Here's a few items we can do without:
- Dennis Moore ( D) 3rd Dist. Kansas calling a war vet "White Trash"
- Monday Night Football on ESPN done half in Spanish with Spanish commercials
- 30+ Czars all making $100,000+ to create a socialist utopia
- President who has the hubris of a Roman emperor
- Govt Seizure of the Health care industry
- Govt Seizure of the Banking industry
- Govt Seizure of the Auto Industry
- Govt Seizure of your 1st, 2nd,4th, 10th well the whole constitution and bill of rights
- union thugs "silencing" those who dare oppose Obama at Town Halls
- Main Stream Media only reporting on what Obama wants reported ( re. Seizure of Media)
- A President who apologizes for America...then sits with dictators and murderers
The list could go on and on but this is a good start. Dennis Moore calling the war vet white trash is pretty self explanatory, Moore is a career politician who votes and does whatever the Democratic leadership tells him to do, he's a puppet and a whore and must be voted out in 2010.
Monday Night Football on ESPN...As part of National Hispanic Heritage month commercials and parts of the game were done in Spanish. I will no longer watch ESPN or buy from any of their's this kind of garbage that is used to slowly strip Americans of their identity as a nation. We are a nation who was founded by English speaking people....the official language bill needs to be passed and English the law of the land!
Onto the land of the have 36 people making big money to basically follow thru on creating a socialist nation. Lets look at a few of em:
- Border Czar --- Alan Bersin, who to quote him, " Is uninterested in arresting economic migrants" Shouldn't that be Illegal aliens??
- California Water Czar --- David J. Hayes, who to save a tiny fish that you can barely see is drying up farms all over California...these farmers now stand in food lines because they have no money or water to grow's a travesty!
- Climate Czar ---Todd Stern who is a big supporter of the Cap & Trade...which will raise heating and energy bills thru the roof for us middle class folks, all to combat global warming....ask the good folks in the Dakota's about global warming, with the foot+ of snow they got over the weekend!
- Drug Czar --- Gil Kerlikowske, this guy commutes sentences for drug if they go thru rehab, he also opposes arresting people for personal marijuana use. Well doesn't personal use mean there is a smuggler and a dealer somewhere in the chain? Arresting them seems harsh is they are only supplying for personal use right? This is our Drug Czar? Good Grief!
- Green Jobs Czar---Van Jones, well he was the green jobs Czar, and leader of the Marxist organization STORM....enough public outcry got him the boot! Score one for the good guys!
- Regulatory Czar--- Cass R. Sunstein, this guy is a piece of work here. A known socialist who writes about using economic crisis as a chance to create socialist governments...hmm, sounds awful familiar don't it. Sunstein also had thoughts of making the Internet fair, wanting regulations forcing sites to provide links to opposing view points, i.e. I would have to have a link to the DNC on my site...NEVER! He would also like to see animals be able to sue...yep, with humans acting as reps. in court your dog could sue you. He is anti gun, anti hunting anti fishing, pretty much anti-American. To quote Obama, "Cass is not only a valued advisor, he is a dear friend" Nice to have low friends in high places eh?
- Science Czar --- John Holdren , this guy calls for population control laws for humans. He thinks the U.S. Constitution would support compulsory, I'm sure that would violate the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness!
- Stimulus Accountability Czar - Earl Devaney, this is just a joke....accountability? porkulus money is being spent on stupid crap, like guardrails for roads next to nonexistent lakes, tunnels for turtles and pedestrian bridges for Elk.....what a joke.
And that's just a few...Now we know why the Soviet Union failed, too many czars ruin the borscht eh comrade!
I take major offense to the Demigod attitude of Obama...and the hubris of the whole family. He is soooooooooooo out of touch with the common American citizen that it's pathetic. All his rambling about being around the kitchen table trying to pay bills, what a load of horse sh*t, this guy doesn't know the struggle of working a lousy job, no chance of advancement or gaining a higher pay scale. He has attended three elite universities, took a few years to "bum" around the Muslim world, His first house he bought right out of college cost 2.1 million. He dares to compare himself to the common American? The life blood of this nation? He has lived a very well to do life, he has abused his office by using it to take the trips to Paris for shopping, to Denmark for the Olympic bid, it's like the office of president is just a big vacation. Unlimited funds and destinations. Meanwhile real Americans can't afford to pay bills, let alone take our children on a nice family vacation. While he and Michelle sip wine by the Eiffel tower, real Americans have to tell their kids there will be no dinner tonight, no new clothes for school. While Obama made the world wait to see what kind of dog he was buying for the kids ( who are pretty much for decoration it seems ) real Americans had to look their children in the eyes and tell them that there was no money to keep the family pet, heart broken kids all over the country went to sleep with tears in their eyes due to losing scruffy or mittens, while Obama takes his kids out for ice cream to the tune of $800,000. That's right, $800,000 in cost for a trip to baskin robbins, with all the secret service etc...they drop damn near a million for an ice cream run while real Americans makes me sick the arrogance of such men.
Seizure of banking and other industry is easy to see, not so easy to see why people are not more concerned. In any dictatorship around the world, the first grabs are media and industry, Obama has got both. That's why the attack on our rights. We are being silenced, the 1st. amendment is pretty much gone, if you speak up and oppose your elected officials, either the secret service or union gangsters will silence you one way or another. They will come for our guns next, Armed people are citizens, unarmed people are slaves...Hitler knew it, The Iranians know it and Obama knows it. To really dig in and strip the constitution all together he will need to kill the 2nd so he can kill the 4th, 5th , 6th , 7th etc....The federal govt. is now using power it does not have. Health care is a states issue, why the hell is govt. being allowed to force anything on Americans?
Obama sits and drinks with thugs, terrorist, criminals and murderers, we have all seen the's true, plain and simple. Then has the nerve to apologize for Americans arrogance? It's sickening, and Media hacks like CNN ( the Crescent News Network ) and MSNBC ( No clever name for them, their a joke all by themselves) run the video 24/7 to drive home the point. The sheeple see this and think he's doing the right thing, people have forgotten that you must question authority once in a while.
The Tea Parties & Town Halls were good starts. It's a ray of hope in a cloudy country where the rules don't apply to some. For example, why is it that O'Keefe and Giles are gonna be put on trial for their undercover work in exposing the criminals at ACORN, yet police officials from NYC went out of state and undercover at gun shows, using private sells and altered video as proof that a gun show loophole does exist, where is the trial for these criminals? They have no power outside the City of New York...who the hell made them law of the land?
It comes down to this: Do what you told and there will be no trouble. As the Finance Cmmt. today votes on the Health care bill, which we all hate and which will be shoved down our collective throats, we should question why the government would want to control health care? If they control our ability to live and be well, they control us. Death Panels, rationed care, no choice of doctor, go where we say directives....and you know any choice of private care will be gone, the government does not like competition. Dissenters and opposition could be denied care and left to die, hell anyone the govt. See's as not worth keeping alive will be put aback and left for dead.
Question everything! Make noise, raise hell, however you want to say it, just say it! I leave you with this, a quote from Dr. Benjamin Rush, a founding father, signer of the Declaration of Independence, one of the black communities strongest allies in revolutionary America, he was a patriot and physician, Rush was against big government and had this to say when it came to medicine and government mixing;
"The Constitution of this Republic should make special provision for medical freedom. To restrict the art of healing to one class will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic. ... Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what the dictating outfit offers."
Says it all.... Good Day and God Bless America
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