Monday, October 5, 2009

Who's your Daddy?

3:18 p.m.- Thursday like any other. Some are leaving work others are just getting to work. All the hustle and bustle of the city is in full swing. As you sit at a jammed intersection, 8 cars ahead of you all await the same reprieve from this jail; a green light. Then just as you start to roll forward the car dies, as do all the others in line. Then from nowhere a millisecond of brilliant light......Then the pain hits. The car is thrown forty feet backwards onto another car. Your alive
but for how long. What the hell just happened???? You crawl out to see the battered and bleeding walking aimlessly about. Off in the distance you can see it.....Oh my God, that's all you can mutter as you stand in the shadow of an enormous mushroom cloud. As you stand there on the road, looking at the oddest colored sky you have ever seen a million questions race thru your mind. Who did this, why wasn't we warned, is my family OK, why is there no wind, no birds, why are some people burnt to a crisp and I'm not. You reach for your cell phone but no, not this time, no more is information at hand. No, now you are just as the caveman was, ignorant to almost everything around, a stranger in a strange land. After you gather your senses you realize it's only a 10 block walk home. Your one of the very few lucky ones. Your family is at home, your all together in the house, safe now......or are you?

It doesn't really matter who attacked us with the Nuke, Iran, Russia, N. Korea, Islamic Radicals, China....does it really matter? All that matters is the entire U.S of A has now changed forever. As you sit in your dark house, no power, no phone no radio or TV even with batteries in em all ya get is snow, if they work at all. The EMP from the blast has shut down every electrical circuit for hundreds of miles. You look around the house, you have food to eat...for about 2 days, the water is still on...but for how long, no power equals no pumps and no cleaning. You stare out the window and now your news cast is the 100 or so feet around, this is your whole world, and it looks ugly. Landscaping is all blown to hell, dark and you hear the screams of those who didn't
have all their family return, the screams of those frightened by this new reality and the cries of the angry mobs now roaming the streets only a mere 10 hours of detonation. Where are the police? Where is the National Guard? These people are gonna come in and take our food, our belongings....WHERE IS OUR HELP?????

Five blocks away sits another family...also lucky to all be at home, all be alive. They are sitting secure knowing they have enough provisions to last a few months, they have water, food, warm blankets. They have plastic sheeting taped around the doors and windows, Dad and Mom each have a handgun strapped to their hip and the AR-15 is never out of Dad's reach. the hand crank world band radio is picking up faint broadcast from the West Coast of the US, seems it was a massive attack, major cities all the country have been hit. America is now a free for all wasteland. Help is not coming.

Once again I ask, "Who's your Daddy?". After hurricane Katrina we found out it sure as hell isn't FEMA. Katrina was a hurricane, most of the damage was isolated to just one region, no threat of repeated hurricanes. One event, yet when I sat and watched the aftermath on TV, it was clear that the welfare state known as New Orleans was a glimpse of America to come. New Orleans had a majority population living off the Govt.. People who had been 4th generation
residents of the city, and who also are 4th generation on public assistance. That means going back to their grandparents and down to their one in the family had work in 60 years.
The Govt. was daddy, handing them food, cash, a home, transportation and every little thing they needed in life. all of the sudden, daddy wasn't there, and they had no clue how to take care of themselves. It was one of the most pathetic sights I have seen. Looters stealing Plasma T.V.'s
and liquor, not the essentials in a flood/storm situation. I would probably loot too in that hell, diapers, water, food...the things need to survive. That's if I wasn't smart enough to leave. N.O. had a weeks warning that this would be a huge storm and that destruction was going to be massive. I'm sorry but, even if on welfare, with no car or buses, I would have taken a shopping cart and a few essentials and walked my kids out, walked the 30 or 40 miles inland to relative safety. These people chose to stay and the chaos that followed is a clear demonstration of why the Govt. can't be your daddy.

Here in Kansas, it seems every other year or so we get at least one massive tornado. Most recently the monster that hit Greensburg Kansas. In the immediate hours following the storm
residents were out helping others. Everyone had lost everything...yet these people got out, helped those trapped, got together and shared what food and water was to be had. There was no mass crying for the Govt. to get in and crying for the cameras about how we need help and Bush ain't here to help us. I can hear all the leftist right now...Calling me a racist for trashing the people of N.O., well it has nothing to do with color, has to do with smarts.
The residents of Greensburg knew the risk of living in tornado alley, they were prepared for the situation. The people of N.O. knew it was only a matter of time before the big one hit, just as the people in Kalifornia know it's only a matter of time before the San Andreas cuts loose with a 10 pointer. the difference is cities and towns where the majority of the population feeds of the govt. are as the grasshopper all day, never preparing for the winter to come, as the smart ant did. Self Reliance is the greatest gift we as humans have been given, the gift of foresight and the knowledge to prepare and survive the disasters that loom, be they natural or man made.

Yet in this, the new era of the USSA we are bombarded by Govt. propaganda telling us to sit back and let the Govt. take care of us. From the running of our corporations to our health care to what we can and can't eat, drink, smoke drive and even what we can set our thermostats to. The left has control right now, and with crap legislation like cap & trade, Obama-care, TARP etc etc, we are not only giving up our rights, we are surrendering our lives to these greedy, power mad soulless thugs. It's not a good thing when the Govt. built your car or holds the mortgage on your house. Every day in this country the govt. is stepping closer and closer to controlling you. The Mainstream Media is owned by the white house now. Name one other president who was "given" so much free air time by ABC? The time slots Obama had to pitch this "obamanation" called the Health care bill would have cost anyone else millions to buy. With the exception of Fox news, every major network and news outlet is controlled by the left. Pick up a paper, turn on MSNBC if ya can stand to watch it for more than two minutes and really really listen to slant used to further the left agenda. Once the left controls the MSM, they control a chunk of the population. People are sheep in general. They spend time worrying about tweeting about which Celeb is dating which Celeb, more worried about how their fantasy football team did or who's getting kicked off Idol this week. Don't get me wrong, we all need a distraction, I'm a huge sports fan, Go Jayhawks, Go Sharks, the chiefs and royals still suck, with that said, you have to wake up once in a while and see what is happening right outside your door. There are young men & women dying in a shit hole country right now to defend you from terrorist....there are little people in little rooms in D.C. right now trying to figure out how to get you on the govt. teet, they are like drug dealers on the street, trying to get you hooked so you will always come back for more or until you die then they can replace you with another sucker.

Wake up America! Be self reliant, be prepared. Look around you and see what is happening. Don't get on the govt. gravy train. Use your voice to say NO. Say no in letters, emails and phone calls to your congress people and your reps. Say no at the polls in 2010! Nothing scares a career politician more than the thought of having to find a real job! The biggest thing you can do is prepare. Stock up on food, water, %5.0 unscented bleach for purifying water, batteries, warm clothes, toiletries and yes ammo! Be ready to help your self when the govt wont and cant. Is disaster looming, who knows? Civil unrest and riots maybe unlikely to happen anytime soon but, with ice storms, blizzards, hurricanes, tornado's, floods, earthquakes, tsunami's an every day occurrence, you can never be too prepared. Have enough and a way to defend it. Don't be the guy on CNN begging for FEMA to get here, don't be the gal crying on T.V. for the Govt. to get you milk for the baby. Be the person who rides it out and sits relatively pretty. Be the person that everyone looks too and says, "Wow, that guy knew how to be ready, we shoulda did that". Be those people the news interviews that look healthy and sane after the disaster.

As a last side note, I ask you to think about this, Why is it the government would want to keep so many people on welfare? The answer is simple, the more people you keep on assistance, the more you control them. Democrats have used this tactic for decades to control votes. Every election a democrat comes out and spouts off about how the Republican Party candidate will tax em to death and hold em down. While the Donkey will promise more benefits until they get you on your feet. Well welfare recipients pull the lever for the donkey and what happens, they get a few more bucks a month, they get to sit home all day watching TV, watching others work to pay for it, then four years later they hear the same speech, pull for the same party and continue what is a very vicious circle. You need only look at New Orleans for proof of this.

In times of Chaos, the Strong Devour the Weak. Be strong and be prepared! If your interested in how to PREP for disasters, there are numerous things like PREP, SHTF( shit hits the fan )words like survivalist, food storage etc. Lots of great info out there.

Also you will notice a few new links on the Patriots Resource list....Modern Day Patriot is an outstanding site you must visit! also is God Bless America...a blog that is must read, Richard is smart as a whip and is right on track with his assessments of the current state of American politics...go read him, after you read mine :o)

Good Day and God Bless America

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