Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Land of the Weak....Home of the Dumb

Yep, America gets dumber by the day. Which is totally by design. The leftist need weaker, less educated and dependant people to stay in power. Look around today, there is a huge surge of bright young conservatives coming up and bringing the truth to the masses, only problem is most of the young voters ( 18-24 yr olds ) are too stupid to understand what these bright young minds are saying. Two very brave and very bright kids ( they are kids to me ) brought down ACORN, you don't get much more bright and patriotic than these two. There names are James O'Keeffe and Hannah Giles. They could face felony charges for their actions, which is just crazy,
everyone should speak up and keep these two out of jail, not only did they prove that Obama's pet organization use tax payer money to fund illegal activities, they proved that Americans have the shortest attention spans in the world.

I started thinking about this over the summer, I had three young guys working for me, two who had just graduated from High School a month before work started and one had just completed his first year at KU as a pysch. major. I paid close attention to their conversations as we worked, to no ones surprise allot of the talk revolved around music and girls, typical for 18 and 19yr olds. As us older guys discussed sports and allot of politics, once in a while the kids would chime in. The ignorance in which they spoke with about American politics and current events was astounding. So I started asking questions to try and see if they were really as out of the loop as I thought they were. Now remember these are two recent high school grads and a college sophomore.

My question to them, " Do you know how many justices are on the Supreme Court?"

Answer from the college kid, " Gotta be at least 50", I was stunned, one of the high school kids chose not to answer but the other did, " I think it's 10, has to be an even number right?"
From this point on I knew it could only get worse, so I asked, " Who is President right now?"
They all answered with Obama, the college kid adding he had voted for him. So I asked who was the V.P., none could give me a name, none knew who was speaker of the house, none could tell me the line of succession in the event a president dies and so on, they knew nothing of American Government. These are general knowledge subjects, I learned this stuff in 8th grade government class, what is going on here? I asked the college kid why he voted for Obama, his reply was what I kind of expected, " All my friends did and told me too." Enter the new generation of Americans to the voter pool.

After this I sat for days thinking about how American kids could be so out of it, so uneducated
about important issues. The more I thought about it and looked around I started to notice things, things that should not be. I understand that socializing with your peer group, dating, concerts and partying are the norm and rights of passage for these kids, and I at that age was the same. It was all about guitars and girls, no thought of the future, yet I still knew what was going on in the world, so why don't these kids? I started to discover that it's not their fault, they are merely doing as they have been taught, to go with the pack, believe every word you hear in school. School, funny, the one place you would think could open these kid's minds was the one place dulling them down.

Text books now a days use words like man created disaster to describe the events of 9/11, I kid you not, Act's of Terrorism are called man created disasters. Jihad is defined as "Doing good works for God", are you sh*tting me? What happened to HOLY WAR...KILLING INFIDELS? Little events in US History like WWI WWII Korea Viet Nam and the first Gulf War are now just blurbs, the greatest generation gets maybe a paragraph for defeating Hitler and the Islamifacist get chapters. It is clear that textbooks are now erasing the greatest era's of American history, all so that kids today will not get a sense of when pride in your country and conservative thought
was the norm. A time when the whole country pulled for the war effort, instead of demonizing soldiers and holding closet tyrants in high regard.

These kids are being lied too everyday and they don't even know it. Indoctrination is in full swing, and as I looked for signs of this, I found it had been happening for a while. Looking around I noticed that not only are the kids being dumbed down, they are also being made weaker and less resistant. This is where it really gets bad. Kids are not being taught the truth about the world, it's a harsh place with harsh rules. More times than not, YOU WILL LOSE, I learned this early on. Playing little league baseball we learned to lose, we learned to win and how to do both with honor. Now in America you have youth sports leagues where NO ONE WINS or LOSES, the losing team is awarded points, or runs, or goals at the end to even the score, every game is a tie and no league champions, everyone is a winner. What a load of crap this is. All this way of thinking does is weaken your kids and set them up for a big fall the first time they apply for a job and lose out, the first time they apply to a college and get rejected, the first time they ask for a date and get turned down, they are now overly sensitive and under confident, they cannot handle rejection. This is an underlying reason why you have higher teen suicide rates today, this is why you have school shootings and why you have young adults voting for candidates by what they see on the 30 second MTV news.

Before all the nasty comments and email starts, I agree bullying is a problem, and in this high tech world it's even worse than when we was in school but, in my day if you got bullied, you stood up to it and beat the hell out of the kid or got beat up, either way you stood up, you gained the respect of the bully and gained respect from your peers. In this day, kids just shoot up the house in a drive by or have 20 Friends jump one person, I can't think of anything more cowardly than either of these actions. School yard fist fights and sports competitions used to be where kids learned to be tough, stand up and play to win, not so now, they are taught lay down, submit and depend on whatever governing body is at hand to take care of the situation.

Kids are now so bombarded by garbage on a daily basis that they have no idea they are being lied to, used as pawns and indoctrinated into a new society that will have them as slaves. For example, little kids being taught songs praising Obama, this is outlandish and should be stopped.
These kids are singing the praises of a LIAR, a confirmed liar. He was born in Kenya, and he lied about it. He used ACORN to steal an election with voter fraud, then kicked back money to them, then lied about it. It's not hard to unearth the lies if you try, that's why kids are taught not to try, just trust the government, trust what you hear from us and go back to your rap music, we will take care of you.

Want proof of the lies being fed to ya go:

Barack Obama quote: "I only saw Rod Blagojevich one time ... and
that was in the stands and from a distance at a Chicago Bears
Football Game."

Oh really, then how do you explain this?

Joe Wilson said, " You Lie", how right he was, not just about illegals getting healtcare under Obama Care, he was right about the lying everywhere. Bill Ayers, Obamas terrorist buddy from the weather underground, tried to murder cops and military personnel with nail bombs, ya he wrote Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from my Father". Go to Amazon or anywhere, Obama is listed as author, so why did Billy boy admit to writing? Ayers said, " Michelle asked me too", Wow, does this mean I can attach my name to books I didn't write? I call War & Peace, Atlas Shrugged and Anything by Tom Clancy, I now want the credit and any money from these works....hey if it's OK for Obama to do it, why not the rest of us????
This is the kind of garbage I'm talking about. It's no wonder kids today just ain't got it in em to stand up and try to right the wrongs in this country, they don't know and can't tell whats right and wrong when all they get is double speak, edited speeches, altered photos and out right lies by the leader of the country, the leader of the free world. Iran is lying about their nuke program, N. Korea did the same, Bill Clinton lied about Monica, Obama lied about Rev. Wright, and about Ayers, and about his place of birth, and about his youth and about...well the list goes on. We all know this, why does the media choose to shroud it? Because if these kids today start to question authority, start to question the anointed one and start to question how they are being brainwashed into thinking a socialist slave is a good thing, if youth should question these things,
then the socialist will lose their power, their grip on the next generation of voters. Free thought and the ability to teach kids the truth has got to be returned to this country, Parents should
read their kid's textbooks, play scripts anything from the schools, you can teach at home and censor the MSM in your home, you can't be there to stop it in the classroom.
My only hope is that more young people follow the lead of the new conservatives rising up in America, James O'Keeffe, Hannah Giles and Melissa Ward. Melissa started a movement to save a high school professor's job, he was a conservative and the school was threatening to get rid of him. These are great young conservatives working to save America from Socialism, These are the role models for your kids, Not Barack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm.
This goes for everyone, put down the Cheetos ( mmm Cheetos ) turn off American Idol and Dancing with the Stars, take even 15 minutes a day to read up on what's really going on, look for truth, as Mulder used to say on the X-Files....The Truth is out there...don't let you kids or yourselves be sucked into the lies!
Good Day and God Bless America

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