Yep, the 1st Amendment...Freedom of Speech. The very right that allows me to ramble daily
on this blog. The 1st is more than just an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, it's a god given right, the right to think freely then allow others access to such thoughts through protest, rallies,
billboards and media. The 1st is the heart and soul of the Constitution, without it, we are lost. When the founding fathers thought enough to bestow such a great right as the 1st to upon the citizens of the new nation, in their wildest dreams they could not have imagined the attacks that would fall on the 1st. Are we truly free to speak? Before you answer, take a look around and make sure no one is listening!
As I sit here now writing, and you reading, I'm sure there is someone else watching from a little office, making sure I only say the things I'm allowed to say. Free speech is not what you think it is. As always there are limits to any freedom, yelling fire in a crowded theater when no fire exist is not a good idea. Some people go around calling for the killing of others, politicians, hated enemies and the such, once again, not a good idea and most times illegal. I have no problem with these basic rules, after all we are a varied society, many different ideals and beliefs all clashing together in daily instances, respect for others is key no matter how much you disagree with them. With that said, does it mean you cannot speak your peace? No. You have the right within the law to call for deportation of illegals, call for the ousting of a president, the firing of a coach whatever is on your mind. you have the right to attend rallies and speak your mind, the right to peaceably assemble with others who share your views, to carry picket signs and the right to call out your elected officials. Since we have the right to free speech in all these arenas, why all the hub-bub? Because Free Speech is under attack in this country, once the citizens are silenced, we become slaves. The U.S.A without free speech is China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba
Venezuela and so on.

Free Speech right? Maybe. This billboard appeared on I-70 in Blue Springs , Missouri last month. The media covered as if it were a billboard advertising the beating of children or the starving of kittens, it was the worst kind of trash they said, well even if you agree, the person who paid to have this board put up has the right to do so. Try as they might, the local media here in KC has not been able to find the owner of the billboard. The Mayor of Blue Springs said, " I have gotten calls about that particular billboard." Um...OK, what kind of calls? It's only a matter of time before this guy or gal is found, the board taken down and maybe a fine or jail time? I wouldn't be shocked if ti happened. The Socialist powers that are in control now do not like this kind of free speech. They also don't like people such as Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity or anyone who disagrees with them or even worse threatens to expose their true intentions. Why would a political party, or any elected official want to hide their idea's and goals, are not these the reasons they got elected, the very idea's and goals they used to sway peoples votes? Well it's a simple answer, when your goal is to in slave an entire nation and you lied through your teeth to get into a position to do so, ya you would want to hide it, Hence the need to quell free speech.
It's a simple formula they follow, one proven throughout history to be affective. First you
Crush free speech at every turn, abuse your imagined powers as supreme rulers of the land to pass laws and hinder any form of protest or assembly, new definitions of the free speech and maybe even a ruling by your puppets on the Supreme Court. Now without the right to speak out, you find and eradicate any dissenters. Once this is done, your are in total control, the next generation coming up will take the loss of free speech as a norm and that's it, it's all over. Once you have burned into the minds of the young that free speech is wrong, that the government is all knowing and all power full, they will be less likely to resist with every passing generation.
Hell, the government could even use con con to wipe out any and all of our liberties. Con Con
is a Constitutional Convention. A constitutional convention is a gathering for the purpose of writing a new constitution or revising an existing constitution. If 34 states were to call for a con con, then the wheels are set in motion. As of 1988 32 states had called for a con con but as of 2009 12 states are putting up votes to resend their call for a con con. I wouldn't pretend to understand the ins and outs of a con con, and the Constitution has actually never been amended in this way but, with the insanity that looms in the hall of power today, con con is one of those little known things they could use to debar us from the 1st, or 2nd or any of the amendments that protect us from tyranny.
Even now there are pushes to execute the sharing of free thought and peaceable action. Wholefoods, which is a chain of stores selling healthy organic foods and the such, a company started by an ex-hippie who mid way through his adult life realized capitalism is not the devil, he embraced and a new found Conservative way of thinking. He recently when on record saying that Obama-care is not in the best interest for America. All holy hell broke loose and the protesters ( very very few ) where on the scene at his stores. In response a buy-cott was called for by certain Conservatives and was underway, people who support this man and his ideals were shopping in his stores, tasking photo's of themselves at the check stands. All covered by our rights as consumers correct? WRONG AGAIN.....The Wholefoods store in Paramus NJ is in a strip mall owned by a company that gives huge amounts of money to the Dems. Well while these citizens held their legal & peaceful buy-cott, the mall cops were called the police. These people, American Citizens were doing nothing more than exercising their First Amendment rights, yet they were told to leave and threatened with arrest. The threat of being imprisoned for nothing more than buying groceries and speaking out. This is what we have come too. The left has used every tactic in the book to squash the Tea Party movement, the Town Halls became invite only, phone calls to reps go un-answered and ignored. No more is the majority silent, and the leftist are at the end of their ropes trying to find ways to silence the truth. Whats next?
Well get ready for this......You are next! That's right. The Federal Trade Commission voted 4-0
to go after bloggers, yep, simple people like me are under attack but, it's not just the bloggers, it's all of us. The Czars put into place by Obama are so numerous we have lost count of who is who. Well one we know for sure is Mark Lloyd, the FCC Diversity Czar....oh yea, this guy is dangerous! He is after your 1st amendment rights full on and he does not hide it. Lets look at his agenda:
- Require commercial owners who fail to abide by enforceable public interest obligations to pay a fee to support public broadcasting.
- Restore local and national caps on the ownership of commercial radio stations
- Ensure greater local accountability over radio licensing
What all this means is that Lloyd can impose huge fines on any local station that doesn't meet his racial criteria. If an AM station hires three reporters in a year, two must be black, if not then you will donate mega amounts of money to NPR. This is his way of targeting local and national conservative talk show host. Going back to earlier paragraph--get rid of dissenters and quell free speech, insure that only the speech the left wants is broadcast, we used to call this indoctrination when the soviets did it, now it's equal time in media? WTF????
It's not just talk show host and bloggers, no no no, it's you as well. If you have ever received an email with a joke in it about the president or congress, maybe portraying them in an unkind light, and you in turn forwarded it, you are now under the watch full eye of the White house's Internet Snitch Program . That's right, any citizen can send questionable emails, websites, blogs, twitter tweets even face book past to the secret service and before you know it, your in Leavenworth, a political prisoner in modern day America, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
So the next time you post a "support the troops" or "God bless America" magnet on your truck, the time you think about having the "Live Free or Die" window art put on the rear window of your pick up or even daring to speak your mind in a forum such as this blog, think twice, are you willing to risk freedom? I hope you are willing to risk it as I risk it every day. Fly your Gadsden flags, stick 20 NRA stickers on your car, join a Tea Party in your city, When you see or hear some politician trashing America, Speak out! When teachers want to force your kids into singing the praises of a man with questionable intent towards America, SPEAK UP. I have not said or done anything illegal, Everything I post here is within my rights as an American Citizen, You too can speak's a right you exercises ever make it count!
There is one voice that they can't silence, that is our right to VOTE...2010 is the time to turn all this around and bring America back from the brink of being a failed Republic. Say it Loud, Say it Proud!
Good Day and God Bless America
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