(Today's subject is a frank discussion of anti-govt. factions and true militia, I in no way, shape or form condone violence or illegal activities against the US Govt..this is merely a forum for open discussion and free thought. )
Yes, in modern day America, I am considered a terrorist and by the way, so are most of you.
That's right, the government today would waste money and resources checking up on it's own citizens than hunting down real threats. This is not the old bit about some lone nut in his basement plotting against the govt....no no no, everyday Americans, War Vets and anyone who speaks out, stands up and dares protest against Obamacare, against Socialism and against
the madness that abounds in this country at the present.
Who exactly is the modern day domestic terrorist. Well it's you, me, your dad and your neighbors. It's your lawyer, your teacher and your clergymen. Anyone who has enough foresight to prepare for rough times, anyone who says enough is enough and anyone who dares to step out of the pen away from the rest of the sheep. There have been more than a few reports from state and federal govt. about "what to look for", moronic things like Gadsden Flags ( the don't tread on me flag with a snake on it ) and Ron Paul bumper stickers, NRA bumper stickers and anything anti Obama / Pro America. This sounds far fetched, until you read the MIAC report, let's take a peek shall we?
Before we dive into this, let me state once again....I do not condone any illegal action taken against the government of the U.S. , Tim McVeigh was a flippin nut job who murdered hundreds of innocent people all because of a beef against the govt., that is just insane and the fact he was put to death is justice served. The tax protester in Reno who tried to use the same bomb as OKC to blow the Reno IRS office....once again, not the correct way to make your statement. Killing people who are doing nothing more than their jobs is never the answer. With that said, are all Militia members nuts like McVeigh? NO. Most are patriotic Americans who
see dark times ahead and wish to be trained, ready and prepared for if and when the dark times do arrive. The Govt. does not distinguish between the true Militia and the radical nuts who use Militia as a cover. Some years back the ARA ( Aryan Republic Army ) used the guise of Militia
and patriotism to cover their true intentions, robbing banks and killing FBI agents. It's people like this that have brought down a grim view on the Militia's. These people were never patriots or defenders of America, they were bigots and thugs who are better off dead, plain and simple.
According to the MIAC ( Missouri Information Analysis Center ) people like the ARA and Tim McVeigh are the same as the school teacher or construction worker who stocks up on food and water in case of natural disaster or keeps a rifle in case of looting during civil unrest. Who in the Midwest doesn't have three days food and water, extra blankets batteries and candles at the ready? Blizzards, Ice storms floods tornado's all bring loss of essential services, all these disasters also bring unrest, riots and looting, it's just a fact, look at Katrina in New Orleans, when people don't have the common sense and self reliance to prepare for a disaster, you get scenes like New Orleans. I will guarantee that 999 out of 1000 homes in the Central U.S. has food, water and at least a deer rifle or shotgun in the house....just the way it is in the heartland. Somehow this now makes you a militia nut or threat to the Govt. It's insane at first glance but, the govt. doesn't want self reliant patriots at the ready, no the want fat, lazy dependent sheeple running around saying, "Save me, help me, tell me what to do, GIVE ME." Just remember, The Government that can give you everything, can take everything you have!
Back to the MIAC report, who truly is considered a domestic terrorist or potential one? Let's find out. Christian Ideology which the MIAC states is popular with Right Wing Extremist, so if ya are Christian and go to church and believe in core Christian values...yep you made the list...congrats! Moving on... Anti-Abortionist ( I'm NOT going to debate abortion now so don't comment on it ) are considered potential terrorist...not just the extremist who murder for belief in their cause but, anyone against the practice...moving on....Tax resistors, well hell, who does like paying taxes when you know they are squandered on crap instead of going for the things we need, like Defense, Roads and Education, instead they go to bank execs and kickbacks for aiding in voter fraud etc....I don't resist paying taxes, just don't like it when they used ill fully. Onward we go..... Anti-Immigrationist, I love how they phrased this one, once again the name game comes into play. I stated in my first post...I am a descendant of immigrants....I am not anti-immigrant, just Anti-ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. but I guess that counts to the MIAC folks.
The report goes on to talk about group formation, which by the way they file under Militia Training section of the report, how handy is that, especially in the time of the Tea Party! Let's take a piece from the MIAC report itself, page 5 under organizations,
" Underground Groups: these groups primarily adhere to the philosophy of leaderless resistance, advocating small autonomous cells driven by ideology rather than direct leadership"
Wow....sounds like a new way of saying, "Grass roots campaign" to me. The recent Tea Party's are just that, grass roots, a few organizers who brought people together who all believe in the same thing, America is going wrong and it needs to stop. Our elected officials are ignoring the voice of the people. There are no clear leaders in the Tea Party movement, only folks, simple folks from every corner of the country who saw others stand and decided to join them, nothing more. Yet to the MIAC, if you attended a Tea Party, you took part in Militia Training and are now a threat. the report goes on to say, "Militia members most commonly associate themselves with third party political groups, it's not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional Part, Campaign for Liberty or Libertarian material. these members are usually supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr." Watch who ya vote for eh? If it's not the right party or person, they will label ya a nut and a terrorist. So many people have freedom or Liberty themed bumper stickers or window murals, I guess they are all terrorist too, how sad, a nation of terrorist.....let's continue...
This is where we really find out just who is a trouble maker. Anti-Government Propaganda:this section of the MIAC report ( page 6 ) tells you, the good sheeple how to identify a scary Militia member, knowledge is power so here we go. According to MIAC Militia members display things like the Gadsden Flag...well I have one at the top of this page, strike one on me huh. Anyone with photos, bumper stickers or artwork depicting the FRS, IRS, FBI, ATF, CIA, U.N. , Law Enforcement and the New World Order in a derogatory manner. This just makes me laugh, Some of our own Congress people and most of our soldiers spit on the UN and any talk of a New World Order brings even the hardcore leftist to a halt.....NO ONE THINKS THESE ARE GOOD! As for the rest...who hasn't had a comic strip hung up in their cubicle or on the fridge in the break room that poo poo's the IRS? So basically every political cartoonist in the last 100 yrs has been a militia nut! Seth McFarland better watch his ass!
Lastly is what the MIAC considers "Militia Lititure". Ok I will grant that some of the extreme factions do publish some really crazy stuff. I read the Turner Diaries after it cameout that it was the book that made Tim Mcveigh bomb the Murrah Fed Building in OKC. I wanted to see what writing could inspire such a hurendous act of murder. The book is nothing more than racist fantasy about killing blacks and coups against the government, it was pure garbage. Now the fact that I read it, does that make me a Militia nut or a threat? Books by upstanding Conservitive media members like Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are now being called the same thing, Anti-Government propaganda. It's insane no matter how much the MSM skews it, Glenn Beck is not a dissenter, he is nothing more than an America who is fed up and happens to have a few million
people to listen every night!
Others beyond the MIAC follow this line of thinking. The Southern Poverty Law Center uses
the term Patriot as code word for Anti Government Radical. Go to their crap website and read some of the pablum they spew forth. The MSM, not to be out done has done their share to inflame the public against true homegrown Patriots. When the MSM does a story on a Tea Party or Rally, they will always use words like Right Wing extremeist, Anti-Government. I'm not Anti-Government, I just want it to work like it's supposed too. Our founding fathers set up a Republic of Federated states, not a democracy. This Republic was built on states rights and only having a small central government to defend the states, to run the military and handle matters of foriegn policy. Washington and Jefferson would roll in their graves if they saw how instrusive the government is in our daily lives.
The biggest example of how the MSM skews and out and out lies is a Tea Party in Arizona. A few people who attended the rally chose to openly display their firearms, which is %100 legal in AZ. The MSM cropped a photo of a man, from behind with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder and wearing a pistol on his hip. The MSM, MSNBC namely called this guy a radical right wing extremist and a racist, because he attended a Tea Party and because he opposes Obama's policies. Well MSNBC cropped the photo but other outlets like Fox and CNN showed the full picture, the gentleman holding the rifle was BLACK...yep just another exampleof how America is lied to everyday by the flapping heads in the MSM.
This is a quote from the SPLC website...this is how being a Partriot and loving your country is seen today:
"Patriot ideology also has crept into the anti-tax "tea parties" that were staged by conservatives around the country in April and July. In addition to protesting government spending and taxation, some demonstrators called for the sovereignty of the states, abolition of the Federal Reserve (a long-time bogeyman of the radical right), and an end to "socialism" in Washington."
Partriot and conservitive = Radical, Welcome to the USSA. I always considered myself a Patriot
and I love America. I've never belonged to a Milita, Never called for violence against the government, I vote...I pay my taxes...I support our troops..I fly the Stars and Stripes every day over our house, 50 years ago this made you normal.....in 2009 it makes you a terrorist.
Good Day and God Bless America
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