It's a well known fact that Americans can only be pushed so far, we have seen the rallies and tea parties, the town halls and the marches, this is how it starts, Big O knows this and he also
knows that he must act fast to quell the growing discord of the people. So exactly how do you pull off enslavement of 300+million Americans?
- Executive Order 11490----- Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, and the Federal Civil Defense Act
- Violent Crime Control Act of 1991, provides additional powers to the President of the United States, allowing the suspension of the Constitution and Constitutional rights of Americans during a “drug crisis”. It provides for the construction of detention camps, seizure of property, and military control of populated areas
- The power provided by these “laws” allows suspension of the Constitution and the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights during any civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes and allows the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of Martial Law
That's a few ways of going about it. Using little known Executive Orders, Laws passed before most people were even born and declarations of National Emergency are sure ways to whittle down the constitution and take your freedoms. The H1N1 is soooooooooo convenient to Obama right now.....yes it is deadly in some cases, yes it needs to be dealt with and treated but....why all the panic, why all the hub bub when regular influenza A kills thousands more a year? That's right, because the regular flu doesn't fit the criteria for words like "Pandemic" or "Global Health Hazard" these are the words you need to strike fear in people, once the populous is frightened enough, the nanny government can rush in to save us, but it's gonna cost! It is gonna cost you money and cost freedom.
In other post last week I went over CDC quarantine facilities and the like....but once the ol' Executive Order pen comes out, it won't be the CDC running camps, it will be FEMA, which means Homeland Security, Which means Obama's private army. First you lay the ground work, some was laid before him, like order 11490, Violence Control Acts you need a reason to make your move, this should do nicely:
- Oct 25, 2009 ... President Barack Obama has declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency
Now you have all your ducks in a row, just gonna need some soldiers. Yeah he has the ATF, U.S. Marshalls and some others at his disposal but, for mass dis-arming, round-ups and patrols to hold onto cities and towns, gonna need ALOT of soldiers, he knows a big chunk of the U.S. Military will notgo for this, these people are their family and friends and fellow Americans, so you need others...:
- State Defense Forces
1956, Federal Law 32 U.S.C., Section 109, was passed by Congress. The law authorized, but did not mandate, each state to establish and maintain a State Defense Force to replace the National Guard.
Well geez, there we go. Twenty One states currently have these Defense Forces. Members of the State Defense Forces buy their own uniforms, own their own weapons. They do not receive pay, sounds like volunteerism to me, maybe membership in one of the state forces will count towards Obama's iPledge crap? Now if you read my post and saw the video of Obama a few weeks ago, you would know he has called for a National Civilian Defense Force...just to refresh your memory:
All the pieces starting to fit yet? Why would our new Nanny's tell us that guns are bad, they are a health hazard and they should be taken away, only to give them to a select few.....hmmm, that's a head scratcher. It's clear that the Obama secret police and brown shirt army are being formed if not already. It's also clear that now more than ever we are in actual danger of losing our freedoms. I have heard people my whole life tell me the same thing: "It will never happen here in the U.S.A.", Well it's happening now.
Once they have us dis-armed, paniced and afraid to leave our homes for fear of out of control crime in the streets, the brown shirts will come save us. Martial law will be put into place. Check points, curfews and energy rations, i.e no commercial power after 10 p.m. that kinda thing, keep everyone home and under control. No more Taco Bell at 1 a.m. if ya feel like it, no more McDonalds at 3 a.m. for the night shift workers. No more being able to just leave the house if you feel like it, at least without a permit ofsome sort. No the nanny's have decided that it's best to stay home and stay safe.
Want to see the nanny state is actual factual action? Go get some video of New Orleans during Katrina.....People were scared, shouting for the government to save them and them blamed the government for the whole mess and got out of control, that's when the armed soldiers and military contractors came in to lock it down as they call it. They took law biding citizens aside, illegally searched them and dis-armed them. They rounded em all up, stuck em in one hole at the Dome and "processed" them. It worked for the simple fact that the welfare state in New Orleans had created generations of people unable to help themselves, perfect fodder for a test run.
Heres a few more things to think about:
- Many presidents have issued Executive Orders - which is not spelled out in the Constitution. These orders allow the transfer of whole populations, forced labor, take-over of the systems in the U.S. all on a perceived emergency - not necessarily a real one.
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency has full control over the entire United States during a real or perceived crisis. It can move whole populations, take over banks, transportation, industry, ports, etc. And citizens will have no Constitutional rights
- Social Security was created as a pension program and your SS card was not to be used for identification. Now it is used as your military service number and on every government and non-government form - illegally. Soon to be your re-location number
- Wackenhut -A little known organization founded by former FBI agents is the largest private army in the United States, operating security in our jails, hospitals, firehouses, prisons and at nuclear facilities. Sounds like a private army is already trained and the way...their logo ontheir website...Securing Your World drips with irony.
- Sec. 433.002. ISSUANCE OF DIRECTIVES. (a) After a state of emergency is proclaimed, the governor may issue reasonable directives calculated to control effectively and terminate the emergency and protect life and property. Before a directive takes effect, reasonable notice must be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected area, through television or radio serving the affected area, or by circulating notices or posting signs at conspicuous places in the affected area.
(b) The directive may provide for:
(1) control of public and private transportation in the affected area;
(2) designation of specific zones in the affected area in which, if necessary, the use and occupancy of buildings and vehicles may be controlled;
(3) control of the movement of persons;
(4) control of places of amusement or assembly;
(5) establishment of curfews;
(6) control of the sale, transportation, and use of alcoholic beverages, weapons, and ammunition, except as provided by Section 433.0045; and
(7) control of the storage, use, and transportation of explosives or flammable materials considered dangerous to public safety.
Pay strict attention to #'s 3,4,5,6 and 7....We are right now in a state of national emergency, this could go into affect anytime Obama wants it too. He can limit your movement,your right to assemble would be gone, tell you when you can leave the house, also restrict your access to firearms and ammunition and number 7 restricts the sale of flammible materials .....GASOLINE
See how easy it is, since some people got swine flu....the government can stop the sale of gas and weapons and place you under house arrest.
Before anyone calls me crazy or a conspiracy nut etc., these are all facts and this is happening right now....turn off American Idol or Dancing with the Stars...put down leftist Newspapers and turn off CNN, search for real truth....Don't be afraid of the truth, use the fear to spark your determination to help stop it. Get involved, vote....go to a rally or tea party....Let all those who challenge your liberty know you will not go gently into that good night, you, I, we, America will rage at the flickering flame.
Good Day and God Bless America