Thanx to all for reading, due to my work schedule I have not posted in a week, allot has happened since then so, this is gonna get long and deep. Here we go:
Moment of Clarity:
There is so much crap flying around us now that it is total clutter. All by design I might add. It's not happenstance when things get hot for Obama that something else happens to draw us away.....in-fighting between Dems...and now between GOP Old guard Republicans and real Conservatives....Balloon Boy scandal....etc etc etc...these are all things to draw attention away from the truth. We all need to disconnect for a while....look around at the real news, seldom heard lil tidbits mixed in with your entertainment and standard flapping head news of the day, if you look past the distractions...you will see the choke chain being put around your throat right now.
For instance, the whole Rush Limbaugh NFL mess.....what a great way of distracting conservatives! A self hating Jew named George Soros, a multi-billionaire who pedals political influence in many countries around the world, and who at 15 was a capo for the Nazi's and sent his own people to the death camps, is allowed to be an owner in the NFL, but not Rush? Then Al Sharpton got his big f*cking mouth into the fight calling Rush a racist, when Sharpton incitied riots in the 80's and directly cause the death of a Jewish kid jogging through the park....these are the people's opinions that matter? See, gets the blood boiling and draws you away from the real events that need attention. Blow the cobwebs of deciet away from your eyes. There's an old saying," The best place to hide is in plain sight", well that's where Obama and his legion of Czars is hiding their plans to control your every move!
Scareface said it best:
First you get the money, then you get the power. OK so I'm paraphrasing but, he was right. Obama & his cronies have already gotten the money. Major banks are now under government control, G20 countries will soon decide how much we Americans make on our paychecks! That's right, a bunch of Eurotrash will tell you what your worth....it has already happened and will only spread! From the Washington Post:
- The Federal Reserve joined the Treasury Department on Thursday in imposing new limits on executive pay, extending the government's control over compensation at taxpayer-owned companies to institutions that are merely government regulated.
- The actions Thursday put the United States more in line with European governments.
- "I've always believed that our system of free enterprise works best when it rewards hard work," Obama said at the White House on Thursday.
Ya right, WE work so HE can get the reward.....remind you of something...um the USSR maybe, no wait, Germany circa 1936, no wait I'm wrong, I was thinking of China circa 1950...or was it North Korea circa 2009...anyway you see what I'm getting at. Obama has the banks, he also has the industry, which is another key point of control. Once you control the money you must limit peoples ability to move about freely...Hence the auto industry bailouts, AMTrak is already govt. owned, the airlines are next, we all know it. Electric cars are the next push!
With the trains, planes and now automobiles in his pocket, we are now prisoners in our cities. Unable to travel at will. The electric car will be the death of free movement. The SMART GRID project will see to that. The Obama proposed smart grid will basically give the federal government control of electric energy which means? Anyone...Anyone...that's right, the ability to limit the power needed to charge your car and limit the distance one could drive. So it's home for us all, at least the government can't tell us what to do in our homes right?
WRONG. yep, Obama is after you there too. It's no longer your castle, your abode, your sanctuary from the woes of the modern world, that's all gone, it is now your government run housing pod. Obama czars are proposing that all new heating and cooling units installed in homes be equipped with an FM transmitter that will allow control of the heat, air and thermostat. But who will control the transmitter? Why big Daddy Barry or if he's too busy golfing, one of his cronie czars will handle it. So when it's -10 outside, some yutz in D.C. will tell set your heat at 55...that's just enough to keep the slaves alive but not too comfortable.....stock up on blankets now!
Ok so it's cold in the house, can't drive anywhere warm, the T.V. has been shut down for 3 hours due to government regs saying I'm pulling a phnatom load of energy....We can still eat a tasty meal.....right? NOPE. Big Daddy O says that your favorite foods are no good for you, hence illegal. It is going on in the U.K. right now, soon to be here with Obama-care looming. In the U.K. the Health ministry is now rationing food by what's deemed healthy. They ( the Brits ) are going as far as to limit what a breast feeding mom can eat so as not to make the kid fat! That's right, Government control of your diet is in full swing in the U.K. and it will be here too once Big Daddy O and Mommy Nancy get control of your health care.
So now it's summer, 110 outside, 95 inside due to that damn FM transmitter shutting down the air from 2 p.m. till 11 p.m., might as well go outside and have a cool drink in the shade and maybe a smoke....Wrong again. Cigarettes, while maybe not the most healthy choice anyway are being taxed out of existence, you should have the right to smoke if ya want, Big Daddy O smokes Camel cigarettes but, he can also afford the impossible taxes on em. He can also afford the outrageous taxes being imposed on soda, juice and any sugar latin drinks. Yep, want a cold Dr. Pepper on a hot day, will cost ya just shy of double what it does right now. Only water and maybe unsweetened Tea....who else only drank water and iced tea....oh yeah, Hitler! It's a known fact that Hitler drank only Tea and was an ovo-vegetarian...what a model right? He may have murdered millions of Jews but, at least he was healthy and didn't burden the government health system!
I gonna speak my mind to.....
NO ONE! yeppers, your pissed off about losing control of your life, you feel like a slave, only working to better other's life and not your families right? Your ready to fire off an email or maybe email to the opinion page at the local paper or even call a talk show and voice your discord....Sit down Waldo! Your not gonna do any of that! You know why? Because of this:
- "A newly proposed bill would give Uncle Sam the power to disconnect private sector computers from the Internet in the event of a 'cyber security emergency."
So my questions are: What actually counts as a 'Cyber-Security Emergency?' Does the president now have the option of disconnecting people when they disagree with his policies? How about disconnecting bloggers that criticize his health care reform? What counts as an emergency? Can political opponents be deemed a cyber-security emergency?" Thanks to FCC regs you won't be able to call Sean Hannity or Rush or Mark Levin, the air waves were cleansed of any conservative speech thanks to the Fairness Doctrine and Islamo-Fascist FCC Czars.
End Game
Whats left to do? No T.V., no Internet, too hot or too cold, lousy bland food, no beer or soda, no smokes...what a life right? Well on a cold night you can always "snuggle" with your honey right...um no...well yeah you can but, if she gets pregnant...she will be force into an abortion, according to Obama Czar John Holdren who in 1977 wrote a book that says compulsory abortion is constitutional and should be mandatory to keep the population in check.
Wow, right about now your thinking that life is just not worth living. It sucks out loud being a government drone. Only living to help a tyrant keep his power. Why should I continue to oil a socialist machine with my blood? Your thinking there are only two options at this point....grab your gun and hit the streets for a good old fashion revolution or shoot yourself and get it over with.....well.......
“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Mao Tse-Tung
Ask Anita Dunn about this one, another little Obama-ite who thinks Mao was some great philosopher....he was another tyrant and a murderer but...in this case he is right. This is why nations who seek to have power and control over their subjects have taken the first step of dis-arming the populous. Obama isn't a stupid man, he has undoubtedly learned from history and the actions of his role models, people like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, he knows that he must find a way to dis-arm the citizens but how? Guns are so apart of our heritage, Guns made this great nation a nation to begin with. Everyday citizens fed up with government control, unfair taxes and getting no return on their taxes....well that is the challenge, how to strip this God given right to bear arms and defend yourself and the country from tyrants and those abroad who seek to harm our beloved America.......well Health Care. That's right, Health Care.
Long has it been the dream of such parasites as Sara Brady, Diane Fienstein, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the socialist ilk, to rid the country of the private firearm, they great equalizer, now they have laid the foundation for the greatest gun ban in world history. Someone on the Obama staff deserves an extra food ration for dreaming up this one:
The National Institute of Health is doing a study ( funded by Big Daddy ) on the "health affects of gun ownership ", Wow I didn't gun ownership affected any ones health other than the criminal trying to rob you or bring harm to your family. I guess I was wrong. Anyway, another government agency has already done this study, the CDC, what was the findings?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study last week that states there is no evidence to prove gun-control laws are effective in preventing violence.
Hence you are no healthy if guns are banned....so why is the N.I.H doing the same study? I will tell you why, because Big Daddy is paying them too, and he will get the results he wants. The anointed one will not allow his beloved subjects to be at health risk of these pesky firearms, he loves us as an Messiah should, it's for our own good! So by making guns a high health risk, under O-care you wont be covered if you own one, better turn it in to the nearest Defence Force Citizen Recruitment Center or just grab a Defence Force Member as they patrol your block, they will take it off your hands and give you your health care card.
Big Daddy and Mommy Pelosi will take care of us....Big Government will watch over us. Tomorrow is part 2 of the Nanny State, Once you gain control you have to keep it....just how will he do it?
I leave you with the words of Roger Waters from Pink Floyd..a Brit, he knew all about socialism and he wrote the song "Mother" to describe it.
Good Day and God Bless whats left of America
Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry Momma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true Momma's gonna put all of her fears into you Momma's gonna keep you right here under her wing She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing Momma will keep Baby cozy and warm Oooo Babe Oooo Babe Ooo Babe, of course Momma's gonna help build the wall
Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry Momma's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you Momma won't let anyone dirty get through Momma's gonna wait up until you get in Momma will always find out where you've been Momma's gonna keep Baby healthy and clean Oooo Babe Oooo Babe Ooo Babe, you'll always be Baby to me
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