Jim Clausen was "shocked" when the manager of the Oaks Apartments in Albany told him he could face eviction if he did not remove the American flags that fly from his Jeep and motorcycle when they are parked at the complex.Barb Holcomb, who manages the Oaks Apartments at 1440 Geary Circle S.E. for owner Stan Keller, said Clausen is correct.She is requiring that tenants take off any flag that flies from their vehicles, and that includes the Mexican flag and college team flags.Political and religious signs at a tenant's unit also are not permitted."I'm trying to avoid any conflict," Holcomb said. "I have a problem when tenants' rights to free speech come into contact with other tenants' rights of peaceful enjoyment. This policy is not a violation of any one's civil rights.
- 2007 NYFD orders Firefighters to clear lockers of all decorations including US Flags and supporting troops ribbons and items pertaining to 9/11 ( pics of friends etc )
- Denver CO. 2006- Mexican-American ( theres that term again ) students protest over illegal immigration bill, Students no longer can wear shirts picturing an American flag, several suspended for wearing US Marine Corp shirts!
- Lincoln Park High School, 9/11/06 several students suspended for wearing remember 9/11 T-shirts, violates dress code they said.
- Santa Ynez Valley Union High School in Santa Barbara- Once again the Mex-Am. students, once again banned are the American flags.
- Nov 2001- Berkeley CA. Berkeley University bans US Flags..( What a shock right? )
- NCCI Holdings, Inc. in Boca Raton, Fla., Sept 21st, 2001, bans and confiscates all American flags in workers cubicles
- May 2nd, 2002-A Myrtle Beach home owners assoc.. bans the flying of American flags..$25/day fine for all home owners that refuse to take down flags.
These all seem like small isolated incidents but, are they? This is just a few out of many hundreds of cases in this country where the flying of our national flag has been banned or even made criminal....WTF right? Well it's clearly the first few baby steps in stripping America down to nothing more that a piece of land in between Canada and Mexico. No longer are the Mighty Americans who liberated Europe from a madman, no longer are we the brave who tread where no man dare tread before. We are slowly being made weak. It starts with banning the flag here and there, soon it will be everywhere. Once your symbol of pride is gone, soon the love for the symbol will die. Out of sight, out of mind. It's like we are the bird in the cage and the socialist are leaving the blanket over the cage, lull us all to sleep so we cannot see the madness that abounds.
Want more proof of the destruction of the American culture....OK, the ACLU is now on a rampage banning crosses all over the country. First it was the ten commandments in front of courthouses, now it's crosses, not just on courthouses or buildings....no no no....it's also Soldiers tombstones that are shaped as crosses as well! Whether or not your religious, you must admit that a Soldier's tombstone is sacred, this is the worst thing I have seen the ACLU ever try! When the ACLU fought to lift a ban on gang members from a city park in San Fran...I thought OK, that's stupid....but this just makes me sick.
The ACLU wont stop there, they are also after war memorials.....yep, memorials to those who fought and died to keep this country free are under attack by the soulless demons at the ACLU.Look at the crap the ACLU is trying to pull:
- Ban Easter Cross on a city owned tower in Penn.
- Remove God from Pledge of Allegiance
- Remove prayer from the US military all together...Navy Chaplin's can no longer use God in sermons because of the ACLU!!! WTF again right?
- Mojave Cross- Mojave Desert CA.- The cross has stood for 75 yrs. honoring American war dead....ACLU is in court right now fighting to tear it down!
Please visit http://www.donttearmedown.com/ and try to help save the Mojave Cross! Also visit http://bantheaclu.gather.com/ and join in the fight against the ACLU...oh yea by the way...your tax dollars fund the ACLU.....we should have a say!
This is all done in the name of tolerance. I call it the death of national pride. If this was twenty years ago or before and you made it criminal to fly an American flag....you would either be torn to shreds or put in and mental ward....today it's the popular thing to do. When your president refuses to cover his heart during the playing of the national anthem, you know you have a problem. A president that I remind you has gone around the world spitting on America and kneeling before Saudi Kings and having drinks with Hugo Chavez....see a pattern here?
Obama is a dyed in the wool socialist, he bought Olympia Snowe off, she traded her soul for a place at the tyrants table...I hope the wine is sweet Olympia....you left a bitter taste in our mouths by crossing over. Your no moderate or centrist.....your a friggin turncoat dem. If anyone reading this lives in Maine, vote her out when shes up again!
The socialist have won half the battle already, all this I have wrote about today and no public outcry, no outrage from the nation? Why the hell not? Are we not still Americans? Do we not swell up with pride in our country during the anthem? Do we not cry for every fallen soldier who gave it all to defend us from terrorist? Have we not yet lost the rights bestowed upon us by God and our founding fathers? I say we ARE still Americans and we still have our rights, STAND UP SPEAK OUT and let all know you are proud, let all know you are angry, let all know you vote, let all know you will not stand for the destruction of the American way of life, you let not the deaths of American soldiers be for nothing, you will fight to preserve the rights and traditions of this great country, you will fight to see sure that your children and their children grow up in a free America, devoid of socialist thugs, free of those who would challenge liberty!
The question is this, How many of you will step onto the battlefield? While true patriots fight in Middle East hellholes, it is up to us to fight here to assure them when they return that America is still worth fighting for. Who will step up and join in? Do whatever you can, donate if you have the means, join conservative groups, go to Tea Parties, send a care package to one of our troops, Fly your American Flags from your homes, cars wherever and whenever! Let not any man debar you of the rights granted to you. The time is now....this is the most important time in U.S. history, In fifty years what will be said of this time? That we stood and safeguarded the Constitution and our freedoms, or that we knelt to tyranny, forsaken all those who gave the ultimate to defend us? What do you want printed in your grand kids text books?
I leave you today with a quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero,one of the great philosophers in Rome, he said in 42 B.C.:
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Good Day and God Bless America
WOW!!!! This is some RIGHTEOUS information!!!