purple shirts [grapes] were not there to fuel the planes on deck, the pilots could not fly their missions and kill the enemy. All important, everyone of you, Don't ever forget it.

Something else I would like to say on this Veterans Day, forget not the families of service people who gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend liberty. These families miss loved ones every Christmas, every birthday, every Thanksgiving because their loved ones chose to fight for us, say a prayer for those families!
Now we come to the most important part of this: How to do your part! For those of us who didn't serve, for whatever reason, medical or otherwise, there are ways to help these brave warriors, do what ya can, I know times are rough for everyone money wise, look at these links, donate money, time, phones whatever you can please, give our defenders of freedom a taste of home, a few minutes of phone time to call thier families, something to read or listen too...give what ya can!
Donate to the USO ( United Service Organization ) https://www.uso.org/donate/
Any Soldier- many ways to help if you dont know how http://www.anysoldier.com/
Soldiers Angels- Adopt a Soldier or donate to items for care packages http://www.soldiersangels.org/
Support our troops: Many simple ways to help! http://www.hereinreality.com/supportourtroops.html
HelpASoldier has a list of items to donate http://www.helpasoldier.org/
Operation Band Aid- many ways to help out http://www.noanie.com/
Cell Phones for Soldiers- a Great Idea! http://www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com/
Operation Gratitude- Send a care package! http://www.opgratitude.com/
Treat Any Soldier- A great organization! http://www.treatanysoldier.com/
Ready Made care packages of different types, Snacks, books etc.. http://www.giddygiftbox.com/military.html
Give 2 Troops....One of the best for sending some love over seas!!! http://www.give2thetroops.org/
Equipped.com gives a great list and suggestions for sending your own hand made packages
Operation Shoe Box...great site to help out! http://www.operationshoebox.com/
Book for Soldiers-- One of my fav ways to help....everyone has $10 to send a magazine subscription, gives these guys new stuff to read, a reminder of what they are fighting for! Heres a few ways to send reading material, movies and games:
Allan Walls is currently serving over seas, read his blog ( it's great ) and email him to get a list of books for his fellow soldiers in his unit
(diff from one above but as good )
Operation Paperback...donate gentley used books of yours, very simple and inexpensive!
These are just a few ways to help.....the War on Terror is NOT a spectator sport here people...just as our parents and Grand parents did in WWII...everyone needs to do their part!
God Bless each and every Veteran, every service person wearing a U.S. Flag on their shoulder all around the world. With out you all, we would not be free, we would not enjoy the liberties that so many can only dream of and most importanly, we probably wouldn't be Americans. God Bless you all and I pray for your safe return! Even in times when it seems as though no one is on your side, know that media bullshit means nothing, America and all her patriots ARE behind you! \
Go forth today and hug a vet, shake their hand, say thank you!
Good Day & God Bless America and God Bless all of her brave warriors! We love you all!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Islam- Religion of Peace??

*I present allot of facts in this post, it is also full of my opinion*
** I call for no violence against Muslims **

I hadn't planned on posting anything today, I like to let my post sit a few days so new comers can kinda catch up on things but, after the massacre at Ft. Hood Texas, I couldn't be silent on the issue. What happened at Ft. Hood is another in the long list of terrorist attacks on Americans, by Americans....American Muslims. Too
long have has this "Religion of Peace" been shoved down our throats. Since 9/11 we as Americans have been told that Islam is not our enemy, it's just a few radical sects of Islam, or just a few guys who take Islam too far....well I ask you, is it?

More and more of these terrorist attacks are being perpetrated by Muslims who are American born, they infiltrate our Military and political halls, do they wish to educate Americans? Show us
ignorant Christians and Jews what a religion of peace is? Do they wish to help better this country by defending it? By supporting it? My opinion....NO. Lets look at some facts:

Nidal Hasan- U.S. army officer- Shoots and Kills 13-Wounds 36 more

  • Yells Allahu Akbar, an Islamic exclamation called the Takbir in Arabic which
    means "Allah is the Greatest" right before he opens fire
  • he was giving away his possessions the morning of the shooting and PASSING
  • Wrote favorable post about Suicide Bombers being honorable deaths-- A quote from Hasan's writing..."If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they
    were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory. Their
    intention is not to die because of some despair. The same can be said for
    the Kamikazees in Japan. They died (via crashing their planes into ships)
    to kill the enemies for the homeland. You can call them crazy i you want
    but their act was not one of suicide that is despised by Islam. So the
    scholars main point is that "IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOUR INTENTION IS THE
    MAIN ISSUE" and Allah knows best. "
  • Link to whole posting by Hasan-http://www.scribd.com/NidalHasan

This was an attack for Allah, plain and simple...only problem is he didn't die! Now he must face a military prison....ooops.

This is not an isolated incident...it's not just the guys in the Middle East in their little camps that are the threat..no no no, it's all around us right here in America...

  • December 2001, Richard Reid: British citizen attempted to ignite shoe
    bomb on flight from Paris to Miami
  • May 2002, Jose Padilla: American citizen accused of seeking
    radioactive-laced "dirty bomb" to use in an attack against America
  • September 2002, Lackawanna Six: American citizens of Yemeni origin
    convicted of supporting Al Qaeda after attending jihadist camp in
    Pakistan. Five of six were from Lackawanna, N.Y.
  • May 2003, Iyman Faris: American citizen charged with plotting to use
    blowtorches to collapse the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • June 2003, Virginia Jihad Network: Eleven men from Alexandria, Va.,
    trained for jihad against American soldiers, convicted of violating the
    Neutrality Act
  • August 2004, James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj: Sought to plant
    bomb at New York's Penn Station during the Republican National
  • August 2004, Yassin Aref and Mohammed Hossain: Plotted to assassinate a
    Pakistani diplomat on American soil.
  • June 2005, Father and son Umer Hayat and Hamid Hayat: Son convicted of
    attending terrorist training camp in Pakistan; father convicted of
    customs violation
  • August 2005, Kevin James, Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon
    Patterson and Hammad Riaz Samana: Los Angeles homegrown terrorists who
    plotted to attack National Guard, LAX, two synagogues and Israeli
  • December 2005, Michael Reynolds: Plotted to blow up natural gas
    refinery in Wyoming, the Transcontinental Pipeline, and a refinery in New
  • February 2006, Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi and Zand
    Wassim Mazloum: Accused of providing material support to terrorists,
    making bombs for use in Iraq
  • • April 2006, Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee: Cased and
    videotaped the Capitol and World Bank for a terrorist organization.
  • June 2006, Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor,
    Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild
    Augstine: Accused of plotting to blow up the Sears Tower
  • July 2006, Assem Hammoud: Accused of plotting to bomb New York City
    train tunnels.
  • August 2006, Liquid Explosives Plot: Thwarted plot to explode ten
    airliners over the United States.
  • March 2007, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Mastermind of Sept. 11 and author
    of numerous plots confessed in court in March 2007 to planning to destroy
    skyscrapers in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. Mohammed also plotted to
    assassinate Pope John Paul II and former President Bill Clinton
  • May 2007, Fort Dix Plot: Six men accused of plotting to attack Fort Dix
    Army base in New Jersey. The plan included attacking and killing soldiers
    using assault rifles and grenades
  • June 2007, JFK Plot: Four men are accused of plotting to blow up fuel
    arteries that run through residential neighborhoods at JFK Airport in New
  • September 2007, German authorities disrupt a terrorist cell that was
    planning attacks on military installations and facilities used by
    Americans in Germany. The Germans arrested three suspected members of the
    Islamic Jihad Union, a group that has links to Al Qaeda and supports Al
    Qaeda's global jihadist agenda.
  • Sgt. Asan Akbar of the 101st Airborne Division's 326Th Engineer Battalion kills a fellow serviceman by throwing grenades into tents at a military
    command center in Kuwait
  • Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, the 23-year-old accused of killing a U.S.
    soldier and injuring another in the attack Monday in Little Rock, was
    born in Tennessee as Carlos Leon Bledsoe. He reportedly converted to
    Islam as a teenager, and court records show he changed his name in March
  • March. 21, 2009A Jordanian national living in Chicago was taken into custody by the FBI
    Friday and was charged with mailing a threatening letter to the Ida Crown
    Jewish Academy, according to the FBI's Chicago office.
  • 2009.11.03 (Jazan, Saudi Arabia) - Islamic rebels gun down a security
    officer "with the support and assistance of Allah." 2009.11.03 (Abu Ghraib, Iraq) - Mujahid bombers wipe out a family of
    three, including a girl.
  • 2009.11.03 (Helmand, Afghanistan) - A Taliban gunmen disguised as a
    policeman suddenly opens fire at a police base, killing five British
    soldiers in cold blood.
  • 2009.11.04 (Bajaur, Pakistan) - Two female schoolteachers are brutally
    shot to death by Taliban extremists
  • 2009.11.05 (Zamboanga, Philippines) - Two people are killed when
    suspected Islamists fire into a commuter bus

That's only about half the list I have of these kind of acts. All by Muslims or Muslim converts. Religion of peace? WTF right! Why is this tolerated? Because of groups like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations )- The ACLU and others who, like the terrorist they defend, want to gut America and bring an Islamic regime to our soil. Look what the Muslims have done to Europe...taken over by breeding at outragous levels, law suits under the guise of religous freedom, gaining goverment party offices then imposing little bits of Sharia at a time to ease the transition to all out Muslim rule. Look at Belgium, France, England....all falling to the Jihadist now because of tolerence. **Please watch this short movie showing the100 year plan for birth rates, this is how you take over the world with no shots fired ( or very few )**

Why is it that in our own countries, countries that are not Muslim, do we tolerate this kind of crap? Take a look at just a few of the things we forfiet to placate less than %2 of the population:

  • CAIR as a civil rights organization like the NAACP or the American Civil
    Liberties Union (ACLU) to support the international jihad against the
  • local Muslim association won a legal battle forcing the council to pay
    for and sponsor the building of three more mosques after a court ruled
    that having 'too many' Churches was offensive to Muslims and a breach of
    their human rights which allows a person to follow their religion with
    equal footing to others. From the U.K.
  • A Muslim girl today won her battle to wear traditional "head-to-toe"
    dress in the classroom after the Court of Appeal ruled her school had
    acted unlawfully in barring her.Shabina Begum, 15, accused the head teachers and governors of Denbigh
    High School, Luton, Beds, of denying her the "right to education and to
    manifest --- Britain 2 March 2005
  • A suspected terrorist who scored a legal victory against the Government
    this week is a senior al-Qaeda operative living openly in London

It's this kind of giving in that just fuels their fire, for instance:

Chris Doyle, director of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British
Understanding, said Tuesday the red cross was an insensitive reminder of
the Crusades.
“A lot of Muslims and Arabs view the Crusades as a bloody
episode in our
history,” he told CNN. “They see those campaigns as
Christendom launching
a brutal holy war against Islam.
“Muslim or
prisoners could take umbrage if staff wore a red cross
badge. It’s
also got
associations with the far-right. Prison officers
should be seen
to be
Doyle added that it was now time for England to find a
new flag and
a patron saint who is “not associated with our bloody past and
one we can
all identify with.

Yep, the Union Jack will be no more, soon it will be the American Stars & Stripes. Michelle Obama has already called for the National Anthem to be changed, the Brits are about to lose their flag. This isn't just an off-the-wall suggestion. MP's were already debating a
symbol for the American Red Cross - maybe a diamond-shape - to remove the
disturbing vision of what might be considered a Christian Cross - which
might conjure visions of the - The Crusades., then there is this:

  • Actually no Muslim stated that there was any offense in listening to the
    Pledge of Allegiance; they didn't have to. Oregon's southwest Portland
    elementary school officials, without a single Muslim complaint, in order
    to prevent the smidgin of likelihood, a sliver of chance, a particle of
    possibility that some Muslim might perhaps potentially be slightly
    offended decided to exclude the Pledge of Allegiance from an elementary
    school's ceremony. "The Pledge contains the words, 'under God' and we
    have many Muslim families here. So out of respect for the diversity of
    religious faiths practiced by our school community (parents and families)
    we decided that this year the students would memorize and sing the
    Preamble to the Constitution. At the rehearsal on Friday they did it from
    memory and to a wonderful song. It was very joyful and unique. I think
    you, and other parents, will really appreciate the creative and new way
    to open the program." KATU news Portland OR.

Yep, that's how scared we are now, we don't even wait for the damn muslims to complain, we fear them so we placate them with out being asked. Once again...WTF happened here?

I ask you this question, answer honestley.....Can a Devout Muslim be a Loyal US Citizen? Theanswer is NO, and here is why:

  • Theologically, no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of
  • Scripturally, no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam
    and the Quran.
  • Geographically, no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns
    in prayer 5 times a day.
  • Socially, no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends
    with Christians or Jews.

With that said, is every Muslim in the U.S.A. a potetial murderer, a bomber? No, of course not. But the strictly devout Muslims are. It's that plain, when your religion calls for the death of every non muslim, well don't leave much room for tolerence does it? What happened at Ft. Hood is a hate crime! Muslims should be held accountable and charged with hate crimes just as everyone else is. All the hate crime crap that was put into the defense bill, why not one for hate crimes against christian and jew by muslim?

There is a HUGE list of things that offend Muslims in America and other Western countries, way to long to Reprint here but, you should go read it....just about everything used, eaten, read or done by Americans in daily life offends these people, so they should just leave and go back to whatever goat ranch they came from in the Mid East.

* Worth Reading* http://amboytimes.typepad.com/the_amboy_times/2007/02/the_list_of_thi.html

As I close....I urge you to watch both of the videos below....showing just how the muslims are invading our country right under our noses....Think your safe here at home, ask those at FT. Hood, or those in NYC, The Pentagon and Flight 93...Or ask the residents of the several towns in the video where Islamic terrorist training camps are...right here in America....you think these people come here for a better life? Yeah, a better life for their people, not for us, it's death or submission for us.

Good Day and God ( not Allah ) Bless America

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Deconstructing Barry

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution

That's the oath every president takes, It's a pledge really, a pledge to defend America, her people, her shores and her most important document, the Constitution. So why, with in his first year in office is Barry tearing the constitution apart? There is a reason the winning lottery numbers were 666 in the Illinois pick three the day after the election....The anointed one is a devil in Messiah clothing! Let's take a look at what is going down.

  • Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That's our 1st. Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. It's our most important amendment as well, it is what the founding fathers fought and died for, Freedom of Speech, Religion and Press...it's our founding beliefs.....now they are under attack..being stripped away and for our youngest of children and future generations....they will only be a dream.

I believe Big Daddy O has already broke his oath of office, by attacking and dismantling the constitution, he should be impeached and booted out! Just how is the anointed one pulling this off? Well...to first enslave the people, you must build a following and silence the truth...this is done by doing these types things:

  • Steve Watson,Columnist New York Times who compared Obama campaign to Hitler’s Nuremberg rallies is Fired

  • Ben Stein Expelled from New York Times for anti-Obama comments
  • First Phase of "Regulating" the Internet is under way thanks to Czar Sunstein

  • HR 985- Free Flow of Info Act...A.k. The Sealing of Obama's birth Certificate Act
  • Sunstein’s belief that the government should impose a “fairness doctrine” on the internet

  • Flickr and Yahoo delete content opposed to Obama

By destroying the 1ST Amendment you enslave the mind....you have seen the indoctrination videos in my other post and around the net, now you have to get the adults, this is a two fold process. By censoring media and bullying people out of their right to assemble, you have killed free speech. We saw this at the Heatlh Care town halls, Conservatives showed up to protest Obama-Care and were beaten, shoved and denied access by union thugs and cops. Next comes silencing the Internet....that last bastion of free speech left. Sunstein will use every dirty trick he has to silence and discord for the anointed one. Take for instances this from the White House website

  • There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov

A "snitch on your neighbor" program reminisant of the old Soviet Union. Why censor the press though? What do they have to hide...all the dirt is out there right? We all know about Obama-Ayers connection, Ayers wrote the Obama Auto-biography....what else could they want to hide? Well there is this:

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations."

Kenyan born??? Even with Hawaii's stupid law that allows a birth certificate to be issued on the statement of only one relative...he still can't prove he's an American citizen. HR985 insures that the birth certificate will never be made public, it allows federal restrictions be put on the free flow of information. If Obama cannot show documents which prove he is born in the USA; the mere fact that he has claimed to be born overseas and in the U.S.A.; first at one hospital in Hawaii and then at another; means that nothing he says in court, and no document presented by his campaign could be taken as prima facie evidence of anything. With that said, it doesn't help when Newspapers from the African continent run stories like this:


Everyone knows he is now the first Foriegn National to hold the office of President of the United States of America, congrats Barry! You are now the biggest liar in US history.

One last thing about the Birth issue...someone knew the truth..and look what happened:

Washington Post-Key Witness In Passport Fraud Case Fatally Shot

A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church, the Metropolitan Police Department said yesterday.

City police said they do not know whether his death was a direct result of his cooperation with federal investigators

Now that you have censored the press, hidden the truth, now the second fold is to use your new media to spread the lies. Now the public will take anything on TV orin print as the golden truth because if it made it past the censors, it must be true, things like this crap:

Because some folks had the courage to "march across a bridge" in Selma, Alabama, his mother, a white woman from Kansas, and his father, a black Muslim from Africa, took heart. It gave them the courage to get married and have a child.

took heart. It gave them the courage to get married and have a child. The problem with that characterization is that Barack Obama, Jr. was born on August 4, 1961, while the first of three marches across that bridge in Selma didn't occur until March 7, 1965, at least five years after Obama's parents met.

When Joe Wilson said, " YOU LIE", he had no idea how right he was. It is my opinion that Barry has violated his oath, is notonly failing to preserve the constitution...he is the one destroying it and he should be impeached and arrested.

As I have said before, once you enslave the mind, you must then enslave the body. The founding fathers knew this, so they drafted the 2ND Amendment.
  • A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

This the key part to the socialization of America. As I have shown in other post ( available in the archive ) the leftist will use everything they can to ban firearms. It is their primary goal. Shall not be infringed means nothing to these criminals, look at the D.C. handgun ban, Chicago and Federal bans on many types of guns. They will use every biased report, media lies and even health care reform to get an out right ban...now you have this:
  • CIFTA, the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms

  • On its face, the treaty sounds reasonable because it would “prevent, combat, and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials”

  • Signed by Clinton but never ratified by congress

  • Signed by Obama this past summer on a trip to Mexico

  • U.N. drafted treaty
You can bet that congress will go for it now! Barry holds all the cards. He said, "Stressing the need, in peace processes and post-conflict situations, to achieve effective control of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials in order to prevent their entry into the illicit market." What it means is take em all away so they dont end up in the wronghands.

Just another way to infringe the hell out of our rights. It should be noted that only the Senate needs to ratify the treaty. Article II, section 2, of the Constitution states that the president “shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.”

The truth is most of these weapons are being smuggled from Central American countries or by sea, eluding U.S. and Mexican monitors, it is a very very small percentage that are American in origin. The stat thrown around is that %16 of weapons seized in Mexico are American...but only %8 of weapons seized even have serial numbers or other means of tracing them, %16 of that %8 are American in origin. Actual toal percentage of American weapons seized in Mexico, %.04...now does this tiny percentage seem like a good reason to strip you of your rights to self and family defense? I thought not. But Barry is gonna try, take a look:
  • “I have not backed off at all from my belief that the assault weapons ban makes sense,” Obama said, adding that he is not “under any illusions that reinstating that ban would be easy.”

  • ABC news Feb 26, 09 - The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.

  • “As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons,” Holder told reporters

  • Chicago Congressman Bobby Rush H.R. 45 would require a federal license for all handguns and semiautomatics, including those you currently possess; and
    * It would require handgun and semi-auto owners to be thumbprinted at the police station and to sign a certificate that, effectively, the firearm will not be kept in a place where it would be available for the defense of the gun owner’s family
Now we all are smart people, we are under no illusion that Americans will take this lying down, with that said, Barry will need soldiers, a Stasi (German secret police from 1950-1980's) if you will, to handle the massive undertaking of gathering the 200+ Million privatley owned American Firearms. Well......

How will he get his Stasi in place? Take a look:
  • DoD issued a Defense Directive 1404.10 that establishes a “DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce” and rescinds a prior Clinton era directive dealing with the emergency use of civilian personnel. The Obama administration describes the Civilian Expeditionary Workforce as follows:

Members of the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce shall be organized, trained, cleared, equipped, and ready to deploy in support of combat operations by the military; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; restoration of order; drug interdiction; and stability operations of the Department of Defense in accordance with DoDD 3000.05 Go here and read it for yourself http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/140410p.pdf
  • GIVE ACT Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act domestic draft bill that legislates mandatory national service and creates an “army” of at least 7 million civilian enforcers

7 million members of this civilian “army” equates to about one member for every 50 Americans, a similar figure to the number of East Germans who collaborated with the Stasi and informed on their own citizens during the cold war.

After you strip the 2nd away...you are free to pass every crazy ass piece of legislation you want, impose any tax you want, you have total control, that's the goal. Hell Barry may not have to give up the office, there may not even be an election down the road.....Take a look at Cap & Trade...the people hate this bill but, with no way to stop it, and your stasi in place, Cap & Trade will subject you to this:

  • The bill states every home owner will receive an energy audit. What is a home energy audit? It is an intrusive visit made by the bureaucrats at the Home Energy Team or a similar group. They will examine and report the way you live your life directly to RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network) . Light fixtures, socket types, spas, hot tubs, windows, appliances, walls and roofs will all be under review. Energy tests will be conducted throughout your house. At the end of the visit you will receive a report and a rating. The report will focus on the changes you need to make and the rating is called a HERS rating (Home Energy Rating System).

You want Government cronies tearing through your home, every corner of it? Then taxing you and imposing fines for not making "recomended" fixes? The Eco-nut Czars in place will get off on this!

Where is our elected reps? Why is no one stopping this? this is why:

Yep, when our elected officials sit and play games on their laptops during debates....you get this:

Good Day and God Bless America

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The "Nanny State"- part 2

As we went through in yesterday's post, the Obama government has busted it's collective butt to create the Nanny State. All the while building a shadow government right before our eyes. You have to see how desperate the Obama-ites are right now, trying to blast through every crap piece of legislation they can, 2012 is the end of days for this administration of Czars and a would be tyrant. Big Daddy O knows if he wants to keep his reign of socialist terror over the USA he must go beyond simple bills and legislation, soon he will have to use force, bare naked force is the only way to enslave the %85 of the U.S. that does not want Government Health Care, or big government at all, we call ourselves patriots, and like those before who fought off the British to establish this great nation, we now must face another tyrant.

It's a well known fact that Americans can only be pushed so far, we have seen the rallies and tea parties, the town halls and the marches, this is how it starts, Big O knows this and he also
knows that he must act fast to quell the growing discord of the people. So exactly how do you pull off enslavement of 300+million Americans?

  • Executive Order 11490----- Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, and the Federal Civil Defense Act

  • Violent Crime Control Act of 1991, provides additional powers to the President of the United States, allowing the suspension of the Constitution and Constitutional rights of Americans during a “drug crisis”. It provides for the construction of detention camps, seizure of property, and military control of populated areas

  • The power provided by these “laws” allows suspension of the Constitution and the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights during any civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes and allows the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of Martial Law

That's a few ways of going about it. Using little known Executive Orders, Laws passed before most people were even born and declarations of National Emergency are sure ways to whittle down the constitution and take your freedoms. The H1N1 is soooooooooo convenient to Obama right now.....yes it is deadly in some cases, yes it needs to be dealt with and treated but....why all the panic, why all the hub bub when regular influenza A kills thousands more a year? That's right, because the regular flu doesn't fit the criteria for words like "Pandemic" or "Global Health Hazard" these are the words you need to strike fear in people, once the populous is frightened enough, the nanny government can rush in to save us, but it's gonna cost! It is gonna cost you money and cost freedom.

In other post last week I went over CDC quarantine facilities and the like....but once the ol' Executive Order pen comes out, it won't be the CDC running camps, it will be FEMA, which means Homeland Security, Which means Obama's private army. First you lay the ground work, some was laid before him, like order 11490, Violence Control Acts etc...now you need a reason to make your move, this should do nicely:

  • Oct 25, 2009 ... President Barack Obama has declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency

Now you have all your ducks in a row, just gonna need some soldiers. Yeah he has the ATF, U.S. Marshalls and some others at his disposal but, for mass dis-arming, round-ups and patrols to hold onto cities and towns, gonna need ALOT of soldiers, he knows a big chunk of the U.S. Military will notgo for this, these people are their family and friends and fellow Americans, so you need others...:

  • State Defense Forces
    1956, Federal Law 32 U.S.C., Section 109, was passed by Congress. The law authorized, but did not mandate, each state to establish and maintain a State Defense Force to replace the National Guard.

Well geez, there we go. Twenty One states currently have these Defense Forces. Members of the State Defense Forces buy their own uniforms, own their own weapons. They do not receive pay, sounds like volunteerism to me, maybe membership in one of the state forces will count towards Obama's iPledge crap? Now if you read my post and saw the video of Obama a few weeks ago, you would know he has called for a National Civilian Defense Force...just to refresh your memory:

All the pieces starting to fit yet? Why would our new Nanny's tell us that guns are bad, they are a health hazard and they should be taken away, only to give them to a select few.....hmmm, that's a head scratcher. It's clear that the Obama secret police and brown shirt army are being formed if not already. It's also clear that now more than ever we are in actual danger of losing our freedoms. I have heard people my whole life tell me the same thing: "It will never happen here in the U.S.A.", Well it's happening now.

Once they have us dis-armed, paniced and afraid to leave our homes for fear of out of control crime in the streets, the brown shirts will come save us. Martial law will be put into place. Check points, curfews and energy rations, i.e no commercial power after 10 p.m. that kinda thing, keep everyone home and under control. No more Taco Bell at 1 a.m. if ya feel like it, no more McDonalds at 3 a.m. for the night shift workers. No more being able to just leave the house if you feel like it, at least without a permit ofsome sort. No the nanny's have decided that it's best to stay home and stay safe.

Want to see the nanny state is actual factual action? Go get some video of New Orleans during Katrina.....People were scared, shouting for the government to save them and them blamed the government for the whole mess and got out of control, that's when the armed soldiers and military contractors came in to lock it down as they call it. They took law biding citizens aside, illegally searched them and dis-armed them. They rounded em all up, stuck em in one hole at the Dome and "processed" them. It worked for the simple fact that the welfare state in New Orleans had created generations of people unable to help themselves, perfect fodder for a test run.

Heres a few more things to think about:

  • Many presidents have issued Executive Orders - which is not spelled out in the Constitution. These orders allow the transfer of whole populations, forced labor, take-over of the systems in the U.S. all on a perceived emergency - not necessarily a real one.

  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency has full control over the entire United States during a real or perceived crisis. It can move whole populations, take over banks, transportation, industry, ports, etc. And citizens will have no Constitutional rights

  • Social Security was created as a pension program and your SS card was not to be used for identification. Now it is used as your military service number and on every government and non-government form - illegally. Soon to be your re-location number

  • Wackenhut -A little known organization founded by former FBI agents is the largest private army in the United States, operating security in our jails, hospitals, firehouses, prisons and at nuclear facilities. Sounds like a private army is already trained and armed...by the way...their logo ontheir website...Securing Your World drips with irony.

  • Sec. 433.002. ISSUANCE OF DIRECTIVES. (a) After a state of emergency is proclaimed, the governor may issue reasonable directives calculated to control effectively and terminate the emergency and protect life and property. Before a directive takes effect, reasonable notice must be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected area, through television or radio serving the affected area, or by circulating notices or posting signs at conspicuous places in the affected area.
    (b) The directive may provide for:
    (1) control of public and private transportation in the affected area;
    (2) designation of specific zones in the affected area in which, if necessary, the use and occupancy of buildings and vehicles may be controlled;
    (3) control of the movement of persons;
    (4) control of places of amusement or assembly;
    (5) establishment of curfews;
    (6) control of the sale, transportation, and use of alcoholic beverages, weapons, and ammunition, except as provided by Section 433.0045; and
    (7) control of the storage, use, and transportation of explosives or flammable materials considered dangerous to public safety.

Pay strict attention to #'s 3,4,5,6 and 7....We are right now in a state of national emergency, this could go into affect anytime Obama wants it too. He can limit your movement,your right to assemble would be gone, tell you when you can leave the house, also restrict your access to firearms and ammunition and number 7 restricts the sale of flammible materials .....GASOLINE

See how easy it is, since some people got swine flu....the government can stop the sale of gas and weapons and place you under house arrest.

Before anyone calls me crazy or a conspiracy nut etc., these are all facts and this is happening right now....turn off American Idol or Dancing with the Stars...put down leftist Newspapers and turn off CNN, search for real truth....Don't be afraid of the truth, use the fear to spark your determination to help stop it. Get involved, vote....go to a rally or tea party....Let all those who challenge your liberty know you will not go gently into that good night, you, I, we, America will rage at the flickering flame.

Good Day and God Bless America

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The "Nanny State"- part 1

Thanx to all for reading, due to my work schedule I have not posted in a week, allot has happened since then so, this is gonna get long and deep. Here we go:

Moment of Clarity:

There is so much crap flying around us now that it is total clutter. All by design I might add. It's not happenstance when things get hot for Obama that something else happens to draw us away.....in-fighting between Dems...and now between GOP Old guard Republicans and real Conservatives....Balloon Boy scandal....etc etc etc...these are all things to draw attention away from the truth. We all need to disconnect for a while....look around at the real news, seldom heard lil tidbits mixed in with your entertainment and standard flapping head news of the day, if you look past the distractions...you will see the choke chain being put around your throat right now.

For instance, the whole Rush Limbaugh NFL mess.....what a great way of distracting conservatives! A self hating Jew named George Soros, a multi-billionaire who pedals political influence in many countries around the world, and who at 15 was a capo for the Nazi's and sent his own people to the death camps, is allowed to be an owner in the NFL, but not Rush? Then Al Sharpton got his big f*cking mouth into the fight calling Rush a racist, when Sharpton incitied riots in the 80's and directly cause the death of a Jewish kid jogging through the park....these are the people's opinions that matter? See, gets the blood boiling and draws you away from the real events that need attention. Blow the cobwebs of deciet away from your eyes. There's an old saying," The best place to hide is in plain sight", well that's where Obama and his legion of Czars is hiding their plans to control your every move!

Scareface said it best:

First you get the money, then you get the power. OK so I'm paraphrasing but, he was right. Obama & his cronies have already gotten the money. Major banks are now under government control, G20 countries will soon decide how much we Americans make on our paychecks! That's right, a bunch of Eurotrash will tell you what your worth....it has already happened and will only spread! From the Washington Post:

  • The Federal Reserve joined the Treasury Department on Thursday in imposing new limits on executive pay, extending the government's control over compensation at taxpayer-owned companies to institutions that are merely government regulated.
  • The actions Thursday put the United States more in line with European governments.
  • "I've always believed that our system of free enterprise works best when it rewards hard work," Obama said at the White House on Thursday.

Ya right, WE work so HE can get the reward.....remind you of something...um the USSR maybe, no wait, Germany circa 1936, no wait I'm wrong, I was thinking of China circa 1950...or was it North Korea circa 2009...anyway you see what I'm getting at. Obama has the banks, he also has the industry, which is another key point of control. Once you control the money you must limit peoples ability to move about freely...Hence the auto industry bailouts, AMTrak is already govt. owned, the airlines are next, we all know it. Electric cars are the next push!

With the trains, planes and now automobiles in his pocket, we are now prisoners in our cities. Unable to travel at will. The electric car will be the death of free movement. The SMART GRID project will see to that. The Obama proposed smart grid will basically give the federal government control of electric energy which means? Anyone...Anyone...that's right, the ability to limit the power needed to charge your car and limit the distance one could drive. So it's home for us all, at least the government can't tell us what to do in our homes right?

WRONG. yep, Obama is after you there too. It's no longer your castle, your abode, your sanctuary from the woes of the modern world, that's all gone, it is now your government run housing pod. Obama czars are proposing that all new heating and cooling units installed in homes be equipped with an FM transmitter that will allow control of the heat, air and thermostat. But who will control the transmitter? Why big Daddy Barry or if he's too busy golfing, one of his cronie czars will handle it. So when it's -10 outside, some yutz in D.C. will tell set your heat at 55...that's just enough to keep the slaves alive but not too comfortable.....stock up on blankets now!

Ok so it's cold in the house, can't drive anywhere warm, the T.V. has been shut down for 3 hours due to government regs saying I'm pulling a phnatom load of energy....We can still eat a tasty meal.....right? NOPE. Big Daddy O says that your favorite foods are no good for you, hence illegal. It is going on in the U.K. right now, soon to be here with Obama-care looming. In the U.K. the Health ministry is now rationing food by what's deemed healthy. They ( the Brits ) are going as far as to limit what a breast feeding mom can eat so as not to make the kid fat! That's right, Government control of your diet is in full swing in the U.K. and it will be here too once Big Daddy O and Mommy Nancy get control of your health care.

So now it's summer, 110 outside, 95 inside due to that damn FM transmitter shutting down the air from 2 p.m. till 11 p.m., might as well go outside and have a cool drink in the shade and maybe a smoke....Wrong again. Cigarettes, while maybe not the most healthy choice anyway are being taxed out of existence, you should have the right to smoke if ya want, Big Daddy O smokes Camel cigarettes but, he can also afford the impossible taxes on em. He can also afford the outrageous taxes being imposed on soda, juice and any sugar latin drinks. Yep, want a cold Dr. Pepper on a hot day, will cost ya just shy of double what it does right now. Only water and maybe unsweetened Tea....who else only drank water and iced tea....oh yeah, Hitler! It's a known fact that Hitler drank only Tea and was an ovo-vegetarian...what a model right? He may have murdered millions of Jews but, at least he was healthy and didn't burden the government health system!

I gonna speak my mind to.....

NO ONE! yeppers, your pissed off about losing control of your life, you feel like a slave, only working to better other's life and not your families right? Your ready to fire off an email or maybe email to the opinion page at the local paper or even call a talk show and voice your discord....Sit down Waldo! Your not gonna do any of that! You know why? Because of this:

  • "A newly proposed bill would give Uncle Sam the power to disconnect private sector computers from the Internet in the event of a 'cyber security emergency."

So my questions are: What actually counts as a 'Cyber-Security Emergency?' Does the president now have the option of disconnecting people when they disagree with his policies? How about disconnecting bloggers that criticize his health care reform? What counts as an emergency? Can political opponents be deemed a cyber-security emergency?" Thanks to FCC regs you won't be able to call Sean Hannity or Rush or Mark Levin, the air waves were cleansed of any conservative speech thanks to the Fairness Doctrine and Islamo-Fascist FCC Czars.

End Game

Whats left to do? No T.V., no Internet, too hot or too cold, lousy bland food, no beer or soda, no smokes...what a life right? Well on a cold night you can always "snuggle" with your honey right...um no...well yeah you can but, if she gets pregnant...she will be force into an abortion, according to Obama Czar John Holdren who in 1977 wrote a book that says compulsory abortion is constitutional and should be mandatory to keep the population in check.

Wow, right about now your thinking that life is just not worth living. It sucks out loud being a government drone. Only living to help a tyrant keep his power. Why should I continue to oil a socialist machine with my blood? Your thinking there are only two options at this point....grab your gun and hit the streets for a good old fashion revolution or shoot yourself and get it over with.....well.......

“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Mao Tse-Tung

Ask Anita Dunn about this one, another little Obama-ite who thinks Mao was some great philosopher....he was another tyrant and a murderer but...in this case he is right. This is why nations who seek to have power and control over their subjects have taken the first step of dis-arming the populous. Obama isn't a stupid man, he has undoubtedly learned from history and the actions of his role models, people like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, he knows that he must find a way to dis-arm the citizens but how? Guns are so apart of our heritage, Guns made this great nation a nation to begin with. Everyday citizens fed up with government control, unfair taxes and getting no return on their taxes....well that is the challenge, how to strip this God given right to bear arms and defend yourself and the country from tyrants and those abroad who seek to harm our beloved America.......well Health Care. That's right, Health Care.

Long has it been the dream of such parasites as Sara Brady, Diane Fienstein, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the socialist ilk, to rid the country of the private firearm, they great equalizer, now they have laid the foundation for the greatest gun ban in world history. Someone on the Obama staff deserves an extra food ration for dreaming up this one:

The National Institute of Health is doing a study ( funded by Big Daddy ) on the "health affects of gun ownership ", Wow I didn't gun ownership affected any ones health other than the criminal trying to rob you or bring harm to your family. I guess I was wrong. Anyway, another government agency has already done this study, the CDC, what was the findings?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study last week that states there is no evidence to prove gun-control laws are effective in preventing violence.

Hence you are no healthy if guns are banned....so why is the N.I.H doing the same study? I will tell you why, because Big Daddy is paying them too, and he will get the results he wants. The anointed one will not allow his beloved subjects to be at health risk of these pesky firearms, he loves us as an Messiah should, it's for our own good! So by making guns a high health risk, under O-care you wont be covered if you own one, better turn it in to the nearest Defence Force Citizen Recruitment Center or just grab a Defence Force Member as they patrol your block, they will take it off your hands and give you your health care card.

Big Daddy and Mommy Pelosi will take care of us....Big Government will watch over us. Tomorrow is part 2 of the Nanny State, Once you gain control you have to keep it....just how will he do it?

I leave you with the words of Roger Waters from Pink Floyd..a Brit, he knew all about socialism and he wrote the song "Mother" to describe it.

Good Day and God Bless whats left of America

Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry Momma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true Momma's gonna put all of her fears into you Momma's gonna keep you right here under her wing She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing Momma will keep Baby cozy and warm Oooo Babe Oooo Babe Ooo Babe, of course Momma's gonna help build the wall

Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry Momma's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you Momma won't let anyone dirty get through Momma's gonna wait up until you get in Momma will always find out where you've been Momma's gonna keep Baby healthy and clean Oooo Babe Oooo Babe Ooo Babe, you'll always be Baby to me

Monday, October 19, 2009

Government Control in full swing......

OK, due to my work schedule alternating over the next week or so I may not get to post allot so I'm gonna hit allot of stuff all at once. Here we go:

The liberal education sector of the government is at it again, first it was a cub scout sent to reform school for a spork, now this, a 17 yr. old Eagle Scout and future West Point student is suspended for 20 days of his senior year, for a 2 inch pocket knife stored in his survival kit in his car! This young man is a shining example of America, Eagle Scout is the highest scouting rank there is, and this kid lives up to the moto of being prepared! When the school somehow found out he had a 2 inch pocket knife, which was given to him by his grandfather, a police chief in another town I might add, the school searched his car and found the knife along with food, water and other essentials for immediate emergency survival. The police were called at which point the police officer informed the school no law had been broken. The knife was locked in the car's trunk, this young guy posed NO threat to anyone. Since this young man is an Eagle Scout, and a Soldier and on his way to becoming a Military leader, the school decided to ruin his perfect academic career by suspending him for 20 days. If this kid was a star athlete or his parents rich
or politically powerful in the town of Troy , NY, this would have never happened, this is clearly done to discourage others from being involved in such groups as Scouts or Military ROTC. Lansingburgh Senior High School has sent the message, young brilliant conservative people will be punished! West Point has already said this garbage suspension will not affect his application! Good for West Point!

In a related note, A student at the University of New Hampshire was forced to remove an American Flag that flew outside his dorm room window....for safety reasons university officials said....Also in Chester Penn. a firefighter suspended w/out pay for displaying a 4 inch x 2 inch sticker of an American Flag on his locker....both of these events just go to show I was right in previous post, Patriotism is being killed off one flag at a time.

In another post a few weeks back I made a comment about your daughters and mine having to wear Burka's to the Prom...well we are getting closer to that! How so you ask? Well lets take a look at who is advising Obama on such matters:

  • President Barack Obama's adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed
  • Mogahed was born in Egypt and moved to America at the age of five
  • first veiled Muslim woman to serve in the White House

This woman here approves of Sharia law, which states "Hadd offences", crimes with specific penalties set by the Koran and the sayings of the prophet Mohammed. These include death by stoning for adultery and homosexuality and the removal of a hand for theft. Yep, pretty serious stuff, other parts to the law is that women have no voice in the home or community, they follow behind the men at least 3 feet etc etc...basically your woman is property like a mule, not a partner in life.....mute baby machines for men's amusement. Sound like the future you want for your daughter? Well if Mogahed has her way it will be the future for all women around the world, including the U.S.A. Mogahed appeared on Islam TV, a channel based in London, her remarks are shocking to say the least. She is a proponent of enforcing Sharia law in the U.S. and says that the law is "misunderstood" here in the states. She sat in agreement with the host of the show for 45 minutes. Who was hosting? Well...

  • Ibtihal Bsis- member of Hizb ut Tahrir, a bunch of radicals that are dedicated too the non-violent destruction of Western democracy and the creation of an Islamic state under Sharia Law across the world.

Yep, Mogahed agreed with most of the anti-western crap that flowed out of the mouth of Bsis, who said things like America is a "lethal cocktail of liberty and capitalism". Bsis also said that women should not be "permitted to hold a position of leadership in government". Mogahed agreed.....um isn't she an advisor to the president, and a woman???? Yeah I know...makes no sens to me either. All I know is the first soldier or cop who tries to put a burka on my daughter is in for a fight!

While watch week gets underway today, let not your mind be swayed by the government's propaganda. All of your favorite sit coms and reality ( yeah right ) shows will be "inserting volunteerism into their scripts". Since we as a nation have caught onto the indoctrination of our children, the government has come up with this iPleadge crap to get in your head now. From government control over the scripts of your favorite shows to links on websites for TV shows, including links on sites that kids would visit, kid shows and cartoon websites have sites to health care legislation, planned parent hood and so on...it's disgusting. Don't watch it...rent a movie, read a book, play cards or just sit in the dark, any of these are better choices then submitting to the government's will.

With all that is swirling around us, like Health Care bills, Fights to keep flags flying, terrorist threats, the squashing of our constitutional rights by the socialist thugs in power and their cronies at the ACLU....what is going on in the back round that we don't see and they don't want us to see? Well here's a few examples of what we are in for. Warning, this may scare you, may put some unpleasant images in your head but, it's the truth, and the truth is a scary thing.

Look into the crystal ball, here is a small taste of government run health care happening right now:

Florida, USA - plan for h1n1 outbreak-Florida health officials are drawing up guidelines that recommend barring patients with incurable cancer, end-stage multiple sclerosis and other conditions from being admitted to hospitals if the state is overwhelmed by flu cases. The plan, which would guide Florida hospitals on how to ration scarce medical care during a severe flu outbreak, also calls for doctors to remove patients with poor prognoses from ventilators to treat those who have better chances of surviving. That decision would be made by the hospital. Those whose chances of survival have significantly worsened would be taken off the machines or discharged from critical care to make way for others who may have a better chance of survival. If needed, they would be given palliative care to keep them comfortable.

So given Florida's high population of elderly, it's safe to say that in a large H1N1 outbreak, the aged of the state would become extinct. Is this how we treat those who came before us and served the country? It's a disgrace!

Massachusetts, USA- Mass. State officials OK bill for mass quarantine. Bill also OK's a $1000 / day fine for those who resist getting vaccinated. The state will be able to come into your home, snatch you or your kids, stick a needle in their arm and hide you in a government facility. Here's the link to the bill: http://www.mass.gov/legis/bills/senate/186/st02pdf/st02028.pdf the bill which clarifies the powers of public health authorities in times of medical crisis, is awaiting the Governors approval.

OK so isolated cases right?

Iowa, USA-- A Government form that appeared on the CDC's website, which is a piece in the puzzle of how to warehouse flu victims. This is an official document of the Iowa State government, which has also been endorsed by the Center for Disease Control. If it were a preliminary or internal draft, it would not have been published by the CDC. Look at this form..this is NOT a movie, this is Iowa....right now!


"The Department has determined that it is necessary to quarantine your movement to a specific facility to prevent further spread of this disease. The Department has determined that quarantine in your home and other less restrictive alternatives are not acceptable because [insert the reason home quarantine is not acceptable, the person violated a previously issued home quarantine order, the person does not have an appropriate home setting conducive to home quarantine, etc.] The Department is therefore ordering you to comply with the following provisions during the entire period of quarantine:

1. Terms of confinement. You are ordered to remain at the quarantine facility, _____________________ [insert name and address of facility], from ___________ to ____________ [insert dates of quarantine].
4. Legal authority. This order is issued pursuant to the legal authority contained at Iowa Code chapters 135, 139A and 641 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 1, a copy of which is labeled Attachment B and is attached to this order for your review. The Department shall comply with the principles for quarantine contained in subrule 1.9(3) of this attachment when issuing and implementing this order.

5. Ensuring compliance. In order to ensure that you strictly comply with this Quarantine Order the Department or persons authorized by the Department may regularly inspect the quarantine facility.

6. Violations of order. If you fail to comply with this Quarantine Order you may be ordered to be quarantined in a more restrictive facility. In addition, failure to comply with this order is a simple misdemeanor for which you may be arrested, fined, and imprisoned."


Wow...it's like one of those 28 days later movies.....still want more proof...OK

DHS memo leaked to CBS News "The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement. Under approval from HHS, the Surgeon General has the authority to issue quarantines." ....Pentagon is "to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.

"U.S. Customs and Coast Guard Officers assist in the enforcement of quarantine orders. Other DOJ law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Marshals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives may also enforce quarantines. Military personnel are not authorized to engage in enforcement."

That's right....they have it all planned out...and if the big H1N1 outbreak never comes...well they just happen to have a handy system in place to take others, like protesters...dissenters or anyone the government happens to see as trouble. Look here at this map....it could show you your new home very soon:

this document is right of the CDC's website...each yellow dot is a "Quarantine Site"...i.e. detention facility or extermination site, 6 in 1, it all means the same thing. At least the other countries in the world don't hide their intent.....they come straight out with it!

Canada has received huge stockpiles of body bags and sent them to "distribution sites" across the nation.

In the U.K. things are going more forward. A Home Office document published earlier this year shows UK officials how to deal with rising body count from "Swine Flu" outbreak....

  • increasing mortuary capacity,
    chilled storage area,
    body hoists, deposit/exit the deceased
  • Preparation of Communal Burial Sites

Communal Burial Sites???? Try this phrase instead....MASS GRAVE. With the swine flu not even coming close to the numbers that die from Type A flu...why all the hype and preparation? I understand the government wanting to scare people and they use the H1N1 outbreak scenario to propagate that fear...but when you go through all the time and money to set all these plans into action, knowing the swine flu hasn't yet got close to the normal flu death rates....it has to make you wonder if they don't have other plans for these "quarantine facilities" and "communal burial sites".

I don't wanna sound like a member of the TinFoil Hat guiled....it does make me wonder however. You decide for yourself...as for me, personal PREP and an undying thirst for the truth are my way to go.

Good Day and God Bless America