Monday, October 12, 2009

Blind Faith

I apologize now, this is gonna be a jumpy ride. I know I have the tendency to jump around anyway but, look out today.

First off this garbage:

Write, call or email and eBay....let them know that this kind of trash is not welcome. When you alter the American flag in anyway, especially by putting a tyrants face on it, you spit in the face of every single American service person who has fought for the flag and the ideals it stands for. From the minutemen of the revolution to current service persons all over the world, it's spit in their face's and should not be tolerated.

OK moving on to another piece of trash...a human piece of trash, Kevin Jennings who wrote the foreward for the book: " Queering Elementary Education"- OK, already there are a few things wrong here right? Well it gets worse, Yep...this piece of crap also has counseled young boys to go meet with older men whom they met thru the Internet, at a bus station, for sex! A 15 yr old boy! Could it get any worse???? Yep! Jennings is a leading member of the Lavender Lobby, a radical gay rights organization. Jennings has no problem touring around the country to call for an all out end to the Religious Right. Yep, his hatred for Protestants and Catholics is deep rooted, take a look at this quote from a speech he gave in 2000,
"We have to quit being afraid of the religious right. We also have to quit — I'm trying to find a way to say this. I'm trying not to say, 'F--- 'em!' which is what I want to say, because I don't care what they think! Drop dead!"
Why should you care about this perverted piece of garbage who wants to queer up your elementary schools? well...
Kevin Jennings was appointed by Pres. Obama as "Safe Schools Czar"
Good God! The president feels this is the best choice to over see the safety of our children in public schools? At this point I'm sure some are in dis-belief, no way this is true, right wing lies all of it! Well Google the Name Kevin Jennings....
I just don't get it. So many people voted for Obama on blind faith, because of his "star power" because it was time to make history, very few voted for him on his beliefs. This is a problem that has to be addressed. Voting someone into office based on their race, charm or looks is just insane. You must read, listen and learn, find out the character and what is behind the motivation for a candidate to want the job in the first place. So much was uncovered about Obama during the election, his ties to ACORN, Bill Ayers and other criminals. His country of birth is still a question mark and his ties to Rev. Wright, a man who preaches nothing but hate against White America and against America itself. For twenty years Obama sat in Wright's church listening to sermons about how white America has poisoned the black communities, how white America broke the dams in New Orleans, Rev. Wright was the one who said, "God Bless America? No I say God Damn America." These are the teachings that Obama learned in the years before becoming president, this is his ideology. From voter fraud to his hob nobbery with dictators the world over, was it the right time to make history?
I know several, far too many people who voted for this tyrant based purely on his face time in the media, his status of Messiah put on him by the MSM....Obama himself bought into the anointed one bit and began to believe his own hype. He has now became Nero, who played the fiddle while Rome burned, Obama plays basketball and takes the wife shopping in Paris, all the while his empire burns around him. So many of the people around me who voted for the anointed one based on his star power, are now admitting to it and regretting it. So much was the messiah BS played up that if you didn't vote for him, you felt as though you would miss out, not be apart of the history unfolding, well now you are all apart of history, unemployment, defense cuts in a time when every nut seems to be days away from having a nuke, job declines, higher taxes on energy, taxes on soda and juice, creation of a national defense force, snitch on your neighbor programs, unjust taxing of radio stations who have radio host that oppose the Messiah's policies....the list goes on, you made history...congrats!
Now I know there are people out there who listened to the debates, heard what both sides had to say and thought Obama was the best choice. I understand and respect that. If you voted by the issues and by your heart and big O was your man, then once again I respect that. You have to wonder though, take away the fraudulent votes that ACORN put into play, Mickey Mouse, the Dallas Cowboys and the thousands upon thousands of other votes that we know were fake, toss in a few hundred thousand that were probably fake, then take away the "history maker" votes, does he win? If the MSM hadn't made McCain out to be some white, old, decrepit devil, who the anointed one be in? If ill informed young voters had seen equal face time of both candidates, would it have been closer? Just gotta wonder why someone would vote based on a face and media hype.
The people I felt most for throughout the whole election was the Black American voter. Obama was the savior of the black community is what they were told. He will rule this country and put "whitey" in his place, no longer will you be slave to the massa, you will run the house. This was the message that was out there, and black voters bought into it. I heard this time and time again from some of the black custodians I work with, they told me the years of Republicans "holding them down" and killing the black man's chance at a better future were over. I sat slack jawed that anyone could really buy into this crap but, they did. I was also informed that a vote for McCain was a vote for the Klan, anyone who didn't vote for Obama was a racist and hated blacks etc etc etc. I heard it all, then I tried to show them the light, tried to tell them just who had actually held the black man down in America, and they didn't like the answer.
The Democrats have used the black voted from day one. The pandering to the black community makes me want to vomit. Every few years when election time comes up, whether it's for a local race or senate or president, the Democrats pledge to the black voter is the same, a vote for us is a vote for a better future for you. We ( Dems ) will pull you out of the ghetto, punish your white oppressors and give you all that you deserve. And every time the same thing happens.....NOTHING. If the Dem wins, he may throw a bone the way of the black community, a little extra in government assistance here, a little community rehab there and poof, he's off like the prom queens dress. He has faded away into the halls of power to reap his reward for suckering his black voters. This has been the story since blacks were given the right to vote, in fact I believe that democrats use the equal rights bill as a marker, every election they call in the debt owed to them by black voters for giving them their rights. don't get me wrong, the equal rights bill was long over due, I am not trashing the bill, I believe black Americans should have gotten the right to vote the day the civil war ended, they fought for the union, they helped save this nation, it's a crime that so many years past before something so simple and human could be passed, All men are created was a long time coming and deserved but, it came at a price as does everything when dealing with democrats.
As for the term black voters, well it should be American voters, race should never enter into an election but this time the media and the Messiah's campaign people not only played the race card, they stacked the entire deck with them. the race baiting started immediately after the primaries, once it was clear Hillary was out, it was open season on such racist as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Michael Savage, not to mention every conservative in America. First off the media downplayed the fact that Barry is only half black, his mother was white, his Dad a Kenyan national. Second the MSM never mentioned to " the black voters" about how B. Hussein Obama was raided in Hawaii, in a mostly white community and went by the name Barry Obama, to better fit in with his white friends. Then after his 6 or 7 yrs bumming around the middle east and the Muslim world, he reappeared in America, with a new name and a new found hatred for America and capitalism. This is where we meet the real Barry O, the one who wont cover his heart or sing the national anthem but will salute the marine station next to Marine One, the one who's wife was disgusted and not proud of her country until she had a shot at first lady, then she was proud. This is the guy who the MSM sold to the black community as the messiah? Yep and they did a great job.
With all the stuff we know, with the flooding of his administration with wacko's and molesters,
with the throwing away of trillions of our tax dollars, with our great great grandchildren already in debt, decades before their births, how could anyone sell this guy to a voter? It seems pretty easy, He's Black, Your Black, C'mon....yep that's about what it takes.
As thousands of black Americans stood in line in Detroit to receive Obama Money, $15,000,000 was stolen from American Taxpayers to be handed out to the welfare drones
in Detroit. Chants of "We love you Obama" could be heard while the people filed applications for one of the 3,500 slots to receive Obama Money. For anyone who pays taxes should be insulted and outraged over this, black Americans who work and pay taxes should be double pissed off. His holiness the Barrak claimed to make things better, CHANGE was the flavor of the day....well like I said in the above paragraphs, He is a true Democrat, dolling out taxpayer money as payback for votes, then only to sweep you away again until the next election.
What would truly be better, getting your one time kickback from big O, or having a president that was fiscally responsible and created jobs, so you could get off welfare and earn a living and have pride? This messiah, this anointed one has done nothing and will do nothing for you the black voters, or for Americans in general. He is beset with ignorant voters, you are nothing more than dice haning from his mirror. He has cuddled up to every low life dictator in the world, if he was to lose the next election, he may use his national defense force, re-enforced by foreign troops supplied by his buddy Chavez to keep power. Socialist dictators don't like foregoing their power to others, you need only look at Cuba and Venezuela to see that.
Black voters have been duped by Democrats for many years but, this time it maybe the final insult. Black voters often refer to the slavery issue, which has been non existent since the late 1860's yet we still hear of it, people like President Bush and other conservatives like Hannity
and Beck are compared to slave masters. Well meet your new slave master, Barrack Obama. He will make slaves of us all. White Black Brown, it wont matter, we will all toil for the good of the state. We will all live in horrid conditions, work till we drop dead all while the Master sits in the big house, the White House growing fat on the fruits of our labor.
You wanted Change....You Got It!
Good Day and God Bless America

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